




      2014-12-12 07:05:35
      公共外交季刊 2014年3期



      The First Decade of the Confucius Institute

      The Headquarters of the Confucius Institute · 1 ·

      Since its launch in 2004, the Confucius Institute has seen leapfrog development,committing itself to the spread of Chinese language and culture by adapting to the needs of the country’s rapid social and economic development and improved international status.Bringing into better play the role of the Institute as a platform for comprehensive cultural exchanges with Chinese and foreign new ideas, new categories and new expressions, the Institute shall, in the coming years, strive to do a better job in telling the China story and make the China voice better heard around the world, thus winning for China a greater say in the international community.

      Special Report The Confucius Institute and Public Diplomacy

      The Confucius Institute and Three-step Public Diplomacy

      Wang Yiwei · 7 ·

      The Confucius Institute is a brand name of China’s public diplomacy; it helps the world better understand China through the teaching of Chinese language and culture,and by doing so encourages the rest of the world to learn the cultural connotation of the Chinese Dream and the cultural foundation of the Chinese model, thus achieving the aim to understand and even identify with the Chinese path, Chinese theory and Chinese system.In less than ten years since its establishment, the Institute has reaped success in presenting the traditional image of China. In the ensuing years until the advent of the two centenaries (that of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021 and that of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 2049), the Institute shall focus on presenting the images of China in modern and global context, that is, making efforts to promote China’s public diplomacy theme “harmony in diversity”, “seeking common ground while reserving differences”, and then transform it to “treading different paths to the same destination”. This may be regarded as three-step strategy of the Institute’s public diplomacy.

      The Confucius Institute’s Mission of Public Diplomacy – the Example of the Confucius Institute at Hawaii University

      Li Qikeng · 12 ·

      As an institution dedicated to promoting Chinese language and culture, the Confucius Institute functions as an important agency of public diplomacy as well. The Confucius Institute at Hawaii University has all along paid great attention to fostering its image by means of public diplomacy. In addition to routine cultural and languageteaching activities, the Institute has taken various opportunities to improve China’s image in the local communities, such as rendering volunteer translation services,giving donations to schools and non-profit organizations, holding lectures in local communities, handling emergencies, and cooperating with other organizations.

      The Confucius Institute: Dissemination of Language, Culture and Values

      Sun Jisheng · 19 ·

      As the carrier and disseminator of culture as well as the tool of communication,language naturally embodies rich cultural contents. The Confucius Institute, established to promote Chinese language and culture, has made significant achievements in spreading the Chinese language and the basics of Chinese culture. By laying equal emphasis on both, the Institute has employed numerous effective communication methods to let more people learn about Chinese culture through language studies and effectively spread China’s values. In this way it has played its role in public diplomacy.

      Volunteer Teaching in the US

      Li Peng · 25 ·

      Great cultural difference and economic and social development gap between the East and the West pose huge challenges for teachers doing voluntary work in the US,so their adaptation to the new environment is the key to smooth work overseas. All the problems arising in class teaching and cultural activities demand exceptional abilities in organization, interpersonal communication and cross cultural adaptation. Selecting capable volunteers and enhancing their training in these aspects will help them greatly in their voluntary services in the US.

      Jiujiang University’s Overseas Teaching and the Work of the Confucius Institute

      Gan Xiaoqing · 31 ·

      As an educational and cultural institution engaged in promoting the Chinese language and spreading Chinese culture, the Confucius Institute is a good platform for public diplomacy. In recent years, marked progress has been witnessed in Jiujiang University’s teaching of Chinese language and culture overseas, with help from the Confucius Institute. Besides, this author suggests to carry out research of various other countries by making full use of the platform of the Confucius Institute; to strengthen education among volunteer teachers in Chinese culture; and to support Chinese institutions of higher learning to establish ties with their foreign counterparts via the Institute so as to further promote the internationalization of China’s higher education.

