




      2023-07-14 06:32:35本刊試題研究中心
      瘋狂英語·新策略 2023年2期


      Test 1

      I awoke one day to find the dry stone wall in my front yard toppled (倒塌); small holeswere all over the garden. I replaced the stones and 1 the holes. The next morning, thesame thing happened. This occurred 2 .

      It wasnt long before I saw the 3 —a fox with a red bushy tail, a pointy nose andlong whiskers.

      He was 4 at the start although day by day he became bolder. He always knewwhen it was garbage night. He could slip through the fence with the greatest of 5 toavoid you, and 6 himself in undergrowth.

      I admired him for his cleverness. But when my rose bushes were 7 , enough wasenough. So, a cage was 8 and baited with a foxs favourite 9 —chicken drumsticks.

      I watched as he climbed the porch steps to get a better view of the 10 . You couldalmost see the cogs (輪齒) turning in his 11 as he tried to 12 how to get to themeal.

      He 13 the cage, surveying it from every angle. Still, he sensed something was14 and wouldnt enter the cage in which twice the neighbours cat was caught.

      As I write, the fox is still on the run. He has my 15 .

      1. A. refilled B. repositioned C. reopened D. reproduced

      2. A. repeatedly B. relatively C. accidentally D. temporarily

      3. A. target B. criminal C. polluter D. observer

      4. A. active B. smart C. shy D. polite

      5. A. effort B. ease C. courage D. determination

      6. A. comfort B. accompany C. prepare D. hide

      7. A. preserved B. recognized C. established D. destroyed

      8. A. held up B. picked up C. set up D. brought up

      9. A. instrument B. treat C. toy D. spot

      10. A. rose B. street C. cage D. garbage

      11. A. claws B. ears C. body D. mind

      12. A. work out B. turn out C. give out D. leave out

      13. A. circled B. bit C. seized D. broke

      14. A. urgent B. wrong C. cruel D. poisonous

      15. A. mercy B. concern C. admiration D. apology

      Test 2

      When my friend and I arrived to meet my new?found paternal cousin, the summer aftermy father died, her dog Sooty was at her front gate. He saw my 1 and greeted her2 , and then, to my surprise, instead of treating me as another stranger he acted as if healready knew me and I was 3 to him.

      With his body pressed against my leg, walking was 4 as he insisted on stayingwith me.

      For the whole 5 , Sooty sat on the sofa beside me with his head on my lap, gazingup at me fondly. Worried that he was 6 me, my cousin tried several times to 7 him,but he wouldnt go. She apologized, explaining that he only behaved that way with 8 .That was profound because she was the first blood relative of my fathers that I had evermet.

      When I stood up to leave, Sooty 9 himself firmly against me for an ungainly (笨拙的) walk back to the 10 . He wouldnt 11 from me and had to be 12 removed.

      His owner and I 13 cousins and Sooty formed a relationship with me, too. Did he14 something in the shared family 15 ? I like to think so.

      1. A. companion B. relative C. colleague D. pet

      2. A. warmly B. briefly C. instantly D. equally

      3. A. kind B. polite C. faithful D. special

      4. A. awkward B. messy C. terrifying D. annoying

      5. A. trip B. conference C. visit D. activity

      6. A. entertaining B. threatening C. bothering D. disabling

      7. A. observe B. remove C. ignore D. alarm

      8. A. trainers B. friends C. strangers D. families

      9. A. repositioned B. regained C. repeated D. reminded

      10. A. sitting?room B. house C. gate D. diner

      11. A. hear B. part C. learn D. escape

      12. A. voluntarily B. thoroughly C. willingly D. forcibly

      13. A. bonded as B. started with C. turned out D. focused on

      14. A. adopt B. confirm C. sense D. desire

      15. A. traditions B. beliefs C. atmospheres D. genes

      Test 3

      Its always a little nerve?wracking (傷腦筋的) to drive in a big city. The sea of cars,one?way streets and traffic lights can be 1 , even if youre an experienced city driver.Take Paris, for instance. The city is famous for its chaotic 2 . Youd think stop signswould be a 3 —and yet the city doesnt have a single one.

