




      2014-07-18 11:53:15邵志強楊勇楊渝林茂虎王廣健朱文彬郭豐富
      微創(chuàng)泌尿外科雜志 2014年6期

      邵志強 楊勇 楊渝 林茂虎 王廣健 朱文彬 郭豐富

      1中國人民解放軍總醫(yī)院第一附屬醫(yī)院泌尿外科 100048 北京2山東省臨沂市人民醫(yī)院泌尿外科

      論 著



      1中國人民解放軍總醫(yī)院第一附屬醫(yī)院泌尿外科 100048 北京2山東省臨沂市人民醫(yī)院泌尿外科

      目的:探討影響經(jīng)皮腎鏡取石術后結石清除率的術前因素。 方法:回顧分析復雜性腎結石應用B超引導經(jīng)皮腎鏡取石術治療的642例患者資料,男393例,女249例,平均年齡41(19~74)歲,術前均行B超、KUB(或IVU)及CT檢查。治療效果評估:結石完全清除或殘余碎片≤4 mm視為治療成功(無石)。根據(jù)治療結果分為無石組和殘石組。應用χ2檢驗和t檢驗比較兩組患者及結石特征如患者年齡、性別、身高、體重、體重指數(shù)、病程、結石負荷、數(shù)量、側別、位置、原有尿路感染、腎積水、腎臟手術史等因素,找出差異有統(tǒng)計學意義因素,再利用這些因素進行Logistic多因素回歸分析,找出對結石清除率有意義的因素。結果:結石清除率為82.2%(528/642),單因素分析顯示兩組體重指數(shù)、結石負荷、數(shù)量和位置差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。Logistic多因素回歸分析排除體重指數(shù)、結石數(shù)量,結石負荷和位置是影響結石清除率有意義因素。結論:結石負荷和位置是影響PCNL術后結石清除率的獨立因素,較大、混合型位置結石更易發(fā)生結石殘留。



      1 資料與方法

      1.1 臨床資料

      本研究選取2012年1月~2013年12月在兩家三級醫(yī)院泌尿外科應用B超引導經(jīng)皮腎鏡取石術治療單側復雜腎結石患者資料,共642例,其中男393例,女249例,年齡19~74歲,平均41歲。所有患者均行泌尿系B超、腹部平片(KUB)、泌尿系CT檢查,19例行靜脈尿路造影(IVU)或逆行腎盂造影檢查。結石部位:腎盂結石215例,腎盞結石241例,其中上盞70例,中盞77例,下盞94例,混合型結石(兩個部位以上)186例。結石位于左側362例,右側280例。單發(fā)結石161例(25.1%)、多發(fā)結石 481 例 ( 74.9%)、鹿角形結石159例。結石直徑平均2.5 cm (1.0~7.0 cm),其中最大直徑1.0~<2.0 cm者192例,2.0~3.0 cm者294例,>3.0 cm者176例。病程1 d~6年,臨床癥狀:腰腹部疼痛86例,血尿96例,腎積水577例,其中輕中度521例,重度56例。其中腎功能不全51例,包括氮質血癥期32例、尿毒癥前期19例,血肌酐188~600 μmol/L。合并癥情況:腎手術史98例、泌尿系感染172例、慢性支氣管炎、肺氣腫64例、糖尿病48例、冠心病86例、高血壓157例。

      1.2 手術方法

      608例采用連續(xù)硬膜外麻醉,34例采用全身麻醉。常規(guī)行B超引導新型腎鏡下應用EMS第四代氣壓彈道聯(lián)合超聲碎石清石系統(tǒng)取石術。術畢順行留置F5~6雙J管,常規(guī)留置F16~20腎造瘺管。術后3~5 d行B超及KUB復查并評估治療效果。殘余結石最大徑>1.5 cm行二期取石、0.5~1.5 cm行ESWL,≤0.4 cm予排石等保守治療。術后1~3個月拔除雙J管。

      治療效果評估標準:結石完全清除或殘余碎片≤4 mm視為治療成功(無石組)。殘余結石>4 mm視為治療失敗(殘石組)。

      1.3 統(tǒng)計學方法

      2 結果

      2.1 手術及并發(fā)癥情況

      642例均一期成功建立F24經(jīng)皮腎通道。單通道碎石617例,雙通道碎石21例,三通道碎石4例。術中出血量50~1 000 ml,平均(150±57)ml,手術時間30~250 min,平均(65±36)min。15例出血較多,經(jīng)輸血及應用止血藥物保守治療成功10例,5例行超選擇腎動脈栓塞介入治療,輸血量200~1 000 ml。發(fā)生尿外滲5例,腎盂穿孔2例,均保守治療,無腹腔臟器損傷、血氣胸、腎實質貫通傷等嚴重并發(fā)癥發(fā)生。術后發(fā)熱46例,對癥、抗感染治愈。術后3~5 d行B超及KUB復查,根據(jù)結果行相應處理。10例行Ⅱ期碎石,28例輔以體外沖擊波碎石治療。術前腎功能不全患者51例,40例術后SCr恢復正常,9例血肌酐穩(wěn)定于140~360 μmol/L,2例無改善行血液透析治療。術后平均住院時間5.5 d,Ⅰ期結石清除率為82.2%(528/642),總結石清除率為83.5%(536/642)。

