薛 娟,張 濤,曾 軍,李 萍,3,高小其,婁 愷,*
(1. 新疆農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院微生物應(yīng)用研究所,烏魯木齊 830091; 2. 石河子大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院, 石河子 832000;3. 新疆大學(xué)生命科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院, 烏魯木齊 830046; 4. 新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)地震局, 烏魯木齊 830011)
薛 娟1,2,張 濤1,曾 軍1,李 萍1,3,高小其4,婁 愷1,*
(1. 新疆農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院微生物應(yīng)用研究所,烏魯木齊 830091; 2. 石河子大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院, 石河子 832000;3. 新疆大學(xué)生命科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院, 烏魯木齊 830046; 4. 新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)地震局, 烏魯木齊 830011)
烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉, 為國家基本水化一類臺(tái), 位于烏魯木齊南部柳樹溝—紅雁池?cái)嗔褞?E 87°37′, N 43°42′) 上。泉水硫化物氣味強(qiáng)烈,pH值為7.7,全年水溫為11.0 ℃左右,為HCO3-SO4-Cl-Na型弱堿性礦化水[1]。目前,該泉是新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)最重要的地下流體綜合觀測泉,也是中國新疆與哈薩克斯坦交換地下流體資料的監(jiān)測泉點(diǎn)之一[2]。
目前對24節(jié)氣的相關(guān)研究主要集中在植物物候[3- 6]、動(dòng)物物候[7]及氣候調(diào)查[8- 10]方面,對于微生物群落的物候變化,國內(nèi)相關(guān)研究較少[11- 12]。在含硫冷泉微生物方面,Nancy[13]、Anita[14]、Susanne[15]及Christian[16]等人借助不同的手段分別對加拿大極地冷泉、密歇根州硫化泉、加拿大硫化物冷泉和德國冷泉進(jìn)行了研究,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn):硫化物對維持微生物群落穩(wěn)定有重要作用,含硫冷泉內(nèi)細(xì)菌大部分屬于變形菌門,硫化物氧化細(xì)菌、藍(lán)細(xì)菌等為其主要的優(yōu)勢類群。而針對含硫冷泉水體微生物群落的物候變化的研究,尚未見相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)報(bào)道。
對烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉的研究主要集中于地震分析[17- 19]和水體微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)方面[20- 24],而水體細(xì)菌群落在24節(jié)氣內(nèi)的組成及結(jié)構(gòu)上是否存在差異,群落變化是否存在物候現(xiàn)象及細(xì)菌群落與地球水文化學(xué)參數(shù)間的響應(yīng)關(guān)系尚不清楚。本研究采用T-RFLP技術(shù)對烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉水體細(xì)菌在24節(jié)氣內(nèi)群落結(jié)構(gòu)組成及多樣性的變化,以及與地球水文化學(xué)元素之間的關(guān)系進(jìn)行了研究,以期通過研究,為后續(xù)的微生物映震提供細(xì)菌群落組成的背景參考。
1.1 樣品采集及預(yù)處理
2011年8月3日至2012年7月27日的1a周期內(nèi),于每節(jié)氣當(dāng)天采集泉水樣品3 L,采樣后4 h內(nèi)低溫運(yùn)回實(shí)驗(yàn)室[25]。所有采集的泉水樣品經(jīng)0.22 um微孔濾膜過濾,再用10 mL GTE buffer進(jìn)行洗脫,用于后續(xù)DNA提取。
1.2 泉水12項(xiàng)理化指標(biāo)測定
對24節(jié)氣時(shí)所采集的泉水樣品中的氟(F-)、硫化物(HS-)、水汞(Hg)、氡(Rn)、氦(He)、氬(Ar)、氮(N2)、甲烷(CH4)、二氧化碳(CO2)、流量(Flow)、電導(dǎo)率(C)和氣體總量(Gas)等12項(xiàng)水文化學(xué)參數(shù)進(jìn)行測定[26],并利用基于GIS的地震分析預(yù)報(bào)系統(tǒng)(Mapsis 2.8.5)繪制理化參數(shù)波動(dòng)折線圖。
1.3 樣品總DNA提取
泉水中微生物總DNA的提取參照Shaheen等的方法[27],并根據(jù)泉水樣品自身的特點(diǎn)稍作改進(jìn)。取800 μL GTE 洗脫液,加入溶菌酶(10 mg /mL)30 μL 至終濃度為10 mg /mL,37 ℃水浴2 h;加入蛋白酶K(20 mg /mL)10 μL 至終濃度為0. 2 mg /mL,20% 的SDS 17 μL和5 mol /L的NaCl 10 μL,53℃水浴2 h;等體積的酚∶氯仿∶異戊醇(25∶24∶1) 抽提,離心取上清,再加入2 /3體積的氯仿抽提,離心取上清,加入0. 6 倍的異丙醇,4 ℃過夜;離心棄上清,用預(yù)冷的70% 乙醇清洗1 次,倒置涼干;加入20 μL TE 緩沖液,-20 ℃保存。
1.4 16S rDNA 片段擴(kuò)增
利用細(xì)菌通用引物8F(5′-FAM-AGAGTTTGAT CCTGGCTCAG-3′)和926R(5′-CCGTCA ATTCCTTTR AGTTT-3′)[28](Sangon,上海)對細(xì)菌16S rDNA片段進(jìn)行PCR擴(kuò)增。擴(kuò)增體系如下:預(yù)混Premix 15 μL,上下游引物各0.25 μL,10倍稀釋的DNA模板0.5 μL,Taq polymerase 0.05 μL,加dd H2O至體系為30 μL。
PCR擴(kuò)增采用降落PCR,程序?yàn)?預(yù)變性95 ℃ 6 min, 95 ℃ 45 s,61 ℃ 45 s, 72 ℃ 90 s,擴(kuò)增10個(gè)循環(huán),每個(gè)循環(huán)遞減0.5 ℃;95 ℃ 45 s, 56 ℃ 45 s, 72 ℃ 90 s,擴(kuò)增20個(gè)循環(huán),72 ℃延伸10 min,共計(jì)30個(gè)循環(huán)。 以無菌水為空白作為陰性對照。擴(kuò)增結(jié)束后,產(chǎn)物用1%的瓊脂糖凝膠進(jìn)行含量及特異性檢測。
1.5 細(xì)菌T-RFLP分析
