Birds of a feather tend to flock together,but birds in personalized periodcostumes can only be found in one place.
Australia has an annual duck fashionshow. While it sounds like something thathappens when your close friends correctyour secret thoughts about vogue (時尚), itis, in fact, a real thing. Every year, nearlya million people in Australia head to Sydneyto celebrate the show. Theres one specialevent that you can only find at thisshow, and its really amazing! Its calledthe Pied Piper Duck Show, and its basicallyducks dressed in costumes waddlingdown a“cat walk”.
Thats right! Incredibly, this kind offashion show has been held for the past 30years. The annual duck fashion show is theidea of the late Brian Harrington, an Australianfarmer who organized the event?from its beginning until his death in 2015.Although Brian is gone, the show must goon, and over 900,000 people regularly attendthe fashion show each year.
During the show, ducks model threeoutfits: daytime, evening, and wedding.Their outfits have to look as if theyvestepped out of an 1800s time capsule. Tophats, bustles, corset dresses, and tiny ladyhats are all common sights on the duckrunway.Visitorscantgetenoughofthe adorableanimals, and at the end, they get tovote on their favorites. Australians areknown for strange ideas, but this is a new levelof cuteness we can never have expected!
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What makes the duck fashion show so popular with fans in your eyes?