



      Bridging Continent

      2024-10-13 00:00:00JEAN-CHRISTOPHEDESLARZES
      CHINA TODAY 2024年10期

      THE highly anticipated China-Europe TalentForum 2024 provides us with an invaluableplatform to discuss and enhancethe strong ties between China and Europe,focusing on the future of talent development.The relationship between China and Europe haslong been marked by mutual respect and a deepcommitment to collaboration in various sectors,including trade, technology, education, and culture.The development of talent that is adaptable, innovative,and resilient in both regions is vital to ensuringthat this relationship continues to flourish.The global challenges we face today – from rapidtechnological advancements to environmental concerns– demand a workforce that is not only skilledbut also agile in adapting to ever-changing circumstances.

      This year’s forum offers us an opportunity to addressthese challenges head-on, bringing togetherthought leaders, policymakers, educators, and businessleaders from both sides to forge new paths intalent development. By leveraging the combinedstrengths of China and Europe, we can build a workforcethat is well-prepared for the future, capable ofdriving economic growth, and contributing to theoverall well-being of our societies.

      Adecco Group’s Commitment

      As a leading global HR solutions provider, theAdecco Group has always placed a strong emphasison talent development. Our role in this forum isnot just as a participant but as a committed partnerto both regions in the pursuit of excellence inworkforce development. We are proud to release the2024 Global Workforce of the Future Report at thisforum, which will provide critical insights into theevolving dynamics of the global labor market, witha particular focus on the talent needs of China andEurope.

      This report, based on extensive research andanalysis, highlights the key trends that will shapethe future of work and underscores the importanceof developing skills that are not only relevant todaybut will remain essential in the years to come. Thefindings will serve as a guide for both governmentsand businesses in making informed decisions thatsupport sustainable economic growth and socialstability.

      Stronger Partnerships

      The forum also represents a significant opportunityto strengthen strategic partnerships betweeneducational institutions, enterprises, and governmentbodies in both regions. The signing of variousagreements between universities, enterprises, andother institutions during this event will pave theway for deeper collaboration in talent development.These partnerships are essential for creating educationaland professional environments that encourageinnovation, critical thinking, and cross-culturalunderstanding – which are indispensable in today’sinterconnected world.

      Moreover, the sub-forums on education, technology,youth, culture, economy, and trade will providefocused discussions on specific areas of interest,allowing participants to delve into the nuancesof talent development in these fields. The AdeccoGroup is particularly excited about the “Economyand Trade” sub-forum, where we will engage withexperts to explore how talent development candrive economic growth and competitiveness in bothregions.

      Fostering Future-Fit Talent

      In today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, theconcept of “future-fit” talent has gained significantimportance. This refers to individuals who possessnot only the technical skills required for their rolesbut also the adaptability, emotional intelligence, andcultural competence necessary to thrive in diverseand dynamic environments. The China-Europe TalentForum is an ideal venue to discuss how we cancollectively nurture such talents, ensuring that bothregions remain competitive on the global stage.

      At the Adecco Group, we believe that future-fittalent is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. Ourinitiatives are designed to equip individuals with theskills they need to succeed in the future, whetherthrough continuous learning opportunities, leadershipdevelopment programs, or fostering a cultureof innovation within organizations.

      The Path Forward

      As we look ahead to the China-Europe TalentForum 2024, I am filled with optimism about thepossibilities that lie ahead. The forum is not just ameeting of minds but a catalyst for action, whereideas are transformed into tangible outcomes thatbenefit both China and Europe. The insights gainedand the connections made here will undoubtedlycontribute to a stronger, more resilient partnershipbetween our regions.

      I would like to express my sincere gratitude to allthe participants, organizers, and partners who havemade this forum possible. Your dedication and hardwork are a testament to the shared vision we allhold – a vision of a future where talent is nurtured,opportunities are created, and the ties betweenChina and Europe continue to grow stronger.

      Together, let us seize this opportunity to shapethe future of talent development, ensuring that itremains a driving force for prosperity and mutualunderstanding between our great continents.

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