




      2023-11-19 20:09:39本刊試題研究中心
      瘋狂英語·新閱版 2023年3期


      第一部分 語言基礎

      第一節(jié) 單句語法填空

      1. The hotel has 80__________(individual) designed bedrooms.

      2. China is a country which__________(belong) to developing countries.

      3. The monument is in honor of those soldiers who lost their lives in__________(defend) of their country.

      4. The prince lives in a castle__________(surround) by mountains on three sides.

      5. There's some evidence__________outdoor activities are good for us.

      6. He enjoys his job, which gives him a sense of__________(achieve).

      7. Tom volunteered to take charge__________the program.

      8. The headmaster made an important__________(announce) last week.

      9. Large__________(amount) of damage have been done to the village in a short time.

      10. The little girl is eager__________knowledge.

      11. Don't have the lights__________(burn) all the time.

      12. With the problem__________(settle), the manager went out of his office happily.

      13. People crowd__________big cities to seek more opportunities.

      14. He greeted us__________a big smile.

      15. It is__________(surprise) that you have learned Chinese so well in a short time.

      第二節(jié) 完成句子

      1. 學生們被鼓勵與壞習慣決裂。(break搭配)

      The students were encouraged to__________the bad habits.

      2. 這座島由一座橋與大陸相連。(join搭配)

      The island is__________the mainland by a bridge.

      3. 這個男孩和他的爸爸都喜歡打籃球。(as搭配)

      The boy__________his father likes playing basketball.

      4. 留意那條小黑狗。(keep搭配)

      __________that little black dog.

      5. 試著找出這兩篇文章的不同點。如果有,請說出來。(if省略用法)

      Please try to find out the differences between the two passages. __________, speak them out.

      6. 約翰去年負責這個部門。(charge搭配)

      John was__________the department last year.

      7. 據(jù)宣布,那個游樂園將被關閉。(announce用法)

      __________the amusement park would be closed.

      8. 他們一到島上就迫不及待地想去探索。(eager用法)

      As soon as they arrived on the island, they__________explore.

      9. 我不知道該選哪個。(idea搭配)

      I__________which one to choose.

      10. 這個周末去徒步旅行如何?

      __________going hiking this weekend?

      11. 有那么多的工作要做,我沒有時間去度假。(with的復合結構)

      With so much work__________, I have no time for a holiday.

      12. 湯姆這個周末可能會過來。(likely用法)

      Tom is__________this weekend.

      13. 你應該把你的車洗一下。(get sth done)

      You should__________.

      14. 我不喜歡她跟你講話的方式。(介詞+which)

      I don't like the way__________she speaks to you.

      15. 你認為這部電影哪一部分最有趣?

      Which part of this movie__________is the most interesting?

      第二部分 閱讀




      Four unusual festivals around the world

      Wife Carrying Competition—Sonkaj?rvi, Finland

      Although the exact origins of the tradition are unknown because of its long history,wife carrying is practiced around the world today. Participants (參與者) are allowed tocarry their wives in various ways—including piggyback or firemans carrying. The prize isawarded based on the wife's weight in beer.

      Monkey Buffet (自助餐) Festival—Lopburi, Thailand

      You may consider how a monkey would taste, but this is a buffet for monkeys. The lo?cal monkeys in Lopburi are gifted with a feast of tons of fruits, vegetables, cakes, and can?dies every November. After the monkeys are given their treat, youths dressed up as mon?keys perform dances. The festival first occurred in 1989, run by a local businessman todrive up the tourism in Lopburi. Luckily for him and the monkeys, it worked.

      Mud Festival—Boryeong, ROK

      The festival is not historic by any means—the first one took place in 1998—and itwas originally created as a marketing event for Boryeong mud cosmetics (化妝品). Themud from Boryeong is considered rich in natural minerals and is used to make beauty prod?ucts. Popular activities include a mud pool, mud slides and mud skiing.

      Tomato Festival—Bunol, Valencia, Spain

      The festival has run annually in August during a week?long celebration in Bunol since1945, when a noisy crowd took the tomatoes from a vegetable stall and started a tomatofight. The hour?long tomato fight used up about 145,000 kg of tomatoes in 2015. Since2013, it has been a ticketed event to limit participants to just 20,000.

