




      2023-11-18 18:23:34李貴云趙相康
      孔子學院 2023年3期

      李貴云 趙相康


      一訪化屋村 黔路難于上青天










      再訪化屋村 天塹變通途






      三訪化屋村 苗家人的幸福生活


      傳承苗家傳統(tǒng)工藝的化屋苗寨家庭作坊式民間蠟染和刺繡工藝規(guī)模不斷擴大,形成商品化,推動了農(nóng)民經(jīng)濟收入的增加?!啊?,傳統(tǒng)的也是時尚的。它既是文化又是產(chǎn)業(yè),它既能夠弘揚民族文化、傳統(tǒng)文化,又用產(chǎn)業(yè)來扶貧,用產(chǎn)業(yè)來振興鄉(xiāng)村,可以作出貢獻。”在旅游開發(fā)的帶動下,化屋苗索還種植大棚花卉、苗木。經(jīng)過村民的努力,化屋苗寨年人均收入從1998年的214元增加到2019年的10 600元。到2021年3月,化屋村145戶704人整體脫貧,過上了小康生話。


      Three Visits to Huawu Village

      Huawu Village is located in Xinren Miao Township of Qianxi City,Guizhou province .Its original?name was huawuji meaning “village underthe cli ”. The village is situated in akarst landscape, surrounded by valleysand di cult to access. Adding to the dif- culties of life in the village is the scarcityof arable land caused by an abundance ofrocks and a shortage of soil. The villagers?could once only rely on the mountainroads and their small wooden boats for transportation.

      This was Huawu Miao Village in1998, an extremely impoverished mountainhamlet. Given its limited naturalconditions — with no accessible roads,electricity or water——communication? and transportation were both challenging.The mountain roads were?so rugged?and long that while the?villagers could?see each from a distance,a meeting could mean hours of hiking.

      The First Visit: A Toilful Journey

      On April 8th, 1998, I was invited by a friend tovisit Huawu Village and report on the Miao people’straditional festival, Jumping Flower Festival. At thattime, there were only two routes to the village: one wasa mountain road which required visitors to literallyclimbing up one steep rock a er another on a narrowpath called “Hand-Scraping Rock”. This road was infact the preferred route for generations of Huawu villagers,even though it involved hours of climbing.

      The other route was a waterway. After the completionof the Dongfenghu Hydroelectric PowerStation in 1995, the water in the region becamecalmer, which has not only created the famousWujiangyuan Hundred-Mile Gallery Scenic Area, butalso allowed villagers to travel by boat. At that time, Itook the water route. I traveled along the Yachihe Riverto reach the village on a small boat borrowed from theDongfenghu Power Station.

      Along the riverbank was the traditional venuefor the Miao Flower-jumping. There was a makeshiftgate made from three horizontal wooden bars piecedtogether. Red couplets with welcoming words wereattached to the gate, which was surrounded by greentrees and red flowers. Beautiful Miao girls stood infront of the gate, holding large bouquets of red owersand cups of wine, waiting for guests to arrive.

      Between two electric poles on the river was along banner that read “Celebrating the Miao FlowerFestival”. Hundreds of people stood around theflower mound, waiting for the start of the event.Many villagers also put baskets of their produce onthe ground for everyone to choose from. The FlowerjumpingFestival had a strong ceremonial sense. Threedays before the start of the event, young men wouldgo up the mountain to cut down a tall evergreen tree.They would peel o the bark, keep the crown branches,plant it on the flower mound and hang valuableitems and a red silk scarf on top of it. On the day of thefestival, the host would make a bonfire on the flowermound and set up an inviting wine station by theroadside. He would also set o dozens of recrackersto notify the villagers to enter the venue.

      Although the living conditions in the village wereless than favorable, the Miao people of Huawu stillmaintained an indomitable and optimistic spirit. Onthe ower mound, from their smiling faces, I could seetheir yearning for a better life. I was indeed impressedby the sweet taste of rice wine, the genuine andheartfelt joy and enthusiasm of the Miao people, andtheir simple love for life.

      Below the cliff were homes built of stones andmountain rocks, with thatched roofs made of grass. Isaw the villagers plowing their elds with oxen in frontof their houses. They were expecting a better harvestnext year, growing more corn in their yards.

      The Dongfenghu Water Control Project sloweddown the surging Wujiang River, creating a beautiful lakeon a plateau as well as the magnificent “WujiangyuanHundred-Mile Gallery”. The water in the karstcanyon of Dongfenghu is clear and green, tranquiland beautiful, with majestic peaks on both sides andcolorful paintings like cli walls. It is a stunning andbreathtaking landscape where high cliffs, calm lakes,and water-eroded caves are found.

