University is seen as a place where young adults, and I use that term cautiously, can let their hair down for three (or more) years, drink, party and generally have a good time. It is, for many, the first opportunity to experience life outside of the parental nest, where being fed, clothed, cleaned up after and organised are suddenly no longer rights but personal responsibilities.
Ultimately, however, university is supposed to have a purpose, a meaning behind the madness. It's supposed to give you not just life skills but training that will allow you to become a productive member of the workforce. So what can a graduate having studied a non-vocational subject for three years offer a potential employer? Apparently not very much.
A friend who works for Lloyd's of London recently told me that he would rather employ someone who had 'lived in the real world' for a few years than a recent graduate. His logic was that graduates are taught abstract ideas and encouraged to write essays with distant deadlines, neither of which prepares them for the pressing demands of work.
The fact that the overall number of students has almost doubled in the UK over the past decade to just under 2.5 million in 2005/6 means that simply having a degree has lost at least some of its value in the eyes of employers. This has massively increased the importance of career-orientated work experience so that companies can train potential future employees in the job before they officially begin to work for them. This is not only energy saving but cost effective for the employer as the work experience is usually either low paid or completely unpaid. It also, however, means that only those who can afford not to work during breaks from university can truly reap the benefits.
On top of this, students whose parents have high-earning jobs will be in a much better position to gain work experience either directly with their parents or through their business contacts. The inevitable effect of this is to widen the social gap between the well off and people from less wealthy backgrounds and reaffirm the problems of the class-based structure that the government is so keen to announce that it has abolished.
Furthermore if career-orientated work experience is becoming a requirement for employment then the implication is that students should have decided upon a career before applying for university. Not only does this undermine the study of almost all non-vocational subjects (unless if the student plans a career in academia), but it also further narrows the breadth of education that is received by students in Britain. In the US, the first year of study at university provides introductory classes in a range of subjects that encourages students to sample a large variety of areas before specialising. Harvard University, for example, has have what it calls core curriculum whereby:
Undergraduates must devote almost a quarter of their studies to courses in the following areas of the programme: foreign cultures, historical study, literature and arts, moral reasoning, quantitative reasoning, science, and social analysis.
Britain, in contrast, forces its students to pick their specialisation before they have even finished their A-level course. To effectively make career-targeted work experience a mandatory addition to a graduate's CV is to force the choice of a future career at a very early stage of development and therefore further limit the choices that the student will have later on.
The government's aim to have 50% of school leavers in university by 2010 is only likely to exacerbate the problem. If employers want students to have particular skills within their chosen field then the arts subjects, save for those who want to become artists, writers or academics, will become effectively pointless, producing ever increasing numbers of people who will leave university no more employable than when they arrived. A survey published recently suggests that students may already be feeling the effects of this pressure as 20% of new students fail to complete their course.
As a graduate of the arts myself I am not suggesting that the country requires a return to the two-tier system of the universities and the polytechnics, but a change in policy by both the government and employers must be countenanced. The priorities and demands of the two seem to be progressively more at odds with each other, making some parts of the job market nearly inaccessible to many newly made graduates. It seems ridiculous for any government to set such specific educational targets and put so much strain on Britain's educational infrastructure if the market does not appear to demand them.
Equally, however, employers must develop new ways of distinguishing between candidates without discriminating against those who have not enjoyed access to their chosen career before graduating. With the introduction of top-up fees it seems that more than ever the biggest thing that students are getting from attending university is debt.