An Opening-up China in the World Economy
——Toward Integrated and Interactive Development
Looking at the relationship between China and the rest of the world from the economic perspective of interactive development offers a clear picture of Chinas economic rise in relation to the world economy. For the past 30-odd years, the world economy in a globalized era has exerted a profound influence on China. On the other hand, Chinas economic growth has been built on its factor endowment, comparative advantage, and integration into the world economy, creating and sharing the dividends of globalization. For the next three decades, the Chinese economy will begin to exercise more power in the world economic landscape at a higher level and with more profound impact. In particular, with sustained economic growth and rising international standing, China will play a larger role in a new round of restructuring of world political and economic order and regulations. Driven by the fusion of marketization, globalization, and IT application, the Chinese economy will forge ties with the world economy in an integrative and interactive manner. This pattern of relationship not only requires rule-based and more institutionalized development on Chinas part, but also necessitates effective balancing and repair mechanisms on the part of the rest of the international community to maintain and foster the integrative and interactive ties for win-win and multi-win purposes.
BRICS Cooperation under World Economic Structure Adjustment
ZHANG Haibing
Efforts to cope with the global financial crisis lead to global dialogue and cooperation; however, equal consultation and effective cooperation between developed countries and developing countries still faces many limits. As the representative of the emerging market countries, the BRICS is the key variable in the current world economic structure adjustment. The BRICS is not only the main force driving the global economic governance mechanism change, but also relates to developing countries appeal of a fair and reasonable new international political and economic order, and involves in emerging market countries effort on a continuation of their own development advantages. Accordingly, the world economic structure adjustment is not only the driving power for the BRICS countries to strengthen their cooperation, but also brings five new challenges, which are economic growth, market regulation, element configuration, management ability and the cooperation mechanism. For the BRICS cooperation strategy, to promote "incremental changes" in the global economic governance system and carry out "vacancy-filling reform" in the global financial system are their current key characteristics. In future, effective cooperation among the BRICS countries depends on the economic strength, interests ties, mechanism construction and execution. Among them, the economic strength and the interests ties are the kernel of the BRICS cooperation, mechanism construction and execution are the external performance of the BRICS cooperation.
On Differentiated Management of Chinas Diplomatic Resources
SHU Meng
Chinese foreign policy toolkit becomes more diversified and its strategic objectives become more clear-cut. But Chinas international image and global influence have not befitted its national power. The foreign policy toolkit has not been aligned with diplomatic resources, resulting in a gap between objectives and approaches. To bridge this gap requires differentiated and detailed sequencing of Chinas diplomatic resources from a multi-dimensional perspective. It is also necessary to assemble the current diplomatic fragments and organize them according to a differential and hierarchical logic, which facilitates the formation of a vertically and horizontally compound structure of diplomatic resources, i.e. a 3D structure of comparative advantages and employment of differentiated resources for differential objectives. Differentiated management of Chinas diplomatic resources requires accurate positioning of differential resources in the whole structure and maximizes exploration through resource reallocation. The 3D structure is not rigid but highly flexible. The objectives and resources in the structure can be reconfigured to achieve foreign policy goals cost-effectively. It is also conducive to the attainment of mid- and long-term strategic objectives in Chinas foreign policy and the sustainable management of diplomatic resources.
The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
——An Analysis Based on IPE
XIE Xiaoguang and WU Zhikun
The 21st century is a new free-trade era. The Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is in part founded against the international background in which the U.S. attempts to contain China and establish new global trade rules with TTIP, TPP and TISA. The domestic motivation is that China aims at pushing forward political and economic reforms, promoting RMB internationalization, transforming and upgrading the foreign trade strategy, reshaping Shanghais international financial center status. This paper is based on the prospective of IPE. The path should follow three suggestions. Firstly, the government should pay close attention to the new trends in world trade and the U.S. regional strategy. Secondly, the government should implement top-level design and improve laws and regulations; Finally, the government should control risks, produce replicable and scalable experience of administrative system and market reform.
Economic Structural Transformation of Ruhr Region and Its Implications
HU Kun
Since the 1960s and 1970s, a large number of old industrial areas with optimal factor advantages have met with development predicament one after another, turning from engines for economic growth into problematic areas labeled “old industrial regions” and making the transformation of old industrial areas a global issue. There are successes and failures in addressing this problem, which the Ruhr region—the focus of the article—has all experienced. Based on the Crisis Theory and Path-dependence Theory advocated by the French Regulation School, the author attempts to analyze the two transformation strategies for Ruhr. First, from the end of the 1960s to the late 1980s, despite a series of innovative and adaptive policies, the transformation endeavor in this period failed due to the functional, political, and intellectual lock-in as a result of path dependence. Afterwards, considering that unitary structural policies fell short of accommodating diverse regional conditions, an indigenization initiative was unveiled as a core policy for industrial region transformation, which on the one hand regarded region as the main subject of structural transformation to replace the declining coal-steel complex enterprises and transform the vertical coordination mechanisms for Ruhr into horizontally integrated ones, and on the other hand, enlist intra-regional actors to build a system of regional innovations and improve various factors within the new growth structure. Based on a systematic review of policies and ideas relevant to Ruhrs structural transformation, this article attempts to deepen the understanding of world economic landscape from an economic spatial perspective and provide some reference points for transformation of old industrial regions in China.