      Paris hasnt always been a stop?sign?free city 4 . The city did have a stop sign.Yes, just one—a single red sign 5 “STOP”stood at the exit of a construction site.

      It was 6 on a riverside road in Pariss 16th district. And despite this signs 7claim to fame, it seems that no one paid much 8 to it. Sometime between May 2012and September 2014, the stop sign just 9 right off the post that 10 it, and it hasntbeen returned.

      There may not be stop signs, but plenty of other 11 keep Parisian streets from12 a mess. One of the most common is a red circle with a line through it, which 13a one?way street. Basically, if you ever find yourself behind the 14 in Paris, drive15 .

      1.A. grateful B. powerful C. skillful D. stressful

      2. A. roads B. scenes C. buildings D. railways

      3. A. similarity B. necessity C. reality D. possibility

      4. A. either B. otherwise C. though D. besides

      5. A. writing B. reading C. reflecting D. recognizing

      6. A. put B. stationed C. situated D. tried

      7. A. equal B. artificial C. permanent D. unique

      8. A. attention B. concern C. money D. doubt

      9. A. fell B. turned C. disappeared D. looked

      10. A. held B. made C. broke D. designed

      11. A. rules B. signs C. systems D. methods

      12. A. digging into B. looking into C. diving into D. turning into

      13. A. indicates B. admits C. involves D. ensures

      14. A. camera B. wheel C. lane D. chair

      15. A. thankfully B. actively C. correctly D. carefully

      Test 4

      My mother was an extrovert (性格外向者). She 1 everywhere: the church, thegrocery store, and the street. Dad was the 2 type. Before she died, Mom had 3 usto“take care of Dad”. What would happen to him now?

      I glanced over at the 4 , hanging silently on the wall. When Mom was here, itnever 5 ringing. She talked to everyone, from 6 shed known since elementaryschool to brand?new pals. With Mom around, Dads social life was 7 . How many timeshad I heard her tell him to get ready for some events? Dad would grumble (咕噥) as he8 his coat. But after he got home, hed be full of 9 about who won the card gameor who caught a fish.

      I left with a note,“Please, someone help me 10 Moms last request.”In the com?ing months something 11 happened. When we 12 Dads place, we 13 Dadsphone ringing and ringing. All the friends Mom used to call now called Dad. They 14him to different events. We 15 Mom must have given them the same instructions.

      1. A. made sense B. made friends C. made up D. made sure

      2. A. generous B. faithful C. quiet D. negative

      3. A. promised B. asked C. advised D. chosen

      4. A. photo B. coat C. phone D. calendar

      5. A. stopped B. started C. kept D. delayed

      6. A. friends B. parents C. strangers D. colleagues

      7. A. hopeless B. full C. boring D. unique

      8. A. took off B. put on C. tore apart D. folded up

      9. A. complaints B. ideas C. excitement D. news

      10. A. recall B. reject C. make D. fulfil

      11. A. terrifying B. disappointing C. amazing D. puzzling

      12. A. stopped by B. took over C. left for D. returned from

      13. A. saw B. felt C. imagined D. found

      14. A. denied B. instructed C. invited D. permitted

      15. A. figured B. predicted C. doubted D. ensured

      Test 5

      Naming a child can be a stressful situation and new parents will often spend hoursupon hours coming up with the perfect and 1 name. As one of them, a mom found out,2 , it is really important to 3 that name correctly on the birth certificate.

      Kelsey Tate, a 4 mother from Seattle, Washington, became popular on Twitterwhen she 5 that a misspelling on her daughters birth certificate had left the kid witha(n) 6 name. Instead of saying“Kora”, the birth certificate said“Korn”.

      “The hospital 7 my babys name and we just got the birth certificate and itsKorn,”Tate wrote.“My babys name is 8 Korn.”

      Korn is also the name of a popular 9 from the late 1990s and early 2000s. Its lyr?ics often focused on 10 , drug use and other topics people usually wouldnt 11with babies.