      1. What will you get if you win the Wife Carrying Competition?

      A. A wife. B. Lots of money.

      C. A pig. D. Lots of beer.

      2. What is the purpose of creating Monkey Buffet Festival?

      A. To taste the monkeys.

      B. To promote mud makeups.

      C. To develop tourism.

      D. To sell out tomatoes.

      3. Which festival is likely to have the shortest history?

      A. Wife Carrying Competition. B. Mud Festival.

      C. Monkey Buffet Festival. D. Tomato Festival.


      George Daniels lives in London. He is a watchmaker. His work continues the traditionof the English watchmakers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Today this tradition is almostdead. Daniels is the only man in the world who designs his own watches, makes all theparts himself and then puts them together.

      A Daniels watch is the product of his hands alone. One of his watches which is now inan American museum took 3,500 hours to complete. He usually makes one watch a year.Each one is inscribed (刻) with“Daniels London”and costs about $10,000. Of course,these are not ordinary watches—they are very beautiful and will last three centuries.

      George Daniels has always been attracted by clocks and watches. When he was five,he used to take his father's clock apart and put it back together again. At school, he used torepair his teachers'watches.

      He is now internationally famous and many people would like him to make watchesfor them. But most of them will be disappointed. He chooses his customers very carefullyindeed.“It must be someone who understands the subject, not someone who will leave thewatch in the drawer and only show it to dinner guests,”he says.

      4. How long can a Daniels watch keep working?

      A. 10,000 hours. B. 300 years.

      C. 200 years. D. 3,500 hours.

      5. Which of the following shows Daniels early interest in watches?

      A. He played with his fathers clock.

      B. He taught people how to repair watches.

      C. He made a watch for an American museum.

      D. He made beautiful and long?lasting watches.

      6. For whom does George Daniels make watches?

      A. Those who can afford his watches.

      B. Those who want to show off their watches.

      C. Those who appreciate his watches.

      D. Those who enjoy his watch?making process.

      7. What do we know about Daniels watches?

      A. Only a few people like them.

      B. They are kept in a museum.

      C. Only a few people can get them.

      D. They have a history of over 200 years.


      World history has seen three ancient dramas: Greek tragedy and comedy, Indian San?skrit drama and Chinese opera. The first two have become historical and only Chinese op?era has survived.

      Chinese opera took shape in the 12th century. After developing for more than 800years, its abundant local styles of opera are still enjoying great popularity, of whichQinqiang is one of the most ancient operas.

      Qingiang opera is a thousand?year?old local opera originating in Chinas inland north?western region. It has established a unique tradition as an“opera shouted out”with its high?pitched arias (高音詠嘆調). Li Mei has won a reputation as one of the four greatestQinqiang actresses. She's also known for her passionate commitment to exploring the theat?rical possibilities offered by Qinqiang.

      Li Mei and her workmates are halfway through an afternoon rehearsal (排練) and mosthave broken into a sweat. Singing in a near?whisper, the forty?year?old opera star performsthe stylized movements for the leading role—the bitter dead lady Li Huiniang in Ghost'sHate.

      Little wonder that Li Mei is such a powerful presence on stage. She's the greatest con?tributory actress who's able to interpret a character so compellingly and tell a story so con?vincingly that European audiences warmly hug this unfamiliar art form.

      Li Mei said,“We performed this opera in the Netherlands to celebrate the tenth anni?versary of the founding of Holland's National Theatre. We enjoyed a fifteen?minute curtaincall and the audiences applauded wildly for a long time. The local press entitled me the‘Nemesis of the Orient’and the‘Chinese Venus’. Why is that so? Because they've fullyunderstood what the opera implied—the loyalty towards love, and dead as she may be, herlove persists.”

      The reason why this opera was able to touch millions of hearts is that it has a beautifulstory presented in a beautiful art form.

      8. What can be inferred about Chinese opera from the text?

      A. It made history with ancient Greek operas.

      B. It consists of various dynamic local operas.

      C. It has a shorter history than Indian Sanskrit drama.

      D. It originated from the most ancient local Qingiang opera.

      9. Why is Ghosts Hate starring Li Mei loved by foreigners?

      A. Its story is easy to be fully understood by foreigners.

      B. Its leading role Li Mei is famous as the“Chinese Venus”.

      C. It conveys the popular message of loyalty towards love.

      D. It is a perfect combination of touching plot and attractive form.

      10. What might the underlined word“compellingly”mean in paragraph 5?

      A. Persuasively. B. Boringly.

      C. Incorrectly. D. Partly.

      11. What was Li Mei's greatest contribution to Qinqiang opera?

      A. She won a reputation as one of the four greatest Qingiang actresses.

      B. She brought Li Huiniang, the bitter dead lady in Ghost's Hate, to life.

      C. She explored many theatrical possibilities offered by Qinqiang opera.

      D. She spread one of traditional Chinese cultures to the other side of the world.


      The Chinese fashion icon, qipao, was born a century ago in Shanghai. However, thedress made its way through history from the hands of old craftsmen and is deep?rooted inChinese culture.

