




      2023-09-30 15:13:55陳雪華


      A wolf once met a donkey on the road out-? 有一回,狼在村外的路上碰見驢。

      side the village.

      “I m going to eat you up.”said the wolf.

      “Certainly, ”replied the donkey, thinkingfast.“But please don t eat me out here on theroad where everyone can see. I shall be soashamed. Take me into the forest. Don t beafraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie thisrope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle.Then I will lead you to a quiet spot I know.”

      The wolf thought this was a good idea sohe fastened the rope round his neck and knottedit firmly to the donkey s bridle.

      “Now I will go wherever you say.”saidthe donkey.

      “Show me the way to your quiet spot.”or-dered the wolf.

      “Very well, ”said the donkey, setting offdown the road towards the village. As theycame to the first houses the wolf began to sus-pect that he had been tricked.

      “This is not the way to the forest, ”hesaid, tugging at his end of the rope.“This roadgoes to the village.”

      “Don t worry, ”said the donkey cheerful-ly,“This is a short cut.”The donkey began totrot faster, then to gallop. The rope round thewolf s neck drew tight; in a very short time hewas dragged right up to the donkey s door.

      The master, his wife and their three sonsall came running out to rescue the donkey.They were so angry that they would have killedthe wolf there and then. Fortunately for thewolf, however, one of the sons threw a knife athim. The knife missed, but it cut the rope roundhis neck. The next moment all the family couldsee was a cloud of dust in the road as the wolffled to the dark forest.











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