      She also revealed that while the 12 was made on the official birth certificate,there are ways to get that 13 .

      Apparently, this whole situation has left Tate very 14 and she also knows muchmore about the band Korn than she 15 did. According to her, she now knows the nameof every Korns song.

      1. A. successful B. meaningful C. useful D. helpful

      2. A. however B. instead C. otherwise D. therefore

      3. A. choose B. remember C. spell D. call

      4. A. loving B. careless C. special D. new

      5. A. realized B. predicted C. discovered D. revealed

      6. A. beautiful B. unusual C. familiar D. reasonable

      7. A. covered up B. set up C. mixed up D. turned up

      8. A. legally B. secretly C. randomly D. correctly

      9. A. hospital B. band C. singer D. studio

      10. A. happiness B. love C. violence D. cuteness

      11. A. associate B. replace C. charge D. share

      12. A. decision B. mistake C. accident D. favor

      13. A. caught B. placed C. disappeared D. fixed

      14. A. amused B. worried C. annoyed D. puzzled

      15. A. regularly B. recently C. finally D. previously

      Test 6

      Alaina and Keith Schwartz, the owners of a coffee shop, were surprised to discoverthat someone had graffitied (涂鴉) a fence outside their shop. But the real 1 came afterthey posted the incident on Facebook.

      Discovering the graffiti on their property was 2 , Alaina and Keith decided to takea more 3 route instead of calling the 4 . They shared what had happened online,explaining that they were 5 to give the fence an update with a mural (壁畫).

      “Calling all 6 !”they wrote. It was 7 what they asked for.“We are lookingfor something that will bring hope, and 8 our community!”

      As their post gained attention online, they heard from the very people they had least9 to see again. One day three 10 came into the coffee shop. The teens looked11 , but they found the courage to 12 for graffitiing the fence and they promisedto repaint it. Shocked at their 13 choice to return to the shop, Keith and Alaina in?stantly chose forgiveness.

      After the graffiti was 14 , the amazing couple received a call from Shower ThePeople, a charitable organization in Nashville. They were 15 by the couples story andcreated a mural for them.

      What a powerful demonstration of forgiveness! It just goes to show that one act ofkindness can have a domino (多米諾骨牌) effect.

      1. A. sadness B. pressure C. guilt D. shock

      2. A. disappointing B. embarrassing C. confusing D. exciting

      3. A. adventurous B. positive C. realistic D. supportive

      4. A. customer B. manager C. police D. company

      5. A. inspired B. persuaded C. required D. permitted

      6. A. neighbors B. doctors C. artists D. teachers

      7. A. frequently B. eventually C. exactly D. casually

      8. A. protect B. connect C. repair D. recognize

      9. A. arranged B. promised C. refused D. expected

      10. A. teenagers B. painters C. customers D. adults

      11. A. terrified B. delighted C. depressed D. surprised

      12. A. apply B. apologize C. prepare D. stand

      13. A. proud B. selfless C. modest D. brave

      14. A. given out B. broken down C. painted over D. packed up

      15. A. touched B. amused C. defeated D. disturbed

      Test 7

      As the COVID?19 pandemic (流行?。?is affecting the global economy greatly, the Beltand Road Initiative has lighted some 1 . Serving as an international 2 for coopera?tion, the Belt and Road has played a(n) 3 role in the world.

      Following the epidemic, China has 4 to rescue those in need, upholding the5 of a community with a shared 6 for mankind.

      The right approach to 7 global crises and realizing long?term development isthrough greater connectivity and openness.

      China will work with its partners to 8 the Belt and Road into a model of coopera?tion, a model of health, a model of recovery, and a model of growth.

      Chinas proposals have been welcomed by experts around the globe. CharlesOnunaiju, director of the Center for China Studies in Abuja, Nigeria, said they have givenAfrican countries full 9 in defeating the pandemic.

      “The Belt and Road, in which Africa is considerably 10 , will play a key role inglobal recovery,”said Onunaiju.

