Architecture is Transformation
都市別墅/Urban Villa(攝影/Photo: Giovanna Silva)
"In adapting the former textile laboratory to the needs of a home, the project seeks to make the basement level fully usable. It lets in natural light by demolishing the whole inner fa?ade and excavating a deep passage to link the courtyard level with the lower level. In this way the courtyard descends by a tiered slope into the house, forming a continuous landscape."
布魯佐洛/Bruzolo(攝影/Photo: Beppe Giardino)
"The design aims to create a path able to activate the experience of the museum already from the exterior, and to solve an unusual problem: the former main entrance has been 'swallowed' by later additions and is not accessible to the public. So the small volumes of the required facilities are attached to the stone facade of an adjacent building."
We live, and work, in Italy. We are forced to look at the world through a distorting lens: the no-growth situation led to a slow transformation of the cities and of the territory. New constructions are an exception rather than the norm. Whereas the world is producing the biggest amount of new buildings in human history, we happened to work for more than ten years mainly on re-use. This led us to a risky but rather clear position about architecture in our future: less and less a creation of the new, but a constant transformation of what is already there with its value and its potential. Definitely, re-use is the only sustainable architecture.
MARC (Michele Bonino, Subhash Mukerjee)
科莫湖/Como(攝影/Photo: Beppe Giardino)
"Instead to take up the surface of a really popular meeting place, as originally planned, the building "sinks" inside an existing stone harbor. The interplay among the different levels blends it with the existing architectural and natural landscapes, and also enables it to cope with the movements of the lake, eventually absorbing exceptional floods."
里沃利/Rivoli (攝影/Photo: Beppe Giardino)
"A manager comes back to live in the big house of his childhood, looking to adapt it to the needs of his large family and to his collection of vintage cars. At the same time he is reluctant to spoil the house of his memories. Only strictly necessary changes are made but they are enough to establish a radical relation between the old, the new and the big park outside."