On External Powers Foreign Military Bases Obtaining in the Middle East and Islamic Regions and Its Implications to China
SUN Degang and DENG Haipeng
One of the crucial research questions on foreign military bases is how great powers obtain their foreign bases. This article puts forward six hypotheses, i.e. colonial rule, peaceful transference, military occupation, alignment, aid provision and local residents evacuation. To test the hypotheses, this article investigates the U.S., British, French, Russian, Japanese and Indian military deployments in the Middle East and Islamic regions. The research shows that military alignment and aid provision are two major means for the outside powers to deploy their military forces in the region; colonial rule is an essential means for the British and French to deploy military bases abroad; military occupation is an important means only to the US in Afghanistan and Iraq; peaceful transference and local residents evacuation are supplementary and marginal approaches for the great powers. China has no overseas military bases, despite of its various military presences, such as the navy convoy in Somalia waters, the Middle East peacekeeping troops, among others. To better play its role of evacuating expatriates, providing navy convoys, protecting overseas nationals, safeguarding shipping routes, combating terrorism abroad, and protecting crucial investment projects as well as providing other humanitarian assistance, it is a great necessity for China to build task-based logistic bases in the Middle East and Islamic regions. Chinas obtaining of such overseas installations, different from Western powers obtaining of overseas military bases, relies on political negotiations and diplomatic consultations with the host nations instead.
On Approaches and Principles of Effective Providence of Multilayer Public Goods for Dealing with International Problems
ZHA Xiaogang and ZHOU Zheng
Public goods can be classified as four levels of global, regional, national and local public goods, the former two being international public goods and the latter two domestic. From the perspective of public goods, current international problems are mainly caused by three reasons: the short supply of international public goods, which is mainly the result of deficiencies in hegemony and international institutions; the negative externalities produced by the short supply of domestic public goods, which is mainly the result of the mismatch of the regime form and national conditions; and the wrong application of multi-level public goods, for the lack of specific differentiating principles. Domestic public goods are generally more efficiently supplied than the international public goods as it has better mechanisms in cost financing, public choice, application differentiation and transfer payment. In order to promote the supply of domestic and international public goods, it is useful to use the approaches like increasing the fit-to-purpose of a regime form to national conditions and utilizing the functional mechanisms of domestic public goods to international public goods. The correspondence principle and the principle of subsidiarity can also help to ascertain which levels of public goods to be composed together to deal with a specific international problem. In addition, the complementarity and competitiveness between different levels of public goods are serviceable to increase the quantity and quality of their supply.
Italian Geopolitical Thinking in the Post -Cold War Era
GE Hanwen
Two occasions of upsurge of geopolitical studies happened in modern history of Italy during the inter-war period and post-Cold War era. Because of the ignominious relation with Fascism, geopolitical studies in Italy became an intellectual taboo in the post-war era. After the end of the Cold War, instability of regional order and increasing traditional and non-traditional challenges provided the general background for the revival of geopolitical studies in Italy. Based on rethinking the ontology of geopolitics, Italian geopolitical scholars clearly claimed the principle that geopolitical studies should serve the policy making process and national interests by focusing on issues such as intervention in adjacent regions security affairs and rethinking European policy and the development of Italy-US relations. The post-Cold War geopolitical thinking in Italy inheriting from traditional methodology and many ideas of classic geopolitics, exposed some shortages in theory building. As one part of political process in the post-Cold War Italy, geopolitical thinking played great intellectual, social and political influence in domestic society, especially in Italian foreign policy transition in the first decade of the 21st century.
Post-2015 Development Agenda
——Brazils Experience, Choices and Implications
NIU Haibin and HUANG Fangfang
As an important emerging international development player, Brazil made rapid progress in both domestic development and international development cooperation. Brazils performance in development cooperation was characterized by emphasizing spill-over effects of its domestic development model, serving its expanding diplomatic and strategic interests, and attaching importance to partnership and demand-driven. From the perspective of identity, ideas and legitimacy, this article tries to understand the reasons and limitations for Brazil as a committed supporter of SDGs in the post-2015 development agenda. Brazil faces challenges such as policy adjustments as a supplier of development cooperation, keeping balance between aggressive and conservative approaches, and raising domestic and external legitimacy demand. Brazils experience has representativeness and implications for emerging economies to participate in the post-2015 development agenda. The challenges faced by emerging economies include weak institutions, inadequate influence, lack of capacity and legitimacy. Therefore, emerging economies need to strengthen their norms, institutions and capacity building by enhancing multi-level multilateral cooperation, constructing comprehensive concept of development, adopting a multi-stakeholder model and improving institutions.