



      5 People Who Became Famous After Death 生前寂寞,身后揚名的五位名人

      2014-04-09 11:45AshGrant
      新東方英語 2014年4期


      Where theres life, theres death. Though a true statement, for some it seems that life and legacy continue on long after death. Many artists, poets, writers and others have been able to continue to live on through their stories, theories, art and ideas. Though not immortal, the works of certain people allow them to continue to be an important part of the world, despite no longer living.

      The list below describes five people, who after death, became famous and made a profound impact on society as well as culture that can still be felt today. Not all of these people wanted fame, but ultimately achieved it, just in an untimely manner. I guess posthumous1) fame isnt all that bad.

      Alfred Wegener

      Born on November 1, 1880, Alfred Wegener dedicated his life to being a prolific German scientist, geologist, and meteorologist2). In 1905, he received his astronomy degree from the University of Berlin and then set out on a life of discovery and experimentation. He went on expeditions to Greenland in order to study the polar air circulation, which was done before there was ever a widely accepted existence of the Earths jet stream3). Wegener, during his life, also focused his research heavily on continental drift, in which he believed the continents were very slowly moving around the earth. But, despite research and information that backed his theory, it was not accepted until later on in the 1950s. He died in 1931 on a trip to Greenland due to heart failure.

      The Death Effect

      Though he made his theories known during his lifetime, not many people believed him, and they often went on with their own experiments, disregarding Wegeners findings. While he did discover the jet stream, continental drift and the fact that the continents are connected, he was never credited with these ideas until there was concrete evidence proposed and accepted. After his death, J. Tuzo Wilson4) provided substantial evidence to prove the existence of tectonic plates5) and continental drift. Once proven, Wegeners theories were brought to the forefront.

      Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564. He was a scientist, mathematician and astronomer who contributed valuable information and astrological tools to the scientific world. He created a telescope that allowed him to look at the planets, including Jupiter and Saturn, in which he was able to discover the moons orbiting these planets. Though he didnt discover the theory himself, he proved that Copernicus was correct in his heliocentric6) theory of our solar system. While his discoveries and theories were correct, he was often criticized by those heavily involved in religion, which was a way of life during his time, as they believed that the world was geocentric and was in one fixated place and did not move to revolve around the sun. He was accused of heresy7) by Pope Urban VIII and was put on house arrest8) until his death.

      The Death Effect

      While Galileo did make himself known, his theories were hardly accepted during his lifetime. During his lifetime, there was still a strong focus on incorrect religious beliefs. People didnt want to think outside of the Bible, and therefore anything that contradicted what the Bible claimed was ultimately thrown out and entirely disregarded. However, today, Galileo stands as the father of modern physics and his work is highly praised. Even though he didnt know it, Galileo was studying and experimenting with scientific ideas that today are considered highly important parts of the scientific world, including kinematics9) and strength of materials.

      Born in 1822, Gregor Johann Mendel was an Augustinian10) priest, who today is known as the “father of modern genetics.” Even though his experiments didnt seem of much value during his time, little did people know that he had experimented with genetic inheritance by examining pea plants. Despite the fact that he was extremely shy and quiet and often had psychological breakdowns, he was heavily devoted to plant hybridization, botany, meteorology and learning more about natural science. One of his most famous experiments involved him cross-breeding two different types of pea plants. His experiments brought forth two generalizations, the Law of Segregation11) and the Law of Independent Assortment12), which later became known as Mendels Laws of Inheritance. In 1884 Mendel died, but thankfully his discoveries did not.

      The Death Effect

      While he had made very significant findings, such as the fact that trait inheritance follows certain laws, Mendels theories and data were not recognized, used and praised until the 20th century. Many disregarded his theories and information due to the fact that they just didnt understand it. He was rediscovered in the 1900s and biologists over flocked to test out his experiments. Today, Mendel has two laws named after him, both dealing with genetics. One explains dominant and recessive genes, which he discovered after mixing a white and purple pea plant, and the product producing only purple flowers, and the other explains how alleles13) of different genes all assort independent of other alleles.

