彭楊 馬曉燕 馮天樂 李彩琴 潘建君 高美玲 涂攀峰 李娟 陳杰忠
摘? ? 要:【目的】通過聯(lián)合分析不同砧木砂糖橘植株株高、產(chǎn)量、品質(zhì)的相關(guān)指標(biāo),構(gòu)建砂糖橘優(yōu)良砧木篩選的綜合評價模型,為砂糖橘優(yōu)良砧木的選擇提供依據(jù)?!痉椒ā恳?0種不同的砧木嫁接砂糖橘,對嫁接后的植株株高、產(chǎn)量、品質(zhì)進(jìn)行差異顯著性分析、相關(guān)性分析及主成分分析,獲得篩選砂糖橘砧木的核心指標(biāo)并構(gòu)建綜合評價模型,根據(jù)模型評分進(jìn)行排序。【結(jié)果】株高、產(chǎn)量、品質(zhì)22個指標(biāo)均表現(xiàn)出了顯著的差異性并有著多組相關(guān)關(guān)系,主成分分析篩選出了6個主成分,累積貢獻(xiàn)率達(dá)到了93.407%,共注釋了包括果實(shí)質(zhì)量及橫縱徑大小決定因子、產(chǎn)量和果形指數(shù)決定因子、果皮厚度決定因子等6個關(guān)鍵因子。【結(jié)論】綜合評價模型得分表明,紅黎檬、香橙和粗檸檬可推薦為廣東省適用的3個優(yōu)選砂糖橘砧木。
中圖分類號:S666.2 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2024)06-1078-16
Selection of excellent rootstocks for Shatang mandarin based on combined analysis of plant height, yield, and quality
PENG Yang1, MA Xiaoyan1, FENG Tianle2, LI Caiqin2*, PAN Jianjun3, GAO Meiling3, TU Panfeng2, LI Juan2*, CHEN Jiezhong4
(1College of Agriculture and Biology, Zhongkai University of Agricultural Engineering, Guangzhou 510220, Guangdong, China; 2College of Horticultural and Landscape Architecture, Zhongkai University of Agricultural Engineering, Guangzhou 510220, Guangdong, China; 3Guangzhou Conghua District Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, Guangzhou 510900, Guangdong, China; 4College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 The study aims to establish a comprehensive evaluation for the selection of superior rootstocks for Shatang mandarin by analyzing the plant height, fruit yield and fruit quality of Shatang mandarin on different rootstocks under netted house cultivation. 【Methods】 Ten different rootstocks were grafted with Shatang mandarin. The difference significance analysis and correlation analysis were carried out on 22 indexes related to plant height, fruit weight per plant and fruit internal and external quality. Finally, the 22 indexes were subject to principal component analysis to obtain the core indexes for the selection of Shatang mandarin rootstocks, and a comprehensive evaluation for rootstocks was thus constructed. 【Results】 The results showed that there were significant differences in plant height, fruit weight per plant and fruit internal and external quality of Shatang mandarin among the ten citrus rootstocks. The plant height on Sour pummelo was not significantly different from the self-rooted Shatang mandarin. Plant height on Flying dragon trifoliate orange was significantly reduced (50.79%) that on self-rooted plant, showing dwarfing effect of Flying dragon trifoliate orange rootstocks. In the results of soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD) value, it could be seen that Flying dragon trifoliate orange rootstocks with strongest dwarfing effect had the highest SPAD value, reaching 71.92. Self-rooted on Shatang mandarin had the highest plant height, on the contrary, the SPAD value was the lowest, which was 59.44, and the SPAD values of the other rootstocks were also higher than that of Shatang mandarin, which indicated that there was a certain correlation between plant height and SPAD value. Under the unified production