利用HinfⅠ(Takara,大連)和MspⅠ(Takara,大連)兩種限制性內(nèi)切酶對PCR產(chǎn)物進(jìn)行酶切,酶切體系根據(jù)說明書略作調(diào)整。HinfⅠ和MspⅠ酶切條件為37 ℃酶切10 h,酶切完畢后65 ℃水浴20 min終止反應(yīng)。酶切產(chǎn)物利用2.5%的瓊脂糖凝膠進(jìn)行酶切效果檢測。酶切產(chǎn)物遮光送上?;瞪锛夹g(shù)有限公司檢測,使用ABI 3730測序儀掃描,用Peak Scanner Software V1.0分析結(jié)果。
1.6 數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì)分析
選擇末端限制性片段大小在50—900 bp之間,熒光強(qiáng)度大于50 FU且目的片段的峰面積比大于總峰面積0.5%(小于0.5%被認(rèn)為是噪音)的片段進(jìn)行多樣性分析。分別計(jì)算各樣品的香農(nóng)指數(shù)(Shannon-Weiner indexH)、辛普森指數(shù)(Simpson indexD)和均勻度指數(shù)(Evenness indexE)[29]。利用Mica PAT+在線數(shù)據(jù)庫(http://mica.ibest.uidaho.edu/)比對分析各T-RFs片段所代表的細(xì)菌種屬,并將峰面積比大于4%的種屬確定為優(yōu)勢類群[30]。分別對HinfⅠ和MspⅠ酶切片段進(jìn)行比對,挑出共有種屬,確定為該環(huán)境條件下所擁有的細(xì)菌群落。選用SPSS18.0進(jìn)行樣品系統(tǒng)聚類分析;借助CANOCO軟件,分析泉水細(xì)菌群落組成與12項(xiàng)水文化學(xué)參數(shù)之間的相關(guān)性。
2.1 泉水理化指標(biāo)波動(dòng)式變化
2.2 T-RFLP圖譜及多樣性分析
2.3 樣品聚類分析
圖2 部分樣品的T-RFLP酶切圖譜Fig.2 parts of the sample T-RFLP restriction map
圖3 Msp Ⅰ 酶切各項(xiàng)指數(shù)的變化Fig.3 the index variation by Msp Ⅰ digeste
圖4 24節(jié)氣烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉細(xì)菌群落聚類圖(1—24為采樣日期)Fig.4 Dendrogram of the hierarchical clustering analysis of bacterial community in Urumqi No.10 Spring durning 24 solar terms(1—24 are sampling date)
2.4 24節(jié)氣內(nèi)細(xì)菌群落組成
進(jìn)一步分析各片段所代表的細(xì)菌類群,優(yōu)勢類群包括放線菌門的Arthrobacter、Corynebacterium、Frankia、Nocardioides和Streptomyces代表片段為130 bp和165 bp;擬桿菌門的Flavobacterium和Flexibacter,代表片段為84 bp和93 bp,厚壁菌門的Bacillus、Clostridium、Eubacterium和Paenibacillus代表片段為130 bp、165 bp、270 bp和485 bp;變形菌門的Acidithiobacillus、Acidiphilium、Caulobacter和Thiothrix代表片段有130 bp和165 bp;梭桿菌門的Leptotrichia,代表片段為165 bp;以及普遍存在于大部分樣品中的暫定名類群(Candidatus),他們的代表片段為130 bp和165 bp。
特殊類群指僅在某些特定季節(jié)或節(jié)氣中出現(xiàn),且含量較少的類群,包括放線菌門的Microbacterium和Mycobacterium,代表片段為84 bp和165 bp;擬桿菌門的Capnocytophaga、Cytophaga和Microscilla,代表片段為84 bp和93 bp;變形菌門的Achromatium、Acidiphilium、Azoarcus、Azospirillum、Desulfatiferula、
Desulfobacter、Desulfofrigus和Stenotrophomonas,代表片段有84 bp、130 bp、165 bp、441 bp和455 bp;異常球菌-棲熱菌門的Deinococcus,代表片段為270bp;藍(lán)藻門的Synechococcus和Cylindrospermopsis,代表片段為130 bp和148 bp;螺旋體門的Treponema,代表片段為305 bp,硝化螺菌門的Leptospirillum,代表片段為80 bp;綠菌門的綠菌科某屬和Prosthecochloris,代表片段為127 bp以及柔膜菌門的Phytoplasma,代表片段為212 bp。
2.5 細(xì)菌群落與12項(xiàng)水文化學(xué)參數(shù)的CCA分析
表1 24節(jié)氣細(xì)菌群落組成的百分比例表
圖5 細(xì)菌優(yōu)勢門在24節(jié)氣內(nèi)的含量變化Fig.5 Dominant Community composition in 24 solar terms
圖6 24節(jié)氣(A、B)、多樣性(C)、細(xì)菌群落(D)與烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉理化參數(shù)的典型相關(guān)性分析Fig.6 Canonical correspondence analysis between bacterial community(A、B)、 diversity(C)、dominant genus(D)parameters of the No. 10 spring
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Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi
XUE Juan1,2, ZHANG Tao1, ZENG Jun1, LI Ping1,3, GAO Xiaoqi4, LOU Kai1,*
Urumqi No.10 spring is located in the fracture zone of Willow ditch-Hongyanchi in southern Urumqi, and is one of the most important national key hydrological observation points. The spring water contains various geochemical elements, such as sulfide, methane, hydrogen, radon, sulfide, methane, carbon dioxide, helium, fluorine and mercury. Microbes living in the spring are intensely affected by hydro-geochemical changes caused by movements of the Earth′s crust. The 24 solar terms, part of the Chinese traditional calendar, can accurately reflect changes in the