查理大帝 張耕源 刻制 Charlemagne
奧諾雷·德·巴爾扎克 楊松 刻制
Honoré de Balzac
戴高樂 藝如樂圖 刻制
Charles de Gaulle
盧梭 趙冬友 刻制 仲馬 華汀 刻制 Dumas 弗朗索瓦一世 華奎 刻制
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Francis I of France
這次盧浮宮“鎮(zhèn)館三寶”肖像印創(chuàng)作及外展盛舉是中國肖像印研究會繼2010年創(chuàng)作上海世博會參展國(地區(qū))政要肖像印、2011年創(chuàng)作辛亥革命百年百杰及2012年中國歷屆奧運冠軍肖像印后的第四次大規(guī)模創(chuàng)作。肖像印是中國印學(xué)文化的重要組成部分,此次中國肖像印有幸展于世界藝術(shù)殿堂之巔 —盧浮宮,將極大提升其藝術(shù)價值,讓世界認識中國印學(xué)文化,推動中國肖像印走向世界。順利完成,這三方印將由主辦方分別贈畫大家曾宓、吳山明、陳振濂和馬鋒輝
展覽期間,法國總統(tǒng)奧朗德、法國戴送給本人。的大作,及龍泉青瓷、青田石雕、朱炳仁高樂基金會主席雅克 ·戈德弗蘭和法國與“法國歷史文化名人金石印像”銅雕精品,還有吳立民、章子峰創(chuàng)作的永著名女演員朱麗葉 ·比諾什的肖像印也同時亮相的浙江文化方陣中還有著名書嘉山水詩意圖。□
Seal-cutting Portraits Bring China Style into Louvre
By Cai Shunong
Crafted by the Hangzhou-based China Portrait Seal Research Institute, three seal-
cut replications of the “three royal treasures of the Louvre” turned out to be the biggest
highlight of the French Cultural and Histori-cal Notables Seal-cutting Portraits Exhibition that has just made its debut in Paris. The ex-hibition drew the attention from the worlds top-ranking media and was well-received in the Chinese community and among the local cultural buffs in France, triggering a sweep-ing ‘China style in the cultural and art heart-land of Europe.
Representing the cream of the Chinese culture, portrait seal-cutting is justifiably a Chinese national pride and serves as an effective communication carrier for its tangibility and readability. The charm of this traditional Chinese art language stems
largely from its figurativeness, just like the
borderless appeal of music that is reachable by all cultures and nationalities.
The seal-cutting portraits exhibition held in Paris was part of a series of activities de-signed for the 50th anniversary of the estab-lishment of Sino-French diplomatic relations. The 50 dignitaries from the splendid history of France selected by French historians for the making of seal portraits for the exhibition include Napoleon, Charles de Gaulle and Joan of Arc. The 50 art pieces were carved by the ingenious hands of a dozen famous Chinese seal engraving masters.
The exhibition won enormous critical acclaim from the French locals, who were awed by the wonderful artistry demon-strated by these artifacts. Many visitors just could not take their eyes off the exhibits, carried away by the intriguing cultural im-plications presented in such a traditional Chinese way.
Zhang Gengyuan, chairman of the China Portrait Seal Research Institute, expressed his excitement about the success of such a friendship-promoting cultural dialogue be-tween China and France, the heartland of the culture, history and art of Europe.
The seal images exhibition in Paris attracts quite a few French people.
“The exhibition is compelling evidence of the long-standing and far-reaching friendship and cultural and historical com-munication between the two countries. The exhibition also marks a new milestone in the history of the Chinese art of seal engrav-ing has been achieved,” commented Zhang Gengyuan.
Louvre is world-famous for its ‘top three royal treasures -- the ancient Greek marble sculpture “Venus de Milo”, Mona Lisa - or ‘Portrait of Lisa Gherardini - by Leonardo Da Vinci, and Liberty Leading the People, the painting that inspired Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty in New York City in the US.
A focus meeting was organized by the China Portrait Seal Research Institute espe-cially for mapping out a plan for the invita-tion extended by Paris, leading to a proposal agreed upon by all participants to feature the ‘top three must-see works of art at the Louvre. Zhang Gengyuan, working together with Ye Qingfeng and Chen Ruitao, both deputy chairmen of the institute, was des-ignated to make the three feature art works. The Qingtian county government, represent-ing the countrys most famous place for the production of special stones for the mak-ing of seals, contributed high
quality stone materials to the
“I was lucky to be offered
a chance to get involved in such a meaningful assignment and I feel proud to be able to share my art works as well as my respect for the greatest people in the history of man-kind with the French people. I also learned a lot about the history of the European coun-
try in the process”, said Ye
The Paris exhibition is not the first time Chinas seal engraving grandmasters dem-onstrated the Chinese national treasure in such an impressive scale. Artists representing the institute have contributed art
works to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the Centennial of the Revolution of 1911 held in 2011, and the 2012 Olympic Champions of China Exhibition.
Portrait seal-engraving constitutes an im-portant part of the seal-engraving culture of China. The Paris debut of this year brought the glistening pearl in the Chinese culture into the worlds most prestigious museum for people from all over the world to under-stand and enjoy the measureless fascination of the Chinese seal-cutting tradition.
The portrait seals of the French president Francois Hollande, chairman of Charles De Gaulle Trust and the award-winning French actress Juliette Binoche were made during the exhibition by the artists from the institute participating in the event, and were pre-sented to the three celebrities at the opening ceremony.
Displayed together with the seal-cutting works are a collection of traditional Chinese landscape paintings and sculptures contrib-uted by such big names as Zeng Mi, Wu Shanming, Chen Zhenlian, Wu Liming and Zhang Zifeng.