      “Qipao used to be so popular,”Leung Long?kong, 89, a well?known qipao craftsman,says, adding that the dress was an everyday outfit among women, from the less well?off towomen at the highest levels of society.“Now, nobody is wearing them except on grand andhappy occasions.”

      To carry on the tradition, fashion designer Mary Yu, 41, who has been attendingclasses teaching knot button?making techniques, is trying to renew the design of qipao by?taking symbols from Chinese history and literature.

      “I feel I should look into Chinese culture and learn more about the past. Peopleshould have an in?depth understanding of their culture in order to move on. Fashion designrequires a profound knowledge of one's culture before visualizing it. After a period ofwearing foreign brands all the time, there will be a day when one looks back to traditionalChinese culture. It is about finding the stuff that exists in your genes and suits you best,”Yu says.

      Yu set up her own qipao brand in 2016. Most of the clothes were made by tailorsbased in Shenzhen and Hangzhou, for their lower cost and more traditional work.

      In the constantly evolving fashion industry, qipao is catching up with the times. Zip?pers, digital print patterns and new materials such as lace and denim have been introducedto a new generation. More daring ideas like 3D printed qipao have also become a reality.Yu believed that with the help of these new technologies, qipao will find its way back to thedaily life of Chinese people in the near future.

      12. Why does the author quote Leung Long?kong in paragraph 2?

      A. To call on Chinese women to wear qipao in everyday life.

      B. To introduce the development of qipao in China.

      C. To emphasize the importance of qipao in China nowadays.

      D. To show that qipao is no longer as popular as it was.

      13. Which of the following best describes Mary Yu?

      A. Creative. B. Conservative.

      C. Cautious. D. Considerate.

      14. What does the underlined word“evolving”in paragraph 6 probably mean?

      A. Passing. B. Withdrawing.

      C. Developing. D. Following.

      15. What can we infer from the text about qipao?

      A. Qipao is an iconic sign in the fashion industry.

      B. Qipao is on its way back to the daily life of Chinese.

      C. Qipao enjoys a good reputation in the world.

      D. Qipao is seen as a symbol of wealth in modern China.



      The Beginning of Spring is the first solar term (節(jié)氣) in the 24 solar terms of China.16 The date for the Beginning of Spring usually comes on February 4 or February 5 inthe solar calendar.

      When a year comes to this period, people will easily find that the days are becominglonger and the weather is getting warmer. Temperature, sunshine hours and rainfall are allon the rise. 17

      In China, it's said that an egg can be set upright on the Beginning of Spring. It's be?lieved that someone who can make the egg stand will have good luck in the future. 18And good luck is coming to you.

      19 On that day, villagers and the people in cities usually hold ceremonies to wel?come the spring. Villagers usually make a clay sculpture of a cow, which people call“spring cow”. Women take their children to go around the cow three times. It's said that inthis way the children can be kept away from diseases.

      The tradition of eating special snacks on that day is called yaochun in Chinese. Itmeans“biting the spring”. People will wrap some vegetables with thin pancakes. 20

      A. Try to stand eggs on your own.

      B. It is known as the Beginning of Spring.

      C. So people believe that it can bring them warmth and hope.

      D. There is a long history of eating them on the Beginning of Spring.

      E. Chinese farmers celebrate the Beginning of Spring with special events.

      F. The Beginning of Spring is celebrated in different ways throughout the world.

      G. If you're going to grow a crop, make sure it's something you'll eat.

      第三部分 語言運用



      I believe even the smartest people have to work hard to achieve success, because?there is no such person as a born winner. People make themselves into winners by theirown 21 .

      I learned this lesson from a(n) 22 many years ago. I took the head 23 job ata school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

      It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the new team at the end ofspring practice. The old team had no coach and they didn't even practice to 24 thegame. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win,but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn't 25 I had got into such a situa?tion. Thinking hard about it, I came to 26 that my team might not be the number oneteam in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my attitude toward theirability and potential.

      I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 27 . Most importantly, Ibegan to treat them like 28 . That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vaca?tions, we met every day and 29 passing and kicking the football.

      Six months after suffering our 30 on the spring practice field, we won our firstgame and our second, and continued to improve. Finally, we faced the number one team inthe state. I felt that it would be a 31 for us even if we lost the game. But that wasntwhat happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me the greatest 32 ofmy life!

      From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 33the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and 34 them. Ihelped them see themselves 35 , and they built themselves into winners. Winners aremade, not born.

