



      Cultural Diversity:Hallmark of Human Civilizations

      2024-08-21 00:00:00ShahbazKhan
      China Pictorial 2024年8期

      Culture is the lifebloodof humanity, a dynamicand ever-evolving forcethat has shaped thecontours of our civilizations. Itis through our diverse culturalexpressions that we communicateour values, histories, andaspirations. Culture is not merelyan artifact of the past. It is aliving, breathing testament to thehuman spirit and its capacity forinnovation, resilience, and unity.

      At UNESCO, we havewitnessed firsthand howculture acts as a catalyst forthe development of humancivilizations. Our programs andinitiatives across SCO countrieshave shown that investing inculture fosters social cohesion,drives economic growth,and promotes sustainabledevelopment. By celebratingour cultural diversity, we notonly enrich our own societiesbut also contribute to the globalcommonwealth of ideas andcreativity.

      As we navigate a futurefeaturing growing complexityand greater uncertainties,UNESCO is committed toembracing the opportunitiesthat come with technologicaladvancements, globalization, andthe increasing interconnectednessof our world. We will continueto leverage digital platforms topreserve and promote culturalheritage, ensuring that itremains accessible to all. At thesame time, we recognize thechallenges that come with culturalhomogenization and the erosionof traditional practices. It is ourduty to safeguard the uniquecultural identities that make up therich mosaic of our world.

      UNESCO’s work is groundedin the conviction that culture isa fundamental human right anda building block for sustainablepeace and development. Throughthe 2001 Universal Declarationfor Cultural Diversity and othercultural conventions, notably the1972 Convention Concerningthe Protection of the WorldCultural and Natural Heritageand the 2003 Convention on theSafeguarding of the IntangibleCultural Heritage , we have madesignificant strides in protectingour cultural landmarks and livingheritage. Our efforts in capacitybuilding, policy formulation, andinternational cooperation havehelped empower communities totake ownership of their culturalheritage and governments todevelop strategies and measuresto support communities in theirendeavors.

      Looking ahead, UNESCOis poised to play an even morepivotal role in fostering culturaldialogue. We will continue toparticipate in and facilitate forumson cultural exchange, whereopen and inclusive discussionscan take place. It is throughsuch dialogues that we can buildbridges of understanding, breakdown barriers of ignorance andprejudice, and create a moreharmonious world.

      In closing, I invite each andevery one of you to protect andcelebrate the cultural diversitythat is the hallmark of humancivilizations. Together, let usface the future with optimism,with a commitment to dialogue,and with an unwavering beliefin the transformative power ofculture.

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