management, yield per plant of Shatang mandarin on Goutou sour orange rootstocks was the highest. Different rootstocks had differential effects on 19 indexes related to fruit quality. The single fruit weight and pulp weight in plants on Xiangcheng and Red limonia were higher than those on the other 8 rootstocks, while the single fruit weight and pulp weight in plants on Goutou sour orange were the lowest among the 10 rootstocks. Based on the single fruit weight, pulp weight, fruit diameter, fruit volume and fruit shape index, the fruit of Xiangcheng and Red limonia rootstocks were bigger, and the shape was round or nearly round, while the fruit of Goutou sour orange rootstock was the smallest, and the shape was oval or conical. Different rootstocks had different effects on the pericarp characteristics of Shatang mandarin. For the color of the pericarp, the fruit from plants on rootstocks all showed shiny orange, but the fruit surface color of Xiangcheng rootstock was lighter. Of the 10 rootstocks, Shatang mandarin rootstock had the highest soluble solids content, and Xiangcheng rootstock resulted the lowest soluble solid content. The results showed that the soluble solid in Shatang mandarin grafted on the other 9 rootstocks was lower than that of self-rooted Shatang mandarin. Similarly, the titratable acid content of Shatang mandarin rootstock was the highest, and the titratable acid content of Goutou sour orange rootstocks, Flying dragon trifoliate orange rootstocks and Rough lemon rootstocks was the lowest. Compared with self-rooted Shatang mandarin, the titratable acid content of the fruit in the other 9 rootstocks decreased in different degrees, while the reducing sugar content of the fruit was lower. The reducing sugar content was significantly increased by the 9 rootstocks. There was a significant negative correlation between plant height and SPAD value, indicating that dwarfing rootstocks could effectively improve photosynthesis by increasing the absorption of light energy by leaves, and there was a significant positive correlation between fruit weight per plant and plant height, indicating that the dwarfing effect caused by rootstocks might lead to productivity reduction. Single fruit weight was significantly positively correlated with pulp weight, fruit transverse and longitudinal diameters, and fruit volume. The correlation of 22 indicators shows that there were different degrees of correlation between indicators, which shows that there was information overlap between multiple indicators, and the evaluation indicators need to be simplified. In the principal component analysis, 6 principal components were extracted, and the cumulative contribution rate reached 93. 407%, indicating that the 6 principal components could represent most of the information of the 22 indicators. The cumulative contribution rate of the first four principal components reached 80. 