A man once bought a brilliantly-coloured par- rot. Instead of locking it up in a cage or chaining it to a perch, he allowed it to fly free all over the house. Theparrotwas delighted atthisand flapped from room to room, shrieking and screaming withhappi- ness. At lasthe settled on the edge of a rich curtain.
“Whoonearthareyou? ”saidacrossvoice from below.“Stop that terrible noise at once. ”
The parrotsawacatstaring upat himfrom the carpet.
“I ma parrot.I ve justarrivedandI mto make as much noise as I can, ”he said.
“Well, I ve lived here all my life, ”replied the cat.“I was born in this very house and I learned from my mother that it is best to keep quiet here. ”
“Keep quiet then,”said the parrot cheerfully. “Idon tknowwhatyoudoaroundhere,butI know my job. My master bought me for my voice ????????? and I m going to make sure he hears it. ”