




      2014-07-15 23:49:26
      絲綢之路 2014年11期





      Kumarajiva, born in Qiuci, was an eminent monk and translator of Buddhist scriptures of Later Qing Kingdom.

      Kumarajiva became a monk with his mother at the age of seven and went Jibin (in Kashmir) at the age of nine. He studied Theravada Buddhist scriptures at first read Agama and other scriptures in Jibin. On his way back to Qiuci together with his mother, he stayed in Shule for more than a year, and in this period he studied Mahayana Buddhist scriptures after monks, the prince of Shache Kingdom, and Buddhayeshe. He cooperated with Buddhayeshe in his translation in later years. Kumarajiva was cheerful, frank, modest, and keen on teaching people with Mahayana Buddhism. He was good at analysis and quick to learn and often had his special understanding of the Buddhist scriptures. After he returned to Qiuci, he studied Mahayan Buddhist scripture extensively, preached Buddhism to the people, and became a famous master in west area, even known to people in Central China. In 382, Qiuci Kingdom was conquered by Fu Jian and Kumarajiva was brought to Liangzhou and there he stayed for about 17 years. In 401, he was greeted to Changan by the king himself of Later Qin and treated as kings teacher. He lived in Changan for more than 10 years, leading the large scale translation activities preached to the people.

      Kumarajiva and his disciples worked hard for twelve years and 74 Buddhist scriptures including 834 volumes were translated into Chinese. Before coming to Changan, he had stayed in Liangzhou for 17 years and got to be quite familiar with peoples life in Central China and had mastered Chinese language very well. Kumarajiva was an eminent monk and with his extensive knowledge and good mastery of literature, his translation of Buddhist scriptures read natural, interesting, and meaningful. He created a new milestone in the translation of Buddhist scriptures.

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