258%, and the key factors in the all 6 principal components could be used as the core indicators to evaluate the 10 rootstocks. Finally, construction of comprehensive evaluation model for selecting superior rootstocks for Shatang mandarin. According to the comprehensive score, Red limonia rootstock had the highest score, followed by Xiangcheng and Rough lemon rootstocks. 【Conclusion】 Through the determination of related indexes of Shatang mandarin grafted on ten rootstocks under netted house cultivation, it was found that there were significant differences among plant height, fruit weight per plant and fruit quality, and there were also multiple correlations among the indexes. The joint analysis of these indexes was conducive to understanding the relationship among plant height, yield and fruit quality. A comprehensive evaluation model of rootstocks was established based on principal component analysis of the 22 related indicators, and the 6 key factors in all 6 principal components could be used as the core indicators to evaluate the 10 rootstocks, and the comprehensive evaluation scores of the 10 rootstocks were calculated and ranked. The results indicate that Red limonia, Xiangcheng, and Rough lemon can be recommended as preferred dwarfing rootstocks for Shatang mandarin in Guangdong Province.
Key words: Shatang mandarin; Plant height; Fruit yield; Fruit quality; Principal component analysis; Rootstock selection
1 材料和方法
網(wǎng)室試驗于2023年在廣東省廣州市從化區(qū)農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)推廣中心小坑基地進(jìn)行。從化區(qū)位于廣州東北部,地處低緯度地帶,北回歸線橫跨境內(nèi),屬亞熱帶季風(fēng)氣候,氣候溫和,雨量充沛,年平均氣溫為20.5 ℃,年降水量1 297.5 mm,年日照時數(shù)1 976.8 h(信息來源廣東省廣州市從化區(qū)人民政府官網(wǎng))。果實(shí)內(nèi)外品質(zhì)測定在仲愷農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)院海珠校區(qū)實(shí)驗室進(jìn)行。
1.1 試驗材料
試驗選取枳(Poncirus trifoliata Raf.)、旺蒼大葉枳(P. trifoliata Raf.)、飛龍枳(Poncirus trifoliata Raf. var. monstrosa)、枸頭橙(Citrus aurantium L.)、粗檸檬(Citrus jambhiri Lush)、酸柚(Citrus grandis Osbeck)、香橙(Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)、紅黎檬(Citrus limonia Osbeck)、砂糖橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco)和紅橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco)10種柑橘砧木材料,2015年播種,2016年分別嫁接砂糖橘接穗,2018年12月移栽至從化區(qū)農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)推廣中心小坑基地,網(wǎng)室種植,常規(guī)管理,生長一致,均為無病蟲害健康植株。選取每種砧木各8株,5株用于觀察和果實(shí)數(shù)量統(tǒng)計,3株用于采樣,單株為1個重復(fù)。
1.2 試驗方法
1.2.1 植株株高相關(guān)指標(biāo)測量 于2023年1月葉幕充分形成時,使用5 m量程卷尺量取地面至植株最高處的垂直距離,不同方位重復(fù)測量3次,單株為1個重復(fù)。從植株中部不同方位的枝條上隨機(jī)選取枝梢頂端第4~6片成熟葉片各3枚,用錫箔紙遮光10 min后,采用便攜式葉綠素?zé)晒鉁y定儀(OPTI SCIENCE,OS-5p+,美國)進(jìn)行葉綠素含量(SPAD)測定,每葉測定3個點(diǎn)。
1.2.2 單株產(chǎn)量測定 于2023年1月上旬,采收果實(shí)統(tǒng)計結(jié)果數(shù)量,用機(jī)械臺秤稱量得出單株產(chǎn)量,其中每個砧木處理組有5株樹,取平均值計算該組單株產(chǎn)量。
1.2.3 果實(shí)品質(zhì)相關(guān)性狀測定 在果樹的樹冠外圍東、南、西、北、中五個方向,采集中等大小已成熟果實(shí),混勻后隨機(jī)挑選50個用于品質(zhì)分析。用電子分析天平(METTLER TOLEDO,PL6001-L,美國)測量單果質(zhì)量及果肉質(zhì)量。使用電子數(shù)顯游標(biāo)卡尺(SYNTEK,SY-04-200,德國)測量果實(shí)橫縱徑、果皮厚度、果實(shí)汁胞橫縱徑;果形指數(shù)計算公式為果實(shí)縱徑/果實(shí)橫徑。果實(shí)體積計算參考金開正等[15]的丁氏體積公式修正公式。參照高凝[16]的測定方法,使用數(shù)顯式水果硬度計(Aipli,GY4,中國)測量各部位的果肉硬度。果皮色差測定:據(jù)Stewart等[17]的方法,采用色差儀(KONICA MINOLTA,CR-400,日本),在儀器上讀取出L*、a*、b*的數(shù)值,每個砧木類型測定20個果實(shí)并對每個受測果實(shí)進(jìn)行3次重復(fù),取其平均值,分別為△L*、△a*、△b*。由手持?jǐn)?shù)字糖度計(KEM,RA-250WE,日本)測定可溶性固形物含量。參照《食品分析》的測定方法[18],用氫氧化鈉滴定法測定可滴定酸含量,采用 2,6-二氯靛酚氧化還原滴定法測定維生素C含量,使用3,5-二硝基水楊酸法測定還原性糖含量。用直接烘干法測定果實(shí)含水率。
