(集美大學(xué)教師教育學(xué)院,福建廈門 361021)
(集美大學(xué)教師教育學(xué)院,福建廈門 361021)
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Study of non-autonom ous predator-prey system with impulsive effects and random perturbation
Tan Dejun
(College of Education of Teacher,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)
A m odel of a non-autonom ous ratio-dependent p redator-p rey system with im pulsive effects and random perturbation is builded.The equivalent relation between the solution of non-autonom ous stochastic differential system with im pu lsive effects and that of a corresponding non autonomous stochastic differential system with im pulsive effect is researched.Moreover,we prove som e dynam ic behavior of this system for the boundedness,uniform ly bounded in them ean and extinction of this system.
im pu lsive effect,random perturbation,predator-prey system,boundedness
2010 MSC:34D 05,34D 20