



      Strong Momentum for World Economic Growth

      2024-08-21 00:00:00TianXiao
      China Pictorial 2024年8期

      China is the world’s mostpromising market, and amajor trading partner ofmore than 140 countriesand regions. In recent years,China’s economy has maintainedsteady growth with resilienceand vitality, contributing about30 percent to global economicgrowth.

      The ongoing developmentof economic globalization andthe continual opening up ofChina have made the country’sintegration into the world bothan inherent requirement for itsown development and an essentialdriving force for world economicdevelopment. Today, China isactively utilizing favorable factorsand seizing the opportunitiesof the times to promote furtherreform and opening up on allfronts. While optimizing itsbusiness environment to bemarket-oriented, international,and law-based, China hasdeepened reform of stateownedenterprises, promoted thedevelopment and expansion ofprivate enterprises, strengthenedefforts to attract more foreigninvestment, and improvedproductivity to foster closer andhigher-quality exchange andcommunication with the worldeconomy.

      China has always been a firmsupporter of, active participant in,and significant contributor to themultilateral trading system. It isalso firmly opposed to any form oftrade protectionism and practicesof decoupling or disintegratingsupply chains. By deeplypromoting institutional opennessin rules, regulations, management,and standards, China has activelyparticipated in the global industrialdivision of labor and cooperation.By exploring new trade modelssuch as cross-border e-commerce,market procurement trade, digitaltrade, bonded maintenance,and offshore trade, China aimsto again make trade the engineto drive economic growth.Furthermore, China is intensifyingefforts to attract and utilizeforeign capital, welcoming moreforeign enterprises to invest andestablish businesses in the country,thereby enhancing internationaleconomic cooperation. China’seconomic development createsopportunities rather than risksfor other countries, and it servesas a crucial factor for regionaland even global prosperity anddevelopment. China’s new roundof reform and opening up hasbrought its economy closer to theworld economy.

      紫阳县| 光泽县| 梁平县| 交城县| 信宜市| 新建县| 兴义市| 阿图什市| 竹溪县| 自治县| 开阳县| 台北县| 盱眙县| 固镇县| 昌乐县| 德州市| 长岛县| 洪江市| 烟台市| 安阳县| 瑞金市| 鄯善县| 千阳县| 会东县| 德江县| 南充市| 竹溪县| 同心县| 许昌市| 河津市| 蓝田县| 宜春市| 昌图县| 都匀市| 永修县| 南部县| 同德县| 抚州市| 台中市| 柘荣县| 永胜县|