      A 20-kilometer section of the Wujiang Riverpassed from Huawu Village to Shatian Village in AnliuTownship, Qingzhen City. With the Miao Mountainsstanding tall on the sides, the valley was deep, andthe water was once turbulent, which made transportationextremely di cult for the people living onthe banks. Across from Shatian Village is MixinzhaiVillage of Tieshi Township, Qianxi County. To assistthe exchange of goods and materials between the twobanks, the villagers raised funds to build a grass-ropesuspension bridge over the Yachihe River.

      To make the rope, workers combined the grassfrom Doushan Mountain with bamboo strips, soakedthem in tung oil and dried them in the sun. The ropewould last for a year and then be replaced the nextyear. The bridge temporarily mitigated the transportationdi culties of the people living on both sides ofthe Yachihe River who wanted to go to the fair. At thattime, even the sedan chairs carrying young brides hadto cross such a bridge to reach the other bank. Withthe accelerated construction of roads and the completionof the Suofengying Hydroelectric Power Stationon December 18th, 2002, the rising water level submergedthe bridge. The government then built a dockand launched ferry services. The grass-rope suspensionbridge eventually became history.

      The Second Visit: Now Reachable!

      In May 2011, upon hearing that the village road from Xinren Township to HuawuVillage was completed, I decided to set foot on this magical land once again after 14years.

      In July 2016, the Yachihe Bridge of Guiyang-Qianxi Expressway, located just a fewhundred meters away from Huawu Village, was open to traffic. The bridge was theworld’s largest long-span steel truss cable-stayed bridge, and at the time the world’ssecond highest cable-stayed bridge. Currently, its height ranks fifth in the world.

      On November 18th, 2016, the Yachihe Bridge of the Chengdu-Guiyang HighspeedRailway, which is the world’s largest long-span half-through reinforced concretevierendal X-arch bridge, was officially completed. The bridge, crossing the YachiheRiver, connects Mixinzhai Village, Tieshi Township, Qianxi County, and Sha’nan Village,Anliu Township, Qingzhen City. It is the h bridge built on the Yachihe River.

      There is a historical site located between the grass-rope bridge of ShatianVillage in Anliu Township, Qingzhen City and the Yachihe Bridge on the Guiyang-Qianxi Expressway in Xinren Township, Qianxi County. In November 1935, underthe leadership of He Long, Ren Bishi and Xiao Ke, the second and six regimentsof the Chinese Red Army passed through the town of Weicheng in QingzhenCity during the Long March. The vanguard troops quickly took control over theYachihe crossing, and the two regiments crossed the river despite all odds. Nextto the “Yachihe River Crossing” site, there is an iron chain bridge built during theQing Dynasty, as well as a reinforced concrete bridge named “Yachihe Bridge” thatwas built in 1997. These five bridges together embody Guizhou’s transportationchanges, witnessing its economic development and the changes in local people’slife.

      There is an old Chinese saying that goes:“The road to Shu (Sichuan) is difficult, butthe road to Qian (Guizhou) is even more so.”In the past decade, Guizhou government hasmade signi cant investments in transportationinfrastructure and constructed a networkof highways connecting every county. Inaddition, high-speed railways have also beenestablished. What used to be a 12-hour cardrive is now an hour train ride or a three-hourdrive on the highway. The transformation oftransportation system has rebuilt the image ofGuizhou and add impetus to local economicdevelopment. Guizhou, which used to becalled a place where “people owned no morethan three cents”, is no longer what it was.

      The third Visit: Life is Joyful

      On February 26, 2021, I visited Huawu Village forthe third time. By that time, the village has undergonetremendous changes, and become a shining pearl of the“Wujiangyuan Hundred-Mile Gallery”, a now celebratedprovincial-level tourist attraction. In order to betterprotect the ecological environment of the Yangtze Riverin the area, the villagers have given up their traditionallivelihood of fishing. The boats they pilot now are nolonger for fishing but for sightseeing. They have developedtourist projects, set up bed-and-breakfast inns,and opened agritainment restaurants, achieving prosperitythrough their hard work.

      The villagers have also expanded their home-basedMiao traditional crafts of wax printing and embroidery,earning more from commercializing the hand-madeproducts. To quote Chinese President Xi Jinping’s commentson Miao embroidery, “..., tradition is also fashion.It is both culture and industry. The promotion of thesecrafts can also promote ethnic and traditional culture.The commercialization of them can li people out of poverty,revitalize rural areas, and eventually contribute tosociety.”

      As part of the tourism development, the villagers?have also started to grow greenhouse owers and seedlings.As a result of the villagers’ hard work, the percapita income in the village increased from 214 RMBin 1998 to 10,600 RMB in 2019. As of March 2021, theentire village of Huawu with 145 households and 704people have been li ed out of poverty and now live acomfortable life.

      The embroiderers who use their needles as pens topaint a new and beautiful life on cloth have used theirown hands to transform their lives and created theirown versions of a prosperous China. Their combinationof Miao embroidery, which was once hidden in thedeepest of mountains, with modern fashion has allowedMiao embroidery to go abroad and contribute to ruralrevitalization.

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