      Pavle Basic, member of the Serbia National Council for Coordination of Cooperationwith Russia and China, said Serbia has given its full 11 to the Belt and Road.

      “We think the initiative as one of the most 12 initiatives on the global arena,which will 13 the creation of worldwide partnerships in all areas,”said Basic.

      Many countries 14 the vision that, China, whose economy has begun to 15recover, can lead them to develop and face the next challenges together.

      1. A. review B. approval C. hope D. imagination

      2. A. platform B. organization C. charity D. reminder

      3. A. admirable B. basic C. vital D. mental

      4. A. rushed B. forgotten C. refused D. preferred

      5. A. zone B. vision C. line D. secret

      6. A. choice B. stage C. outline D. future

      7. A. tending B. solving C. learning D. fostering

      8. A. throw B. bring C. divide D. develop

      9. A. confidence B. convenience C. evidence D. impression

      10. A. inspired B. permitted C. engaged D. remarked

      11. A. connection B. touch C. support D. witness

      12. A. ridiculous B. significant C. similar D. terminal

      13. A. call for B. pick out C. build up D. contribute to

      14. A. share B. transform C. promote D. lift

      15. A. temporarily B. formerly C. casually D. steadily

      Test 8

      Several years ago, the curiosity of a 10?year?old boy helped start a love affair withbirds that have flown past his village to offer support for the 1 of migratory raptors (猛禽) passing through the southern Philippines.

      It all started when Joriden Ligoyligoy saw a group of strangers 2 the sky withbinoculars (雙筒望遠(yuǎn)鏡) from the top of a 3 in his village. With the curiosity of achilds mind, Ligoyligoy climbed the hill to 4 what they were doing. To his delight, thestrangers, who 5 themselves as bird?watchers, allowed him to peek through their pow?erful 6 . The boy was awed to see a close?up of raptors, or 7 of prey, coming fromthe north.

      Looking through the telescope, Ligoyligoy was 8 attracted.“These migrating rap?tors are a(n) 9 to see,”said Ligoyligoy.“They take away my stress. I 10 watchingthese mighty birds.”

      Since that day, if he is 11 and doesnt need to help with housework, Ligoyligoyvolunteers as a watcher of the 12 raptor monitoring with other members. Ligoyligoy,who is in the ninth grade, can 13 the raptors, known locally as langgam, passingthrough the 14 like they are his best friends, earning him the nickname the“raptorboy”of Sarangani.

      Now, in addition to appealing to his fellow youths in his neighborhood to stop huntingbirds, he also 15 the community members to stop cutting trees in the mountains to pro?tect the migratory birds.

      1. A. announcement B. protection C. environment D. condition

      2. A. scanning B. comparing C. copying D. showing

      3. A. bridge B. tower C. hill D. castle

      4. A. ask for B. find out C. turn out D. give away

      5. A. introduced B. promised C. considered D. promoted

      6. A. video B. phone C. watch D. telescope

      7. A. animals B. insects C. birds D. beasts

      8. A. rarely B. deeply C. frequently D. necessarily

      9. A. sight B. cartoon C. imagination D. painting

      10. A. mind B. delay C. mean D. enjoy

      11. A. bored B. relaxed C. free D. confident

      12. A. personal B. annual C. hopeful D. wild

      13. A. identify B. greet C. warn D. change

      14. A. city B. bush C. river D. village

      15. A. orders B. allows C. persuades D. forces

      Test 9

      Truman Garcia Capote was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1924. He lived a(n)1 life as a child. When he was young, Trumans mother 2 him to live with herfamily in Alabama. He lived with his aunts and cousins for several years.

      Truman was a very 3 child. He was very 4 from everyone around him. Hewas much more intelligent and sensitive than others and 5 that no one understoodhim. This helps 6 why Truman began writing. Putting his 7 on paper helped himfeel less lonely. As a child, he would write for about three hours a day after 8 .

      Truman did not do 9 in school. He was very 10 but did not like classes. Hestopped 11 high school when he was 17 years old. Instead, he started working for TheNew Yorker magazine. And, he kept on writing. Some people spent half of their 12 notknowing what they were going to do. But Truman knew he wanted to be a writer and hewanted to be famous. He 13 .

