




      2015-01-05 11:12俞武生王在國盧星照吳志明林志強胡夏榮陳建華郭榮平
      中外醫(yī)療 2014年28期


      [摘要] 目的 探討預(yù)防肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)、提高生存的有效措施。方法 選取手術(shù)切除的肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓患者作為研究對象,隨機分為4組:A組僅行手術(shù)切除;B組行手術(shù)+肝動脈栓塞化療;C組為手術(shù)+門靜脈化療;D組行手術(shù)+序貫聯(lián)合肝動脈栓塞化療和門靜脈化療。比較四組患者1、2、3年的總生存率。結(jié)果 各組患者0.5、1、2、3年的總生存率分別為A組44.4%、27.8%、11.1%、5.0%;B組56.0%、44.0%、28.0%、20.0%;C組54.5%、40.9%、27.3%、18.2%;D組69.2%、53.8%、42.3%、30.7%,D組患者的總生存率明顯高于其他幾組患者(P<0.05),B組和C組的生存率比較差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P>0.05),而A組的生存率均明顯低于其他幾組(P<0.05)。結(jié)論 術(shù)后肝動脈栓塞化療和門靜脈化療是減少肝癌合并門脈癌栓患者術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)有效方法。兩者的聯(lián)合應(yīng)用對進一步減少肝癌合并門脈癌栓患者術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)、提高生存率有較大的臨床意義。

      [關(guān)鍵詞] 肝腫瘤;PVTT;TACE;PVC;預(yù)后

      [中圖分類號] R735.7 [文獻標(biāo)識碼] A [文章編號] 1674-0742(2014)10(a)-0020-04

      肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓(portal vein tumorthrombosis, PVTT)的發(fā)生率為44.0%~62.2%[1],患者總體預(yù)后極差。肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓手術(shù)切除后的高復(fù)發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)移率是影響患者生存預(yù)后的根源和最重要的因素[2]。目前,預(yù)防肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)轉(zhuǎn)移的有效措施較少,并有較大的爭議,為探討預(yù)防肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)、提高生存的有效措施,該研究2010年1月—2013年12月間應(yīng)用肝動脈栓塞化療(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization,TACE)聯(lián)合門靜脈化療(portal vein chemotherapy, PVC)預(yù)防術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā),取得了較好的療效。報道如下。

      1 資料與方法

      1.1 一般資料

      選取該院手術(shù)切除的肝細胞癌合并門靜脈癌栓的患者,共91例。均符合以下條件:①患者一般情況較好,無嚴(yán)重的心、肺、腎等重要臟器器質(zhì)性病變;②肝功能屬于Child-Pugh A或B;③術(shù)前未行化療或放療;④病理確診為HCC合并門脈一級及以下分支癌栓,無合并肝靜脈、下腔靜脈、膽管癌栓;⑤肝癌局限在半肝,腫瘤和癌栓一并切除,無肝外的轉(zhuǎn)移;⑥肉眼所見腫瘤組織完全切除,癌栓清除,術(shù)后1個月內(nèi)影像學(xué)未發(fā)現(xiàn)殘余腫瘤。其中A組(單純手術(shù))18例,B組(手術(shù)+TACE)25例,C組(手術(shù)+PVC)22例,D組(手術(shù)+ PVC+TACE)26例。


      1.2 方法

      ①手術(shù)方法:3組患者均行肝切除術(shù),術(shù)中切除腫瘤和/或子灶,切除有癌栓的門靜脈或從門靜脈段斷取盡癌栓,隨機抽取的C和D組患者均經(jīng)胃右靜脈插管至門靜脈主干,留置皮下埋藏藥盒。②術(shù)后治療: B組:患者術(shù)后1月起定期行TACE,采用Seldingers方法經(jīng)皮插入Cobra或RH導(dǎo)管,超選進入肝固有動脈內(nèi)注入化療藥物和栓塞劑的混懸液,化療藥物選用氟脲嘧啶(5-FU 700~800 mg/m2)、順鉑(40~60 mg/m2)、阿霉素類(ADM or EADM 50~60 mg/m2 ),栓塞劑為超液化碘油(碘油的用量根據(jù)情況而定。每4周1次,共4個療程。C組:術(shù)后肝功能基本恢復(fù)后,開始行PVC,第1~4天,每天經(jīng)藥盒注入順鉑20~40 mg/m2、5-Fu 400~600 mg/m2;第1天經(jīng)藥盒注入阿霉素40~60 mg/m2;共4個療程。D組:術(shù)后肝功能基本恢復(fù)后,即開始行PVC(方法同C組),4周后行TACE(方法同B組),序貫交替進行,共4-6個療程。