      The Confucius Institute in India: Collision of Sad Consciousness, Opportunities and Policies

      Zhao Ruiqi · 37 ·

      Thanks to joint efforts over a decade, the first Confucius Institute in India was finally set up by the University of Mumbai and Tianjin University of Technology on July 18,2013. The hardships are self-evidence in the difficult birth of the cooperation between Jawaharlal Nehru University and Peking University, and the alterations made in the cooperation between Vellore Institute of Technology and Zhengzhou University. In both cases, the reasons were sad consciousness, policy constraints and domestic party politics,while the sense of opportunities, policy changes and global trends are the factors that count for the birth of the first Confucius Institute in India. With the new Modi government, however, it is expected that the Sino-Indian cooperation in Confucius Institute may face variables against the background of a new geopolitical landscape in Asia.

      Development and Revelation of the Goethe Institute

      Wang Wei · 43 ·

      German once had a bad reputation in the international society for being the initiator of the two world wars. However, in the past few decades, German has not only returned to the world stage with a new gesture, but also gained favorable impression and respect from the common people. In addition to the traditional security and economic policies, the foreign cultural policy is the key for German to rebuild its international image in German’s foreign diplomacy. The Goethe Institute, being the main executing body of German's foreign cultural policy, is allowing people to have a glimpse of the evolution of German’s foreign cultural policy as well as to inspire China’s foreign cultural exchange organizations.


      NGO Identity in Public Diplomacy

      Zhang Lijun &Mark Williams · 50 ·

      NGOs have been arousing increasingly greater attention in public diplomacy and they have been given three identities: tool, object and subject. With the three identities,NGOs are moving from the side to the center of the diplomatic stage, impacting the diplomatic agenda of many a sovereign state and helping build up its international image, making the diplomacy of that state face unprecedented challenges.

      Behind the Decline of the US

      Wu Mei & Zhu Wenbo · 57 ·

      Reports and articles on China in leading Western media constitute the leading form of the West’s voice internationally. Take “Uncertainty, Not China, Is Replacing US Power,”an article carried in Financial Times for example. It begins with the question of whether China is about to replace the US as the world’s superpower, proceeds with uncertainties the world is supposed to face, and lists the standards necessary for the world leader to hoist the banner that the United States is “generous and open.” In this way, it lays in advance a “trap of symbols”, indicating that China “l(fā)acks legitimacy” to play a role in leading the world.

      Changes and Countermeasures in China’s Public Diplomacy

      Huang Haoming · 65 ·

      Whether China’s public diplomacy can play its due role in the new historical era and is integrated into the state governance system depends on studies on the opportunities and challenges brought about by changes in the pattern of international relations and potential risks arising from such changing factors due to the involvement of more participants of public diplomacy as well as increasing complexity in the cooperative relations. In light of these factors, it is necessary to work out a corresponding strategy to clearly define the essential work and tasks of public diplomacy so as to make it an important supplement to government policy.


      Inclusion of Grand Canal in World Heritage List Boosts Yangzhou’s City Diplomacy

      -Interview with Hong Jinhua, Director of Yangzhou Public Diplomacy Association

      Ke Yinbin · 72 ·

      At the 38th session of the World Heritage Conference, held on June 22, 2014 in Doha,Qatar, approval was given to listing China’s Grand Canal in the World Heritage List. The application was initiated by Yangzhou, a city that is closely associated with the history of the Canal and has made great achievements in protecting the related historical and cultural heritage. The success is the result of diplomatic efforts the city has made over the years and will bring more opportunities to Yangzhou s city diplomacy. The Grand Canal has become a brand equity of strategic importance in Yangzhou s public relations efforts.

      Charhar Roundtable

      City Diplomacy in China

      Zhao Qizheng et al · 78 ·

      On May 15, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward, for the first time, the concept of “city diplomacy” in a speech marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).Jointly sponsored by the China Foreign Affairs University and the Charhar Institute, the First Public Diplomacy Forum of Local Associations and Higher Learning Institutions was held in Beijing on June 21, 2014, with the topic of city diplomacy on its agenda. Attending the forum were over 50 experts from local associations of public diplomacy and public diplomacy research centers of higher learning institutions throughout the country.

