




      2014-03-15 16:22:59
      小天使·五年級語數英綜合 2014年3期

      1.I'm Amaya, and I am learning my colors! My favorite color is pink.我是Amaya,我在學認顏色!我最愛的顏色是粉紅色。

      2.Today, I am going to the zoo. I can find lots of colors at the zoo. Most of all, I hope I can find the color pink.今天我要去動物園。我能在動物園找到很多顏色。最重要的是,我希望我找到粉紅色!

      3. I see red at the zoo. I see a red parrot. Red is sort of like pink, but red is darker.我在動物園看見紅色。我看見紅色的鸚鵡。紅色有點像粉紅,但顏色更深一些。

      4.I see brown at the zoo. I see a brown camel. It has one hump.我在動物園看見棕色。我看見一只棕色的駱駝。它有一個駝峰。

      5.I see yellow at the zoo, too. I see two yellow frogs.我在動物園也看見黃色。我看見兩只黃色的青蛙。

      6.I see green and blue. I see a peacock with beatiful green and blue feathers. 我看見綠色和藍色。我看見一只有著美麗的綠色和藍色羽毛的孔雀。

      7.I see black, too. I see a black gorilla eating leaves. He looks hungry! 我也看見黑色。我看見黑色的大猩猩在吃樹葉。它看上去很餓!

      8.I see this flamingo, too. It is standing on one leg. Flamingos are kind of pink, but this one looks a little orange. 我還看見這只火烈鳥。它用一條腿站立著?;鹆银B的顏色有幾分粉紅色,但是這只看上去有點兒偏橘色。

      9.I see blue at the zoo. I see children looking at the blue water of the aquarium. Look at all of the fish. Are they any pink? I don't see any. 我在動物園看見藍色。我看見孩子們正朝水族館里藍色的水上看??纯此羞@些魚,有粉紅色的嗎?我沒看到。

      10.Here is more orange at the zoo. This orange tiger has black stripes, too.這里有更多的橘色。這只橘色的老虎身上還有黑色的條紋。

      11.I see white at the zoo. I see a big, white polar bear.我在動物園看見白色。我看見一只白色的大北極熊。

      12.I see purple at the zoo. I see a purple dog made from purple balloons. Mom buys it for me.我在動物園看見紫色。我看見一只用紫色的氣球做的小狗。媽媽把它買了下來給我。

      13.I still don't see any pink, do you? Maybe I won't find anything pink at the zoo.我還沒有看到粉色,你呢?也許動物園里不會找到任何粉紅色。

      Wait--what's that I see?等等——我看到了什么?

      14.I finally see pink at the zoo! It is pink cotton candy, and it is yummy. 我終于在動物園里看到了粉紅色!粉紅色的棉花糖。它很好吃。

      15.Wow! Look at all the colors.Try to help me name them all, and the name of all the animals, too.哇!看看所有這些顏色。來幫我把它們都叫出來,還有所有動物的名字哦!

      16.I'm so happy about all the colors I found today, and especially that I found my favorite color--pink!我很高興我今天找到了所有的顏色,特別是我找到了我最喜歡的顏色——粉紅色!

      Did you see your favorite color at the zoo?你在動物園里看到了你最喜歡的顏色嗎?endprint

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