      2.2 分組及統(tǒng)計分析

      治療效果評估:結石完全清除或殘余碎片≤4 mm視為治療成功(無石)。根據(jù)Ⅰ期結石清除情況,將研究對象分為無石組及殘石組。比較兩組術前資料,計量資料應用t檢驗,計數(shù)資料應用χ2檢驗,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義因素有BMI(P=0.043)、結石數(shù)量(P=0.041)、位置(P=0.000)和負荷(P=0.000),見表1。將BMI、結石數(shù)量、位置和負荷等因素納入多因素Logistic 回歸分析,排除了BMI和結石數(shù)量,結石負荷和位置是影響結石清除率獨立因素,見表2。

      3 討論

      近年來,PCNL已成為治療復雜腎結石的主要手段之一。作為結果評價最主要的指標,結石清除率較為公認的標準是結石完全清除或殘余碎片≤4 mm,多在術后第1天應用兩種影像學方法(KUB/CT或B超甚至腎鏡)評估[1]。我們是在術后3~5 d復查B超及KUB評估,本組Ⅰ期結石清除率為82.2%(528/642),其中結石完全清除327例,殘余碎片≤4 mm 201例。

      有學者報道結石大小是影響PCNL術后結石清除率的唯一因素[2]。更多研究證實結石大小、數(shù)量和位置是主要的影響因素[3~5]。Shahrour等[6]則報道結石負荷大、位于上盞結石清除率低。王洛夫等[7]分析微創(chuàng)PCNL術后結石殘留的原因,認為主要與結石的復雜性、結石散落、出血及操作者經(jīng)驗有關。本研究顯示結石位置和負荷是主要影響因素,單純各腎盞結石清除率相似,稍低于單純腎盂結石,但差異無統(tǒng)計學意義,混合部位結石(兩個部位及以上)清除率明顯降低。結石負荷越大,清除率越低,結石負荷≥300 mm2明顯低于<300 mm2者。說明較大及混合部位結石易發(fā)生殘留。本研究中結石數(shù)量未成為影響因素,可能是由于單發(fā)較大的鹿角型結石較多,降低了單發(fā)結石的清除率,從而未顯示出與多發(fā)結石清除率的差異。

      表1 影響PCNL術后結石清除率術前因素單因素分析

      項目結石清除率/%(例)χ2值P值BMI <18.589.9(71/79)6.3080.043 18.5~28.083.4(272/326) ≥2878.1(185/237)結石數(shù)量 單發(fā)87.6(141/161)4.0880.041 多發(fā)80.5(387/481)結石位置 上盞87.1(61/70)36.8960.000 中盞85.7(66/77) 下盞84.0(79/94) 腎盂89.3(192/215) 混合69.9(130/186)結石負荷/mm2 <10089.7(113/126)38.2740.000 100~<20085.7(198/231) 200~30085.1(148/174) ≥30062.2(69/111)

      表2 影響PCNL術后結石清除率多因素Logistic 回歸分析

      因素BWaldOR95%CIP值結石位置10.020.040 上盞0.5011.3321.6510.705~3.869 中盞0.4411.1581.5550.696~3.476 下盞0.3100.6631.3630.647~2.872 腎盂0.9749.5272.6481.427~4.915 混合1結石負荷/mm215.3670.002 <1001.48414.7244.4122.067~9.418 100~<2000.87323/1542.3951.222~4.694 200~3000.85113/1162.3411.205~4.548 >3001


      結石密度影響結石清除率。有研究證實結石密度為1 250 HU時結石清除率最高,結石密度過低或過高特別過低降低結石清除率,過高則明顯延遲手術時間[11]。而腎臟先天性異常[12~13]、腎功能正常與否[14]、患者年齡[15]、開放手術史及ESWL失敗史[16]等對結石清除率均無明顯影響。本研究中有些可能影響因素未能納入,如結石密度、腎解剖(特別腎盞類型)等,樣本量偏少,需進一步增加因素,加大樣本量,以期建立預測模型,更好地為臨床服務。

      [1]Opondo D, Gravas S, Joyce A, et al. Standardization of patient outcomes reporting in percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Endourol, 2014,28(7):767-774.

