Freddie Corbett, 15, and Harley Hollingworth, 16, noticed a man in a sleepingbag on a train station2 platform3 in South Yorkshire. But with just the two boysand two young women around, the man then walked to the tracks before saying,“I’mgoing to kill myself tonight.”
His “heart dropped4”when Freddie found out what the man was going to do.In no time he jumped onto the tracks at the station to save the man.
The 15-year-old described that when he got onto the tracks,“I was just like‘Ican’t let him die5, I’m putting myself at risk but it’s not just him and it’s not justme—it’s the train driver and everyone on the train.’”With a train coming, Freddiesaid,“You can’t think. You’ve just got to do it.”
With his friend Harley jumping down to help him, Freddie was asked if he feltlike a hero, but he replied, “I didn’t think it were as big as what other peoplethought. It was just another day. I’d do it again in no time. Every time.
15 歲的弗雷迪·科比特和16 歲的哈利·霍林沃斯在南約克郡的一個火車站站臺上注意到一個在睡袋里的男子。但是周圍只有兩個男孩和兩個年輕女子,當時那個男子說:“我今晚要自殺?!比缓笞呦蜩F軌。
這位15 歲的男孩描述說,當他踏上鐵軌時,“我當時就在想:‘我不能讓他死,我在冒險,但不僅僅是他,也不僅僅是我———火車司機和火車上的每個人都在冒險?!备ダ椎险f,火車來的時候,“你無法思考。你必須去做。”
在他的朋友哈利跳下來幫忙的情況下,有人問弗雷迪他是否覺得自己是一個英雄。他回答說“: 我不認為這件事有其他人以為的那么了不起。這只是普通的一天。(以后再遇到)我還是會立刻這么做的。每次都會?!?/p>