      Born on January 19, 1809 in Massachusetts, Edgar Allan Poe flew under the radar14) his entire life. He is known as an American Romantic Movement writer who often focused on macabre15) mystery, and is the first to write a detective-fiction short story. He had hoped to become a successful writer and make a living by doing so, but his life went otherwise. While Poe was able to publish his prose as well as short stories, he wasnt usually paid for them, and if he was, it was just a few dollars. His piece, The Raven, sold for $9, which is a highly praised work of literature today. After his wifes premature death, his life seemed to go downhill. He was moving from place to place in order to keep publishing his work and attempting to stay out of legal trouble due to excessive drinking. However, in 1849, Poe died of what doctors say to be a combination of many possible things, ranging from suicide to rabies16), to heart disease.

      The Death Effect

      While Poes work was published, he never made much money, and never received the fame he has today. All over the world his work is celebrated for introducing a new type of writing style and theme into the literature world.

      Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, “Each [of Poes detective stories] is a root from which a whole literature has developed…. Where was the detective story until Poe breathed the breath of life17) into it?” High praise from someone who many feel is the most important detective novelist of all time.

      Born on July 3, 1883 in Prague, Franz Kafka was part of a middle-class Jewish family. He was the eldest of all of the children and was put under most pressure to help his family by his father. After attending school at the Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague, he studied chemistry, then switched to law, and became extremely interested in writing and other literary elements. Though he found quality jobs, he quit them often due to conflicts with the time. Kafka wanted more time to himself in order to write, and later in life moved to Berlin in 1921 in order to get this time. But, in 1924 he died suddenly, apparently from starvation, due to the fact that he was suffering from tuberculosis18) and was no longer able to eat.

      The Death Effect

      “Dearest Max, my last request: Everything I leave behind me … in the way of diaries, manuscripts, letters, sketches, and so on, [is] to be burned unread.”

      While alive, Kafka only published a few pieces of his unfinished works. His writing didnt get much attention until after he died, and that is when many began to discover his style of writing, which was highly existential and modern, and often reflected his own life in a dry19), humorous way. Before dying, Kafka never really finished his works. The Metamorphosis stands as one piece of literature that was completed, but many see it as a short story, not a novel. His work wasnt published until after he died, by a lifelong friend named Max Brod. Today, there is still a search for lost letters and manuscripts written by Kafka.

      His fame lives on as Kafka has a museum dedicated to his work in Prague, Czech Republic. Possibly more notable is the fact that the term “Kafkaesque” is widely used today to describe bizarre concepts and ideas which are prevalent in his works, particularly The Trial and The Metamorphosis.






















      1. posthumous [?p?stj?m?s] adj. 死后的,身后的

      2. meteorologist [?mi?ti??r?l?d??st] n. 氣象學家

      3. jet stream:[氣]急流,指位于對流層上層或平流層中的強而窄的氣流,是全球大氣環(huán)流的重要環(huán)節(jié)。

      4. J. Tuzo Wilson:J·圖佐·威爾遜(1908~1993),加拿大地球物理學家和地質學家,因對板塊構造論的貢獻而在全世界享有盛譽。

      5. tectonic plate:[地] (地殼)構造板塊

      6. heliocentric [?hi?li??sentr?k] adj. [天]日心的

      7. heresy [?her?si] n. 異教;異端邪說

      8. house arrest:[律] (本宅)軟禁

      9. kinematics [?k?n??m?t?ks] n. [物]運動學

      10. Augustinian:奧古斯丁修會的。奧古斯丁,即奧勒留·奧古斯?。ˋurelius Augustine, 354~430),古羅馬帝國時期基督教思想家,是奧古斯丁修會的發(fā)起人。

      11. Law of Segregation:(遺傳學用語)分離定律

      12. Law of Independent Assortment:(遺傳學用語)自由組合定律,獨立分配定律

      13. allele [??li?l] n. [生] (遺傳學中的)等位基因,對偶基因

      14. under the radar:在視線以外,不引人注目地

      15. macabre [m??kɑ?br?] adj. 恐怖的,令人毛骨悚然的

      16. rabies [?re?bi?z] n. 狂犬病

      17. breath of life:生命的氣息;生命;靈魂

      18. tuberculosis [tju??b??(r)kj??l??s?s] n. 肺結核

      19. dry [dra?] adj. (幽默、諷刺等)冷面滑稽的

      有沒有腳印 我都走過
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