



      Jersey City, a Love Story 澤西城之戀

      2014-04-09 11:42:05JessanneCollins
      新東方英語 2014年4期


      In 2005, a new bar opened around the corner from my apartment, near Graham Avenue and Metropolitan in Brooklyn2). I was there for a birthday party when a photographer snapped a photo of a friend faux-feeding me a cupcake. A few days later, the picture appeared alongside a review of the bar in The Village Voice3). The headline called it “Aging Hipster4) Heaven.”

      I was a baby-faced 26, and this was the first time Id been called an “aging” anything. It was funny, of course, in a terribly cringey5) way. I didnt identify as a hipster because, well, who on earth does? But here are the hard, objective facts. I was proud of my address, on the swelling lip of the neighborhood real estate agents were calling “East Williamsburg6).” I had baby bangs7) and a publishing job. And I had been caught red-handed8) doing something ironic with a cupcake.

      Of course, I was also a transplant9). Conversations at bars like Aging Hipster Heaven began one of two ways: “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Id moved to New York from Massachusetts for reasons so typical theyre hardly necessary to name. To scratch an itch10). To spread my wings. To make it. Id grown up in a tiny town where I didnt fit in, and now I was trying to prove that I belonged somewhere huge.

      I lived across the hall from a graphic designer from New Hampshire11) and above a Puerto Rican woman and an ancient Italian lady. My downstairs neighbors had been there longer, and perhaps had more claim to the neighborhood than people like the designer and me, drifting on top like middle-class sediment. But all of us had, at one time or another, arrived from someplace else.

      This is why I lived in Brooklyn, and why I loved it there: because people chose it. It was where you went when you wanted to live somewhere deliberately. To say you lived there was to wear a badge that said “Im here for a reason,” even if you couldnt say what, exactly, that reason was.

      To someone from Brooklyn by way of elsewhere, Jersey City might as well be Cleveland12). The first time I ventured there, for a holiday party, it felt utterly foreign, with its bizarre public transit and boxy high-rises13). It still felt that way when I woke up there on a wintry morning a few months later, in the bedroom of a boy who had the same view of Lower Manhattan14) that I had, only in reverse.

      He was, of course, from New Jersey. And as only people who are of New Jersey do, he loved it, fiercely. What was it like to have such loyalty to a place? Even Brooklyn, where I fit in so well, didnt feel like home.

      We were still dating in the spring, when the trees bloomed and the cafes unfurled their awnings, and suddenly Jersey City transformed from a dour15) no-mans-land16) into a secret garden full of weeping willows, affordable brownstones and impossibly cheap cigarettes. I was so smitten17), with the boy and the place, that I packed up18) my beloved, crumbling apartment and moved across two rivers and the invisible fence that divides the Empire and Garden states19).

      It was a move of five miles, a 10-minute train ride from Manhattan, but in the ways that mattered it was epic.

      Jersey City is not a place that people come to from distant parts of the country with great intention and purpose. It is a place that people come to from distant parts of New Jersey. They like the proximity to the city, the almost New Yorkness, combined with the convenience and comfort of still being in New Jersey. (People from New Jersey, unlike people from New England, highly prioritize convenience and comfort.) But to anyone who lives in Brooklyn, “moving to Jersey City” is one and the same with “moving to Jersey, period.” Brooklyners end up there purely by accident: first, they settle for20) it, and then they settle down.

      “Brooklyn is an ethos,” said one of my friends, explaining why hed rather live in Bushwick21). Jersey City is not. Its the mainland. Living there is just living there, in that spot on the planet, a short trip from an island that tends to overestimate its place in the universe.

      It stands to reason22) that moving to Jersey is the one not-cool thing that will never inexplicably become cool among New Yorkers. And I had done it. It no longer seemed necessary to have a different bar to go to every night of the week. It seemed like it was time to learn to live within my means. If this is what aging entails23), the Village Voice was right.

      And yet. On certain dark streets, I still found myself clutching my bag to my chest, fearful that some wayward teenager would snatch my wallet, and with it my New York drivers license—the last tether to my Brooklyn identity.