Earth′s climate, and the habitats of microorganisms also change with changes in the solar terms. In order to understand the changes in the structure of the bacterial community and diversity in Urumqi No.10 spring with the 24 solar terms, spring water samples collected during each period of the 24 solar terms were analyzed by T-RFLP, and CCA analysis combined with hydro-chemical analysis of indicators in the spring was conducted. Diversity analysis shows that the Shannon index (H) of the spring bacterial communities has a large variation (from 1.088 to 3.003). Spring samples (from ‘Beginning of Spring’ to ‘Grain Rain’) show a significant fluctuating trend and reaches its lowest value in ‘Waking of Insects’ (1.088); in summer (from ‘Beginning of Summer’ to ‘Greater Heat’) and autumn (from ‘Beginning of Autumn’ to ‘Frost’s Descent’), the index shows similar increasing trends within the solar terms, while for winter (from ‘Beginning of Winter’ to ‘Greater Cold’), the index remains at a low level (approximately 1.761). The changes in Simpson (D) and evenness index (E) were not significant throughout the 24 solar terms and the lowest value appeared in ‘Waking of Insects’. Hierarchical cluster analysis shows that the bacterial community patterns for the spring water appear to cluster with the solar terms, reflecting the similarity of the sample community composition between solar terms within the same season. Adjacent seasons show mild diversity, indicating that the bacterial community composition has intraseasonal variations. T-RFLP analysis shows that there are 11 phyla in total:Actinobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Firmicutes,ProteobacteriaandFusobacteriaare the main taxa (≥70%), and their proportions vary in each solar term;Cyanobacteria,Deinococcus-Thermus,Spirochaetes,Nitrospirae,Chlorobi,Tenericutesand some unknown taxa only appear in some of the solar terms, are present in low numbers, but they occupy a very important position in the community composition; Gram-positive bacteria are abundant in autumn and winter, while Gram-negative bacteria dominate in spring and summer. The existence of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (Acidithiobacillus,Thiothrix) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfobacter,Desulfoluna) may be related to the high H2S content in the spring. Hydrological chemical indicator analysis shows that conductivity, mercury, methane and hydrogen sulfide show the most variation. Of these indicators, fluorine and radon concentration can influence the dominant taxa, such asBacteroidetesandFirmicutes, whileDeinococcusis influenced by mercury concentration. These results indicate that the bacterial community in No.10 spring is influenced by changes in the 24 solar terms which in turn affect the hydrological chemical indicators.
24 solar terms; bacterial community structure; diversity; T-RFLP; No.10 Spring Urumqi
2013- 01- 31; 網(wǎng)絡(luò)出版日期:2014- 03- 13
*通訊作者Corresponding author.E-mail: loukai02@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
薛娟,張濤,曾軍,李萍,高小其,婁愷.24節(jié)氣內(nèi)烏魯木齊10號(hào)泉水體細(xì)菌群落結(jié)構(gòu)變化.生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào),2014,34(21):6214- 6224.
Xue J, Zhang T, Zeng J, Li P, Gao X Q, Lou K.Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2014,34(21):6214- 6224.