      1.3 觀察與隨訪


      1.4 統(tǒng)計方法


      2 結(jié)果



      3 討論


      已有研究[1,5-7]證實手術(shù)優(yōu)于其他任何一種單一的治療方法,手術(shù)切除治療肝癌合并PVTT取得了較好效果。 Takizawad等[1]分析193例肝癌伴門靜脈癌栓各種治療方法的療效,發(fā)現(xiàn)手術(shù)切除的療效最好,肝功能良好的患者(Child B級以上)3年生存率可以達到53.0%。Pawlik等[7]多中心研究顯示,肝癌伴門靜脈癌栓患者手術(shù)切除后中位生存時間為11個月,l、3、5年生存率可達45%、l7%、l0%。Chen等[5]研究發(fā)現(xiàn),門靜脈主干一級或以下分支癌栓的肝癌患者,手術(shù)切除后1、2、3、5年的總生存率達58.7%、39.9%、22.7%和 18.1%。本研究中肝癌合并PVTT單純手術(shù)后,患者0.5、1、2、3年的總生存率為44.4%、27.8%、11.1%、5.0%,雖然手術(shù)切除提高了肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓患者的生存時間,但單一的外科治療PVTT的療效并不太理想,術(shù)后殘癌和復(fù)發(fā)影響是影響生存率的主要因素,不管采用何種手術(shù)方法均很難取盡癌栓,這是PVTT手術(shù)療效不佳的主要原因[8-9]。


      該研究中,術(shù)后TACE組和術(shù)后PVC組患者的生存率均明顯高于單純手術(shù)患者,提示術(shù)后TACE和PVC均是減少復(fù)發(fā)、提高生存期的有效措施。肝動脈栓塞化療(TACE)對肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓患者已被證實[11]有確切的療效,研究報道[12-13],肝動脈局部化療對合并門靜脈癌栓的肝癌患者產(chǎn)生了較好的療效,延緩腫瘤復(fù)發(fā)能明顯提高肝癌伴門靜脈癌栓患者的長期生存率。肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓患者在術(shù)前行TACE時,有肝缺血、肝功能衰竭的風(fēng)險,但手術(shù)取栓后門靜脈梗阻解除,TACE可以安全應(yīng)用,肝癌和癌栓的血供主要來源于肝動脈,因此TACE對殘余肝的微轉(zhuǎn)移灶或癌栓均有效。郭榮平等[14]發(fā)現(xiàn)采用手術(shù)+術(shù)后TACE治療PVTT,可以提高患者的生存率,病人的預(yù)后較單純手術(shù)有明顯的改善。Fan等[15] 將179例肝癌合并門脈癌栓患者分成四組,手術(shù)切除加肝動脈化療組患者的中位生存期為15.1個月,0.5、1、2、3年生存率分別為55.8%、 39.3%、 30.4%和15.6%,明顯高于其他組(單純手術(shù)、化療、保守治療組),表明肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓手術(shù)切除后,聯(lián)合肝動脈化療或肝動脈化療栓塞,能有效降低復(fù)發(fā)率、延長生存時間。Peng[16]和Hu[17]等實施手術(shù)切除聯(lián)合術(shù)后門靜脈化療(PVC),肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓實驗組患者的中位生存期和中位無瘤生存期較對照組明顯延長,認(rèn)為術(shù)后化療主要針對門靜脈內(nèi)殘余的游離癌細胞,術(shù)后經(jīng)門靜脈注入化療藥物,可達到提高局部藥物濃度,殺滅殘余、散在的腫瘤細胞,減少復(fù)發(fā)和延長生存的目的。




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      [5] Chen XP, Qiu FZ, Wu ZD, et al. Effects of location and extension of portal vein tumor thrombus on long-term outcomes of surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006, 13(7):940-946.

      [6] Zhou L, Rui JA, Wang SB, et al. Risk factors of poor prognosis and portal vein tumor thrombosis after curative resection of solitary hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 2013,12(1): 68-73.

      [7] Pawlik TM, Poon RT, Abdalla EK, et al. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal or hepatic vein invasion: results of a multicenter study[J]. Surgery, 2005, 137(4):403-410.

      [8] Cha C, Fong Y, Jarnagin WR, et al. Predictors and patterns of recurrence after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2003, 197: 753-758.

      [9] Fukuda S, Okuda K, Imamura M, et al. Surgical resection combined with chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombus: Report of 19 cases[J]. Surgery,2002, 131: 300-310.

      [10] Kumada K,Ozawa K,Okamoto R,et al.Hepatic resection for advance hepatocellular carrcinoma with removal of portal vein tumor thrombi[J]. Surgery,1990,108:821-827.

      [11] Ikeda M, Okusaka T, Furuse J, et al. A multi-institutional phase II trial of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy with cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,2013,72(2): 463-470.

      [12] Akiyama M, Miyaaki H, Miuma S, et al. Significance of trans-hepatic arterial chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Oncol Rep, 2008,20(2):353-357.