      After a few years, my boyfriend and I went through a rough patch and I left him and our dirt-cheap, sun-filled apartment and all our books and records and moved into a stuffy studio24) in the East Village25). For months, I tried to talk myself into being excited to resume the life Id left off when I moved in with him. Without my stuff, without that guy who loved New Jersey a little too much, I could go anywhere; start over. Los Angeles, Berlin, Austin.

      But Id lost something. The itch to leave, the restlessness Id been trying to soothe by starting over every few years somewhere new, the notion that who I was had anything to do with my address.

      I thought I would love walking home from work, but instead I missed that breath of fresh river air I used to catch coming out of the PATH26) station in Jersey City at the end of the day, the sense that the city was, at last, at arms length. I cried at night, missing our bed. I cried in a bodega, missing our Korean grocer. I went to a different restaurant every night, and waited an hour for a table, and left unsatisfied.

      My 31st birthday was coming, and with it, the expiration date on my New York drivers license. But, exhausted by the city and the effort it took to feel at home there, I kept putting off getting a new one. Finally, one Saturday morning in September, I got on the PATH train and rode it into New Jersey, out past Grove Street, where he still had our apartment, and was waiting for me with the patience you possess when you know where youre from and where you belong. I stayed on the train all the way to Journal Square, and there I got in line at the DMV27).


















      1. Jersey City:澤西城,美國新澤西州東北部港口城市,與紐約市隔水相望。

      2. Brooklyn:布魯克林,美國紐約市人口最多的一個區(qū)

      3. The Village Voice:《村聲》,在紐約市免費發(fā)行的一種周刊雜志

      4. hipster [?h?pst?(r)] n. 趕時髦的人,潮人

      5. cringey [?kr?nd?i] adj. 感到局促不安的

      6. East Williamsburg:東威廉斯堡,美國紐約市布魯克林的一個區(qū)域,這里是藝術(shù)社群的交流中心,其快速發(fā)展的住房與商業(yè)空間吸引了眾多富裕族群。

      7. bangs [b??z] n. 劉海

      8. red-handed [?red?h?nd?d] adj. 正在作案的

      9. transplant [?tr?ns?plɑ?nt] n. 移居者

      10. scratch an itch:滿足某種欲望

      11. New Hampshire:新罕布什爾,美國州名

      12. Cleveland:克利夫蘭,美國俄亥俄州東北部港口城市

      13. high-rise:高樓大廈

      14. Lower Manhattan:曼哈頓下城,是紐約市曼哈頓島最南面的部分,這里有華爾街和世界貿(mào)易中心遺址。

      15. dour [d??(r)] adj. 陰沉的;荒蕪的

      16. no-mans-land:無人地帶

      17. smitten [?sm?t?n] adj. 被迷住的;神魂顛倒的

      18. pack up:整理;把……打包

      19. 文中the Empire state (帝國州)是對New York State (紐約州)的昵稱,the Garden state (花園州)則是對New Jersey State (新澤西州)的昵稱。

      20. settle for:勉強接受

      21. Bushwick:布什維克,位于紐約市布魯克林北部的一個下層中產(chǎn)階級社區(qū)

      22. stand to reason:合乎情理

      23. entail [?n?te?l] vt. 使……必然隨之而來;勢必造成

      24. studio [?stju?di??] n. (附設(shè)小浴室及小廚房的)一室公寓房

      25. East Village:東村,紐約市曼哈頓區(qū)的一片街區(qū)

      26. PATH:紐新航港局過哈德遜河捷運(Port Authority Trans-Hudson的縮寫),是連結(jié)曼哈頓、澤西城及霍伯肯的一個都會大眾捷運系統(tǒng),簡稱紐新捷運。

      27. DMV:機動車輛管理局(Department of Motor Vehicles的縮寫),發(fā)放、更新駕照是其職能之一。文中作者來到這里打算把駕照更換為澤西城的駕照,在該城定居。

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