



      Out of the Mist

      2013-07-26 06:35
      閱讀與作文(英語高中版) 2013年6期

      John has lived in London for a few years, but he isnt so familiar with that city, because he seldom goes out. One foggy morning, he had to go somewhere to attend an important meeting. Because of the heavy fog, he was unable to get the right way. Although he asked many people for the direction, no one paid attention to him, for they were all in a hurry. He looked so anxious. At this very moment, a woman came out of the fog and said, “Let me help you, Sir. Please go with me.” John followed the woman, and then she led him to the right place. It took them about half an hour. John owed his great thanks to her. However, to his great surprise, he found that the woman was blind. “How can you take me here?” John asked. “I have been living in London since I was born, so Im very familiar with every street in this city.” the woman answered.

      伊宁市| 阳东县| 海安县| 乌拉特前旗| 剑川县| 安乡县| 乌兰浩特市| 兴仁县| 泾阳县| 邵东县| 虎林市| 安龙县| 榕江县| 旅游| 洪泽县| 陆川县| 布尔津县| 景宁| 肥西县| 临清市| 乐昌市| 枞阳县| 剑阁县| 青川县| 嘉义市| 尼勒克县| 宣恩县| 涟源市| 江川县| 扶风县| 饶河县| 万全县| 建瓯市| 绥化市| 丹东市| 双流县| 贵溪市| 山丹县| 团风县| 西城区| 吉首市|