      [2]Bagrodia A, Gupta A, Raman JD, et al. Predictors of cost and clinical outcomes of percutaneous nephrostolithotomy. J Urol, 2009,182(2): 586-590.

      [3]Knox ML, Cantor AM, Bryant JE, et al. Predictive factors for percutaneous nephrolithotomy outcomes in neurogenic bladder population. J Endourol, 2012,26(7): 823-827.

      [4]Pérez-Fentes DA, Gude F, Blanco M, et al. Predictive analysis of factors associated with percutaneous stone surgery outcomes. Can J Urol, 2013,20(6):7050-7059.

      [5]Smith A, Averch TD, Shahrour K, et al. Nephrolithometric nomogram to predict treatment success of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Urol, 2013,190(1):149-156.

      [6]Shahrour K, Tomaszewski J, Ortiz T, et al. Predictors of immediate postoperative outcome of single-tract percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Urology, 2012,80(1): 19-25.

      [7]王洛夫,葛成國,萬江華,等.微創(chuàng)經(jīng)皮腎鏡取石術后結石殘留的原因分析.重慶醫(yī)學,2009,17 (38):2159-2160.

      [8]Bagrodia A, Gupta A, Raman JD, et al. Impact of body mass index on cost and clinical outcomes after percutaneous nephrostolithotomy. Urology, 2008, 72(4): 756-760.

      [9]Alyami FA, Skinner TA, Norman RW. Impact of body mass index on clinical outcomes associated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Can Urol Assoc J, 2012,15:1-5.

      [10]Gonulalan U, Akand M, Coban G, et al. Skin-to-stone distance has no impact on outcomes of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Urol Int, 2014,92(4):444-448.

      [11]Anastasiadis A, Onal B, Modi P, et al. Impact of stone density on outcomes in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): an analysis of the clinical research office of the endourological society (CROES) pcnl global study database. Scand J Urol, 2013,47(6):509-514.

      [12]Al-Tawheed AR, Al-Awadi KA, Kehinde EO, et al. Treatment of calculi in kidneys with congenital anomalies: an assessment of the efficacy of lithotripsy. Urol Res, 2006,34(5):291-298.

      [13]Miller NL, Matlaga BR, Handa SE, et al. The presence of horseshoe kidney does not affect the outcome of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Endourol, 2008,22(6): 1219-1225.

      [14]Yaycioglu O, Egilmez T, Gul U, et al. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in patients with normal versus impaired renal function. Urol Res, 2007,35(2):101-105.

      [15]Karami H, Mazloomfard MM, Golshan A. Does age affect outcomes of percutaneous nephrolithotomy? Urol J, 2010,7(1):17-21.

      [16]Resorlu B, Kara C, Senocak C, et al. Effect of previous open renal surgery and failed extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy on the performance and outcomes of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Endourol, 2010,24(1):13-16.

      Preoperational factors affecting the stone-free rate after percutaneous nephrolithotripsy


      (1Department of Urology, the First Affiliated Hospital of the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100048, China;2Department of Urology, Linyi People's Hospital, Shandong Province)

      Corresponding author: Guo Fengfu, guoff9892@163.com; Yang Yong, yongyang301@163.com

      Objective: Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) is the treatment choice for patients with extensive stone burden or stones refractory to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. However, little is known about factors predicting unfavorably outcome in terms of stone-free rate. This study was performed to investigate the preoperational factors associated with the stone-free rate of PCNL for complex kidney stones. Methods: Between January 2012 and December 2013, a total of 642 patients (393 men and 249 women; age range 19-74 years; mean age 41 years) with complex kidney stones were treated by PCNL with pneumatic and ultrasonic power under B-type ultrasound guidance. All cases were identified by KUB/IVU, type B ultrasonic and computed tomography. Patients' age, sex, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), duration of disease, stone burden, number, side, location, pre-existent urinary tract infection, hydronephrosis and previous kidney surgery were evaluated before PCNL, and treatment efficacies were evaluated at 3-5 days after operation. Treatment success was correlated with stone features and patient characteristics using the chi square test and t-test. Factors found to be significant using the tests were further analyzed using multivariate regression analysis. Results: Using the chi square test and t-test, BMI, stone burden, number and location had significant impacts on the stone-free rate (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis excluded BMI and stone number from the logistic regression model, while the stone burden and stone location maintained statistically significant effect on success rate, indicating that there is independent predictor. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that stone burden and stone location were significant predictors of PCNL outcome, suggesting that large stone of mixed location is associated with low stone-free rate.

      nephrolithiasis, percutaneous nephrolithotripsy; stone-free rate; short-term outcome







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