1.3 數(shù)據(jù)處理及分析
利用Excel對數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行預(yù)處理,利用SPSS 26.0進(jìn)行差異顯著性分析、相關(guān)性分析、數(shù)據(jù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化和主成分分析,利用Origin Pro 8.5和R語言作圖及進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)可視化。
2 結(jié)果與分析
2.1 不同砧木對砂糖橘株高相關(guān)指標(biāo)的影響
由圖1-A可知,10種砧木對砂糖橘株高有不同程度的影響,砂糖橘本砧的株高最高,達(dá)222.23 cm,顯著高于除酸柚外的其他砧木,其中飛龍枳株高最矮,較砂糖橘顯著降低了50.79%,表明在供試砧木中,飛龍枳砧的矮化效果最好。由圖1-B可知,矮化效果最好的飛龍枳砧有最高的SPAD值,達(dá)到了71.92,顯著高于其他砧木,而株高最高的砂糖橘本砧,SPAD值反而最低,僅為59.44,表明株高與SPAD值存在著一定的相關(guān)關(guān)系。由此看出,砧木嫁接后可以提高砂糖橘接穗葉片對光能的利用效率,其中,以飛龍枳效果最明顯。
2.2 不同砧木對砂糖橘單株產(chǎn)量的影響
由圖2可知,枸頭橙砧的單株產(chǎn)量高于其他砧木,達(dá)到了11.70 kg,粗檸檬砧木的單株產(chǎn)量排在第二,為9.80 kg,其他8種砧木的單株產(chǎn)量都小于8.0 kg,飛龍枳砧的單株產(chǎn)量最低,僅為1.46 kg。由此可見,不同砧木嫁接砂糖橘會影響單株產(chǎn)量,排除其他因素的干擾,在統(tǒng)一生產(chǎn)管理下,由單株產(chǎn)量估算666.7 m2產(chǎn)量,枸頭橙砧的砂糖橘產(chǎn)量最高。
2.3 不同砧木對砂糖橘外在品質(zhì)相關(guān)指標(biāo)的影響
由圖3-A可知,香橙砧的單果質(zhì)量最高,為60.16 g,枸頭橙砧最低,為25.22 g,二者差異顯著。紅黎檬砧的果肉質(zhì)量最高,為44.34 g,香橙砧次之,為42.03 g,枸頭橙砧的果肉質(zhì)量最低,僅為18.86 g,顯著低于紅黎檬砧、香橙砧和粗檸檬砧(圖3-B)。
果實(shí)橫縱徑、果實(shí)體積和果形指數(shù)是評價果實(shí)外觀品質(zhì)的基礎(chǔ),一般果形指數(shù)1.0以上為長圓形,>0.9~1.0為橢圓形或圓錐形,>0.8~0.9時為圓形或近圓形,0.6~0.8為扁圓形。由圖3-C可知,香橙砧的果實(shí)橫徑大于其他砧木,紅黎檬砧的果實(shí)縱徑大于其他砧木,結(jié)合果實(shí)體積結(jié)果(圖3-D)來看,紅黎檬砧的果實(shí)體積最大,達(dá)到了81.96 cm3,而枸頭橙砧的果實(shí)橫縱徑和果實(shí)體積均小于其他砧木。由圖3-E可知,枸頭橙砧的果形指數(shù)與香橙砧差異顯著,枸頭橙砧的果形指數(shù)為0.91,是橢圓形或圓錐形果實(shí),而香橙砧的果形指數(shù)為0.82,是圓形或近圓形果實(shí)。綜合單果質(zhì)量、果肉質(zhì)量、果實(shí)橫縱徑、果實(shí)體積和果形指數(shù),香橙砧和紅黎檬砧的果實(shí)較大,形狀為圓形或近圓形,而枸頭橙砧的果實(shí)最小,形狀為橢圓形或圓錐形。
由圖3-F可知,酸柚砧果實(shí)汁胞橫徑最大,其次為枳砧、飛龍枳砧,三者差異不顯著,砂糖橘本砧的果實(shí)汁胞橫徑最小,顯著小于酸柚砧、枳砧和飛龍枳砧;紅黎檬砧的果實(shí)汁胞縱徑最大,為3.36 mm,而旺蒼大葉枳砧的果實(shí)汁胞縱徑最小,為2.09 mm,二者差異顯著。從果皮厚度來看(圖3-G),酸柚砧的果皮厚度最大,為2.05 mm,紅橘砧的果皮厚度最小,為1.60 mm,二者呈顯著差異。枸頭橙砧木的果實(shí)果肉硬度最大,其次為酸柚砧和旺蒼大葉枳砧,枳砧的果肉硬度在10種砧木中最?。▓D3-H)。
2.4 不同砧木對砂糖橘內(nèi)在品質(zhì)相關(guān)指標(biāo)的影響
由圖5可知,10種砧木的可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)以砂糖橘本砧最高,為15.32%,顯著高于除枳砧和旺蒼大葉枳砧外的其他砧木,香橙砧的果實(shí)可溶性固形物含量最低,為13.00%,比砂糖橘砧顯著降低了15.14%??傻味ㄋ岷恳惨陨疤情俦菊枳罡撸瑸?.43%,其次為紅黎檬砧,為0.41%,與砂糖橘本砧相比,其他砧木果實(shí)的可滴定酸含量均有不同程度的降低,其中枸頭橙砧、飛龍枳砧和粗檸檬砧的可滴定酸含量最低,均為0.30%,比砂糖橘砧顯著降低了30.23%。果實(shí)固酸比最高的是飛龍枳砧,其次為粗檸檬砧,二者顯著高于香橙砧、紅黎檬砧和砂糖橘砧,其中香橙砧最低。砂糖橘本砧的果實(shí)維生素C含量最高,顯著高于其他砧木,比含量第二高的粗檸檬砧高0.09 mg·100 g-1,含量最低的砧木是旺蒼大葉枳砧,為0.25 mg·100-1,顯著低于除飛龍枳砧和紅橘外的其他砧木,比砂糖橘砧顯著降低了44.44%。果實(shí)還原糖含量最高的3種砧木依次是香橙砧、粗檸檬砧、酸柚砧,分別為13.10、12.93和12.79 g·100-1,均顯著高于含量最低砂糖橘本砧。從果實(shí)含水率看,紅橘砧的果實(shí)含水率最高,為88.72%,顯著高于其他砧木,飛龍枳砧的果實(shí)含水率最低,為82.39%,比紅橘砧顯著降低了6.33個百分點(diǎn)。
2.5 株高、產(chǎn)量、品質(zhì)指標(biāo)間的相關(guān)性分析
2.6 株高、產(chǎn)量、品質(zhì)指標(biāo)間的主成分分析
2.7 基于主成分分析的10種砧木綜合評價
F=0.319 1×F1+0.269 1×F2+0.112 55×F3+0.101 83×F4+0.083 92×F5+0.047 57×F6。
3 討 論
4 結(jié) 論
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收稿日期:2024-01-04 接受日期:2024-03-23
*通信作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail:13751774213@139.com;E-mail:licaiqin@zhku.edu.cn