



      Enchanting Encounters:Exploring the Rich Culture of Tongzhou

      2024-08-21 00:00:00MaitriSharma
      China Pictorial 2024年8期

      “With the sunlingeringover themountains,the evening birds singing, andthe cool breeze blowing, takinga boat through Beijing’s GrandCanal feels like a scene straightout of a movie,” said Si Thu Tun,a foreign expert who has livedin China for seven years. Hedescribed his recent trip to theTongzhou section of the GrandCanal in Beijing as one of the mostmemorable experiences of his life.

      As a native of Myanmar, Si ThuTun was amazed by the rich culturalheritage, stunning architecture, andmodern facilities of the region. TheGrand Canal, a system of waterwaysconnecting major rivers in northernand eastern China, served as acrucial transportation route betweenthe north and the south duringmedieval and pre-modern times.“I first learned that it is the world’slongest artificial waterway and aUNESCO World Heritage site froma translator on-site,” he recalledwith a laugh. Upon arriving inTongzhou, his curiosity was piquedand he became eager to see itsiconic landmarks. Among the manyimpressive structures, three stoodout for their cultural significanceand architectural brilliance:the Beijing Library, the BeijingPerforming Arts Center, and theGrand Canal Museum.

      Exploring Architectural Gems

      His first stop, the Beijing Library,instantly captivated Si Thu Tun withits impressive infrastructure. Thevast library, constructed primarilyof wood, creates the sensation ofreading among trees in a forest.This state-of-the-art facility is aparadise for book lovers and atestament to modern architecturalexcellence. Particularly impressivewere the numerous monitorsinstalled throughout the library,allowing visitors to easily searchand locate books from any cornerof the library. The convenience ofselecting a book without wanderingthrough endless corridors was adelightful experience. “A lot ofattention was paid to such details,”he said. “For example, a soundproofroom was built in the libraryso you can go in and use yourmobile phone comfortably withoutdisturbing anyone.”

      Visiting the Beijing Library forthe first time was a long-awaiteddream come true for Si Thu Tun. Ithad been on his wish list for a longtime, and he was glad to finallymake it there. The visit not onlyquenched his thirst for knowledgebut also crossed an important itemoff his bucket list.

      A Technological Spectacle

      Next on the library was theBeijing Performing Arts Center.The sheer size and advancedtechnology of the theater complexwas awe-inspiring. The centerwas designed to host a variety ofperformances, from traditionalChinese operas to contemporarydance and music concerts. State-ofthe-art facilities including cuttingedgesound systems and lightingcreate an immersive experience.“I had the opportunity to visitthree theater halls,” Si Thu Tunremarked. “All three were hugeand high-tech, with amazing lightand sound effects. I can say for surethat this will become a cultural hubin the times to come.” The BeijingPerforming Arts Center is truly atechnological marvel capable ofenhancing the cultural experiencefor performers and spectatorsalike.

      A Journey Through Time

      The Grand Canal Museumof Beijing serves as a captivatingshowcase of the Beijing section ofthe Grand Canal, one of China’sUNESCO World Heritagesites. This museum combinesnatural beauty and culturalelements. Walking around thebuilding, Si Thu Tun admired thewell-preserved relics and modernsculptures that tell the story ofthe Grand Canal’s history andsignificance. The core exhibitionfeatures over 1,000 cultural relicsand artworks following a timelineof the Grand Canal’s development.In the special and temporaryexhibition spaces, the cities andlandscapes along the Grand Canaltook center stage. A 27.4-meterlongpanoramic scroll presentedthe historical and cultural heritageof the Grand Canal and the iconicbuildings of Beijing.

      As the day drew to a close, SiThu Tun embarked on a boat ridealong the Grand Canal. It wasa magical experience, especiallyas night fell and the city lightstwinkled. The dazzling night lightsreflected on the water, creating amesmerizing sight. A deep sense ofpeace and satisfaction settled overhim as he glided down the canal.Riding a boat in the evening to enjoythe cool breeze while admiring theancient carved buildings takes youto a different era and world. Thisfascinating experience is unique toTongzhou.

      Si Thu Tun’s exploration ofthe Grand Canal in Tongzhouwasn’t just a sightseeing trip. It wascultural immersion. The blend ofancient and modern marvels lefthim brimming with newfoundknowledge and appreciation forChina’s rich heritage. Tongzhou,with its captivating blend of historyand innovation, has become atreasure trove of cultural delights formany foreign travelers like Si ThuTun, adding another layer to theirChina experience.

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