      [13] Ishikawa T, Imai M, Kamimura H, et al. Improved survival for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis treated by intra-arterial chemotherapy combining etoposide, carboplatin, epirubicin and pharmacokinetic modulating chemotherapy by 5-FU and enteric-coated tegafur/uracil: a pilot study[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007,13(41):5465-5470.

      [14] 郭榮平,陳敏山,林小軍,等. 取栓術(shù)和栓塞化療在提高合并門靜脈癌栓肝癌手術(shù)療效的意義[J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志,2000(6):374-376.

      [15] Fan J, Zhou J, Wu ZQ, et al. Efficacy of different treatment strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2005, 11(8):1215-1219.

      [16] Peng B, Liang L, He Q, et al. Surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2006, 53(69):415-419.

      [17] Hu WJ, Liang LJ, Zhou Q, et al. Efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi, 2007, 45(19):1325-1327.

      [18] 李忱瑞,郭彥君,田光輝,等.肝癌的肝外動脈供血及其介入治療[J].中華腫瘤雜志,2002(24):163-166.

      [19] 黎洪浩,陳積圣,李海剛,等. 肝切除聯(lián)合經(jīng)導(dǎo)管化學(xué)藥物治療伴有門靜脈癌栓的肝癌40例報告[J]. 中華普通外科雜志,2001,16(8):457-459.


      [4] 王曉穎,樊嘉.肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓的治療方法及價值[J].肝膽外科雜志,2009,17(1):9-11.

      [5] Chen XP, Qiu FZ, Wu ZD, et al. Effects of location and extension of portal vein tumor thrombus on long-term outcomes of surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006, 13(7):940-946.

      [6] Zhou L, Rui JA, Wang SB, et al. Risk factors of poor prognosis and portal vein tumor thrombosis after curative resection of solitary hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 2013,12(1): 68-73.

      [7] Pawlik TM, Poon RT, Abdalla EK, et al. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal or hepatic vein invasion: results of a multicenter study[J]. Surgery, 2005, 137(4):403-410.

      [8] Cha C, Fong Y, Jarnagin WR, et al. Predictors and patterns of recurrence after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2003, 197: 753-758.

      [9] Fukuda S, Okuda K, Imamura M, et al. Surgical resection combined with chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombus: Report of 19 cases[J]. Surgery,2002, 131: 300-310.

      [10] Kumada K,Ozawa K,Okamoto R,et al.Hepatic resection for advance hepatocellular carrcinoma with removal of portal vein tumor thrombi[J]. Surgery,1990,108:821-827.

      [11] Ikeda M, Okusaka T, Furuse J, et al. A multi-institutional phase II trial of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy with cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,2013,72(2): 463-470.

      [12] Akiyama M, Miyaaki H, Miuma S, et al. Significance of trans-hepatic arterial chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Oncol Rep, 2008,20(2):353-357.

      [13] Ishikawa T, Imai M, Kamimura H, et al. Improved survival for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis treated by intra-arterial chemotherapy combining etoposide, carboplatin, epirubicin and pharmacokinetic modulating chemotherapy by 5-FU and enteric-coated tegafur/uracil: a pilot study[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007,13(41):5465-5470.

      [14] 郭榮平,陳敏山,林小軍,等. 取栓術(shù)和栓塞化療在提高合并門靜脈癌栓肝癌手術(shù)療效的意義[J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志,2000(6):374-376.

      [15] Fan J, Zhou J, Wu ZQ, et al. Efficacy of different treatment strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2005, 11(8):1215-1219.

      [16] Peng B, Liang L, He Q, et al. Surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2006, 53(69):415-419.

      [17] Hu WJ, Liang LJ, Zhou Q, et al. Efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi, 2007, 45(19):1325-1327.

      [18] 李忱瑞,郭彥君,田光輝,等.肝癌的肝外動脈供血及其介入治療[J].中華腫瘤雜志,2002(24):163-166.

      [19] 黎洪浩,陳積圣,李海剛,等. 肝切除聯(lián)合經(jīng)導(dǎo)管化學(xué)藥物治療伴有門靜脈癌栓的肝癌40例報告[J]. 中華普通外科雜志,2001,16(8):457-459.


      [4] 王曉穎,樊嘉.肝癌合并門靜脈癌栓的治療方法及價值[J].肝膽外科雜志,2009,17(1):9-11.

      [5] Chen XP, Qiu FZ, Wu ZD, et al. Effects of location and extension of portal vein tumor thrombus on long-term outcomes of surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006, 13(7):940-946.

      [6] Zhou L, Rui JA, Wang SB, et al. Risk factors of poor prognosis and portal vein tumor thrombosis after curative resection of solitary hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 2013,12(1): 68-73.

      [7] Pawlik TM, Poon RT, Abdalla EK, et al. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal or hepatic vein invasion: results of a multicenter study[J]. Surgery, 2005, 137(4):403-410.

      [8] Cha C, Fong Y, