




      2014-02-21 01:51:45主持建筑師胡越邰方晴
      世界建筑 2014年4期


      Principal Architects: HU Yue, TAI Fangqing


      Renovation of Qingpu Stadium and Training Hall, Shanghai, China, 2008


      Principal Architects: HU Yue, TAI Fangqing

      1 體育館與訓練館之間/Path between stadium and training hall

      2 訓練館改造前外景/Exterior view before renovation

      3 訓練館改造后外景/Exterior view after renovation




      The Qingpu Gymnasium and Training Halllocated in Shanghai's Qingpu District's old area -was built and expanded in 1980s. Thirty years later, the two buildings had important shortcomings in terms of image and performance and their indoor facilities were out of date.

      The project updated the exterior of the buildings, adding an envelope, and clarifying the geometry of the buildings as a whole. The new envelope was built of three materials: polycarbonate plates for the top layer, perforated aluminum alloy plates for the bottom layer and square aluminum alloy tubes at other locations. Though polycarbonate plates are not a commonly used building material, utilizing a single-layer plate design on building facades has unique effects. Polycarbonate plates are light in weight, safe, simple in structure, don’t require major modifications to the main structure and are favorable for reducing construction cost. In addition, the transparency of polycarbonate plates can be used to satisfy day-lighting requirements at the interior of the building. Single-layer ivory-white polycarbonate plates of 4.5mm minimum thickness with ultraviolet resistance and matt surfacing on both faces were used. The polycarbonate plates were firmly connected in horizontal and vertical directions with a weaving technique, providing an "open coat" for the building. The texture of the polycarbonate plates gave the building a rich and meaningful modern image, one consistent with its urban environment.

      At the Gymnasium interior, the functionality of the space for small matches was improved, the spectators' stands were rebuilt and auxiliary rooms and service facilities for audiences were added.

      項目信息/Credits and Data

      設計團隊/Design Team: 結構工程師:張燕平,李輝;機電工程師:薛沙舟,申偉;造價工程師:劉慧英/Engineer: zHANG Yanping, LI Hui; Electrical & Mechanical Engineer: XUE Shazhou, SHEN Wei; Cost Engineer: LIU Huiying

      場地面積/Site Area: 6000m2

      建筑面積/Floor Area: 8100m2

      攝影/Photos: 付興/FU Xing

      4 訓練館平面/Floor 0 plan of training hall

      5 總平面/Site plan

      6 訓練館東立面/East elevation of training hall

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