      21. A. tests B. luck C. efforts D. wealth

      22. A. experiment B. experience C. visit D. show

      23. A. operating B. editing C. consulting D. coaching

      24. A. cheer for B. prepare for C. help with D. finish with

      25. A. agree B. believe C. describe D. regret

      26. A. realize B. claim C. permit D. demand

      27. A. pride B. culture C. fortune D. relationship

      28. A. leaders B. partners C. winners D. learners

      29. A. risked B. missed C. considered D. practiced

      30. A. defeat B. depress C. accident D. mistake

      31. A. shame B. burden C. victory D. favor

      32. A. chance B. joy C. concern D. offer

      33. A. surprise B. relate C. interest D. affect

      34. A. encouraged B. observed C. protected D. impressed

      35. A. naturally B. individually C. calmly D. differently



      36. (know) as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong Province has along history of kite?making. According to local artisans (工匠), Weifang kite?making candate back to 2,000 years ago. At first, kites were used by the military for communicatingand 37. (measure) distances.

      Using bamboo and featuring 38. (tradition) Chinese paintings, Weifang kite?making was included in the national?level intangible (非物質的) cultural heritage lists in2006. An International Kite Festival 39. (hold) in Weifang every year since1984.

      Yang Hongwei, aged 56, is an inheritor (繼承者) of the Weifang kite?making tech?nique. Yang, 40. was born into a kite?making family, often saw kites with brightcolors and different shapes in her grandfathers workshop.

      Yang began learning the technique from her grandfather 41. the age of 16and after 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992. On Yangs kites, people can see notonly common patterns like 42. (butterfly) and swallows, but some prints tellingChinese myths, legends and history.

      In her spare time, she also travels to different countries including 43. (Ger?man), Australia and the US 44. (tell) people about Chinese stories seen on kitesand kite?making methods.“I'm an inheritor of the culture. It is also 45. impor?tant job of mine to spread the heritage around the world and pass it down to the next genera?tion,”she said.

      第四部分 寫作



      1. 景點名稱;

      2. 景點位置、面積、歷史等。


      1. 詞數(shù)80左右;

      2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



      Maybe, we all need to treat others with more patience and understanding. Then wemight be repaid in unexpected ways.

      Fifteen years ago, I took a trip to Lecce in southern Italy. Lecce is an important placefor art and culture lovers. Walking among churches and old buildings in the city center is adive into the past. More importantly, it's an ideal place for photographing.

      One morning, I got up early enough for a sweeping view of the sunrise, the blue sea,white buildings and green trees. After climbing up a hill, I paused to catch my breath. As Ilooked around, I was shocked by the breathtaking views in front of me.

      When I positioned myself to take some pictures, a woman suddenly approached frombehind, and planted herself right in front of my view. Like me, I thought, this woman washere to stop for a short break, and enjoy the scenery. Beyond my expectation, she stood still?as if something caught her attention, not noticing anyone elses presence around her.

      For about 10 minutes, I used my camera to scan the sun and review the shot I wouldeventually take. Patient as I was, I got bored finally.“Is it too much to ask her to moveaside so that I can take just one picture of the landscape?”I asked myself.

      Of course, I could have asked her, but something prevented me from doing so.

      She seemed so absorbed in her observation that I didnt have the heart to mess withthat. So I decided to wait.

      Another 10 minutes passed. However, the woman was still there. I grew really impa?tient. I decided to take the photo anyway. With an unwilling touch of the shutter (快門), Ileft in low spirits.


      Paragraph 1:

      After the photos were printed, I tried to find the photo“ruined”by the woman.

      Paragraph 2:

      Now this photo hangs on a wall in my study.

      穿越“絲綢之路” 見證“一帶一路”——記意大利徒步旅行家維娜·卡瑪洛塔
      華人時刊(2023年19期)2023-11-16 12:31:54
      中學生報(2022年12期)2022-04-29 00:44:03
      徒 步 旅 行
      中山市| 渭源县| 安义县| 古蔺县| 苗栗县| 宁阳县| 广丰县| 新竹市| 建水县| 和林格尔县| 安庆市| 志丹县| 土默特左旗| 成武县| 札达县| 涞源县| 洛阳市| 师宗县| 阳城县| 蒙城县| 石阡县| 福泉市| 辽阳县| 平湖市| 广昌县| 开鲁县| 抚顺市| 大石桥市| 兖州市| 株洲县| 临澧县| 湖北省| 临湘市| 平远县| 中江县| 常山县| 武清区| 维西| 揭西县| 扶余县| 方山县|