      In 1945, Truman sold his short story to a major magazine. This story, Miriam, 14a literary prize called the O. Henry Award. A publishing company soon gave him money tostart working on another book.

      With his novel Other Voices, Other Rooms published in 1948, Truman Capote soon be?came well?known in the 15 world.

      1. A. unusual B. exciting C. peaceful D. conventional

      2. A. conveyed B. sent C. separated D. abandoned

      3. A. lonely B. terrific C. cold D. sincere

      4. A. absent B. safe C. different D. free

      5. A. predicted B. indicated C. ensured D. feared

      6. A. imagine B. check C. explain D. account

      7. A. achievements B. theories C. thoughts D. systems

      8. A. work B. performance C. school D. graduation

      9. A. fully B. bad C. particularly D. well

      10. A. generous B. depressed C. independent D. smart

      11. A. attending B. admitting C. leading D. approaching

      12. A. challenge B. life C. fortune D. opportunity

      13. A. regretted B. struggled C. failed D. succeeded

      14. A. won B. awarded C. contributed D. created

      15. A. artistic B. athletic C. literary D. virtual

      Test 10

      At Gateway High School, a private school in African Zimbabwe, Chinese is becominga popular optional 1 among students.

      Despite his young age, 14?year?old Matthew is confident that mastering the Chineselanguage will open 2 doors of opportunities and broaden his career horizons.“What3 me about learning Chinese is knowing that one day I will be able to 4 speakChinese and I will be able to go to university in China,”he said. Challenging himself bylearning Chinese might be an exciting 5 , but he admitted that learning the worldsmost spoken language by a number of native speakers was not a 6 in the park.“Its dif?ficult but I dont find that 7 because I just persevere in the 8 ,”he said.

      Valerie, another student, said,“I 9 to learn Chinese because I wanted to learn adifferent culture.”The 14?year?old girl believed that with Chinas 10 global footprint,mastering the Chinese language means more advantages in the 11 job market.

      Patience Rusere, a Chinese teacher at Gateway High School, said there has been an in?creased uptake of the Chinese language since it was 12 to the school in 2018. She saidmastering the Chinese language has 13 career opportunities for her, although thelearning process has been a challenging 14 . The fascination with Chinese culturealso 15 many students to the language.

      1. A. approach B. program C. concern D. choice

      2. A. secret B. exact C. countless D. similar

      3. A. excites B. expects C. recognizes D. impresses

      4. A. officially B. fluently C. frankly D. fortunately

      5. A. imagination B. camp C. adventure D. story

      6. A. dream B. shelter C. flower D. walk

      7. A. interesting B. convincing C. inspiring D. challenging

      8. A. demand B. present C. subject D. seat

      9. A. listened B. elected C. refused D. replied

      10. A. increased B. adopted C. advertised D. cured

      11. A. competitive B. busy C. normal D. precise

      12. A. led B. signaled C. introduced D. explained

      13. A. picked up B. brought up C. showed up D. opened up

      14. A. sacrifice B. journey C. examination D. test

      15. A. attracts B. interviews C. proves D. applies

      Cinema bringing films to blind audiences
      文苑(2018年17期)2018-11-09 01:29:28
      芻議 雙筒望遠(yuǎn)鏡(八)
      抚顺市| 曲松县| 德庆县| 阿巴嘎旗| 桐城市| 信阳市| 安康市| 安远县| 屏东县| 喀喇| 洞头县| 游戏| 闸北区| 县级市| 图们市| 揭东县| 吐鲁番市| 辰溪县| 台北县| 宜丰县| 汉源县| 历史| 石家庄市| 鸡东县| 云龙县| 科技| 宜宾市| 巴青县| 金塔县| 陆良县| 麟游县| 磐石市| 武夷山市| 武冈市| 荔波县| 张家界市| 平陆县| 濮阳县| 平武县| 祁阳县| 榆中县|