




      2023-11-18 18:23:34常婧
      孔子學(xué)院 2023年3期



















      A?Rwandan Student’s Life in Guizhou

      This young man has a remarkable talent for singingChinese folk songs and is uent in the Guizhoudialect. He even has a following of 430,000 fans onthe popular video-sharing platform, Douyin. Surprisingly,he hails from Rwanda. In China, he goes by thename Huang Ziming.

      Living the Dream in guizhou:The Journey of Learing Chinese

      Huang Ziming has dedicated himself to learning the Chineselanguage for over six years. Three of those years were spent inGuiyang, Guizhou Province. However, his connection with Chinabegan long before that. In 2016, Huang Ziming took part in theChinese Bridge competition designed for high school students.China’s rich cultural heritage, delectable cuisine, and hospitablepeople kindled his aspiration to study in the country. In 2018, a ergraduating with outstanding grades from high school, he received arecommendation from the Confucius Institute of the University ofRwanda and ful lled his dream to study in China.

      In September 2019, Huang Ziming set foot in Guizhou, marking the beginning of an extraordinary life in the province.

      Discovering Guizhou:Immersion in Local Traditions and Natualral Beauty

      Recalling his early days in Guizhou, Huang Ziming re ected, “Iarrived in Guizhou in the late days of September 2019. It was a latehour, and as the plane touched down, I felt a mix of nervousnessand excitement. Even a er settling in at school, everything aroundme felt wonderfully new.”

      As he settled into his new academic life, he ventured beyondthe campus to delve into the local customs, traditions, and cuisineof Guizhou.

      His explorations led him to Guiyang’s iconic Jiaxiu Tower,where he deepened his understanding of the city’s history andculture. He continued his sightseeing adventures with visits toHuaxi National Urban Wetland Scenic Area Park and Shilihetanin Guiyang. He also travelled to the nearby cities. However, it washis visit to Zunyi that left an indelible mark on his mind. At thememorial hall of the Zunyi Conference, Huang discovered theincredible story of the conference and the hardships endured bythe Red Army during the Long March. their resilient spirit deeplyimpressed him.

      Guizhou, a land shrouded in mystery, not only boasts aweinspiringlandscapes but also holds a wealth of historical andcultural heritage. These aspects have been captivating HuangZiming ever since.

      Mastering Douyin:Ambassador for Guizhou's Culture

      As the creator behind the popular Douyin account “Little Black Charcoal618”, Huang Ziming has posted 191 captivating videos and amassed an impressivefollowing of 434,000.

      Back in Rwanda, he had gained experience with live streaming and onlinenew media. However, he found a strikingly different digital landscape in Guizhou.As he manages his Douyin account, he continually learns and adapts, using histhirst for knowledge to transform his observations and experiences in Guizhouinto engaging videos. His content showcases the province’s unique traditionsand customs and promotes cultural fusion and diversity. In the process, HuangZiming has become an ambassador for Guizhou’s tourism and cuisine.

      Exploring Guizhou's Culinaru World:A Food Lover's Journey

      “Hey folks, it’s mealtime!” this has become a signature catchphrasefor Huang Ziming in his videos of Guizhou’s mouthwateringcuisine.

      He frequently features fish mint, a vital ingredient for thepeople living in Yunnai, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces, in hisshort video recipes. In daily life, he loves to cook and grows tohave a deeper understanding of Guizhou’s culinary culture. Hisfirst encounter of fish mint was challenging, but through thein uence of his friends, he began to appreciate its health bene tsand incorporate it into his meals. His videos spotlight an array ofGuizhou’s gastronomic delights, including moldy tofu with chives,stir-fried fish mint with preserved meat, sour cabbage and ricenoodle soup, and sour fish soup.

      “Learning to cook has deepened my connection with Guizhou’s diverse culinary traditions, making me feel evenmore at home here,” said Huang Ziming.

      As Huang Ziming nears his graduation, he looks back at his years in China with a touch of nostalgia. Whendiscussing his plans, he said, “After graduation, I’m aiming for a master’s or Ph.D. degree!” His aspirations includecontinuing his study of the Chinese language and culture and presenting an authentic portrayal of China to hisfamily and compatriots in Rwanda. Ultimately, he hopes to return to Rwanda armed with the skills acquired in Chinaand contribute to the development of his homeland.

      A Challenge for Your Palate—Fish Mint
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