




      2014-01-06 08:59theguardian.com
      瘋狂英語·原聲版 2013年12期


      William Atkinson (Head Teacher): Phoenix High School consists of some…a thousand 11- to 18-year-olds, and were situated on the White City Estate in West London.

      Garry McMillan (Director of Development): The farm started in 2007 and it was a piece of land that was left over from construction that wed have done on the site.

      William: We decided we would create this farm to educate our young people, but also to the wider adult community could actually get a much better sense of the journey that their food takes from the ground to the table. We want to divert as many of our parents and our young people away from junk food towards food which is nutritious.

      Cath Knight (Community Food Grower): Weve got lots of potatoes, onions, carrots, peas, beans. We grow pumpkins and squashes, tomatoes, 1)aubergines, cucumbers, lots of lovely salads, chilis, grapevines. Weve got raspberries, blueberry bushes, medicinal herbs and 2)culinary herbs. We grow some edible flowers as well, which is interesting for the kids to learn about. Weve also got some chickens and some rabbits, and weve just got a bee hive.

      Garry: It is about giving inner city young people an experience theyd probably never ever had. Because of the area that were in you do find that a lot of young people dont have pets, so they dont know anything about animals.

      Student A: All rabbits are quite fast cause they dont like you holding them, but when you go quite slow and youre calm, then it wont be…it wont get scared.

      Student B: Put your hand under its legs and lean it on your other arm, then it wont drop.

      Cath: They love it! They love getting their hands dirty. Their favorite things are watering, digging, …

      Student B: Yesterday we came to the farm. We planted potatoes, and were gonna have a competition. Whoever gets the most weight in potatoes wins the prize.

      Student A: We have a chicken place over there, and we take their eggs and try them and see how they taste.

      Cath: Weve done little cooking projects where weve collected eggs from our hens, and then weve made scrambled eggs, and weve put some light herbs in and some chili.

      Student A: You could just come and be calm and play with animals.

      Student B: …and cuz they make you calm.

      Garry: We have an external classroom thats Wi-Fi enabled that suits 32 young people. Any subject, if you think about it, can actually be incorporated to that sort of outdoor learning space. Students who might struggle in a sort of traditional learning environment, when they go out to the farm, is that they quite often thrive.

      William: Food from the farm is actually brought into the school, and we invite the parents in to sample it.

      Garry: They would come onto the farm and theyll collect some herbs, maybe collect some vegetables, then theyll take it to the food technology block upstairs.

      Marcia Clark (Family & Community Engagement Manager): After cooking class we will take it to the supermarket and show them food labels, what to buy, how to buy it.

      William: You know, theyre 3)muckin out animals and milkin cows and stuff, theyre messing around with sheep. Theyre learning to drive a tractor. The opportunity to be in those wide expanse[sic] there and then to be doing those activities, yeah, for some, one or two of them, has been life-changing. Its about taking kids away from their known world, away from the parameters in which they normally operate, yeah, and give them challenges beyond their comfort zone, and many, many of the youngsters respond to that.

      Garry: The 4)attainment, the attendance at the school has gone through the roof. Fourteen years ago this was, according to some newspapers, the worst school in England. 2011, this was the No. 1 5)contextual value-added school in the country. I do believe that the farm has really made a difference.

      William: Oh, the entire school community is proud of it. The governors are proud of it, the teachers are proud of it, the kids, the parents, the entire community is proud of that. Its vibrant, its fantastic, and its on the White City Estate in the middle of London. I think its brilliant! I love it!




















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