



      A Report on Undergraduates

      2013-04-29 04:22:12任哲熹



      A Purpose

      The purpose of this report is to investigate the income and expenditure of undergraduates cost of living in Chongqing University of Science and Technology. Grasp the psychological features of college students consumption and behavioral targeting.

      B Background

      With the depth of the economic and social development, consumer market is now gradually divided into different market segments based on occupation or age. College students are a special group of the society. On the one hand, most of them are far away from their hometown and live alone. On the other hand, there is no independent source of income, and their tuition usual is provided by their family because of youth, although part of them can enjoy scholarships and students loans. However, just because they are so young, they all are vigor, ambitious and eager to do what they want to do, but limited income almost becomes the biggest problem in their lives.

      C Investigation methods

      The information in this report was gathered by questionnaire.

      D Scope

      This report investigates undergraduates from Chongqing University of Science and Technology.


      A The basic information of informant

      90 students from university were investigated, including 48 girls and 42 boys.

      According to investigation result, the most of our informants is junior, it accounts for about 43% and the percentage of freshman is 21%, sophomore is 23%, senior is 13%. Then about 43% students are from countryside and 57% students are from city.

      B The income level and main source of it

      According to the survey, those families earning less than 2500 yuan per month number 12 or 13% of the total. About 30 percent of the informants have monthly incomes ranging from 2500 yuan to 5000 yuan. Those who earn more than 5000 but less than 7500 Yuan per month account for 33%. And those monthly household income between 7500

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