      Case Studies

      Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and China’s Image

      Zhang Guobin · 85 ·

      In terms of interpersonal communication, hotels hosting foreign guests shoulder greater responsibility for publicizing China’s state image. The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse is expected to showcase the images of both traditional and modern China. Towards this end, it is necessary that we set our wits at work and be good at exploring new ways. The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse is one of best platforms for national diplomacy and every diplomatic worker is expected to make full use of its multiple values.

      US Public Diplomacy toward China via Sina Microblog

      Zhou Peiyuan · 90 ·

      Judging by analysis of a series of microblog texts, this article concludes initially that US public diplomacy toward China is, to a certain extent, “aggressive,” which is, however,more convert and “giving no excuse” to China to retaliate. As such “aggressiveness” is diluted by the diversity and individuality of public diplomacy microblog accounts. In the circumstances created by new media, it is necessary to tone down any aggressive strategy in cross-culture communication; utilitarian attitudes in public diplomacy are of no help and they even cause damage to national image. Therefore, it is necessary to replace utilitarian diplomacy with mutual, long-term and honest cultural diplomacy.

      John Rabe Memorial Hall: Disseminator of Image for Peace

      Yang Shanyou · 97 ·

      During the Nanjing Massacre, which lasted for six weeks since December 13, 1937,John Rabe, a German businessman, set up the Nanjing Safety Zone. In addition, he wrote diaries recording what he saw. Both have now become important historical evidences of the Nanjing Massacre. Since its inaugural, the Rabe Memorial Hall, which is located on the campus of Nanjing University, has sponsored numerous publicity, educational and research activities, which have helped enhance its reputation around the world. So far, the Memorial Hall has hosted about 200,000 visitors, including a former German chancellor and a Japanese deputy consul in China. As a theme exhibition specializing on Japanese invading troops’ manslaughter in Nanjing, it serves as a historical witness of the war of Japanese aggression against China. At the same time, it also epitomizes the friendship and exchange between China and Germany. The activities held in the Memorial Hall comply with the theme of world peace and the trend of the times. This article introduces the major activities held at the Memorial Hall and their global influence.

      Diplomatic History

      Sino-US Public Opinion War of the 1950s

      Yao Yao · 105 ·

      In the 1950s, as a supplement to the military and political fights waged by the US against China, the US media and NGOs bore a dual mission of public diplomacy, i.e.,“public opinion war” and “promoting negotiations with fights”. Today at a critical juncture featuring profound changes in the international situation, China is faced with the historical task of establishing a new type of major power relations with the US, in addition to the necessity of reflecting upon, improving and developing the complicated Sino-US relations.

      Book Review

      Future on the Empire’s Ruins

      Ye Mi · 111 ·

      Johan Galtung, founder of the peace studies, predicted in his book The Fall of the US Empire, published in 2009 (the Chinese version was published by the People’s Publishing House in 2013), the decline and fall of the US empire by 2020. In the book, he draws a blueprint of the world’s future. Many scoff at his prediction, while others, particularly those outside the US, are elated. But, the author does not dwell on the misfortune of or feel discontent with the US to make the prediction as the US is his second home, towards which he harbors great gratitude. By making such a prediction, he expects to see the rise of a brand-new US and a brand-new world following the fall of the American empire.

      Overseas Contributions

      The Chinese Dream and Its Successful Communication with the World

      Jan Melissen & Ingrid d’Hooghe · 116 ·

      The Chinese leadership seeks to promote the concept of the Chinese Dream to audiences all over the world. This major challenge in public diplomacy covers two aspects—the concept of Chinese Dream and the processes of its communication. The inclusiveness of the concept of Chinese Dream offers opportunities for both domestic and international social practitioners to participate in the creation of the concept. A recurring argument in this article is that the society should be encouraged to play a major role. The changing nature of international relations, in which state-based relations unfold within a more amorphous transnational networking environment, calls for better adaptability of China’s diplomatic practice, particularly in the field of public diplomacy.

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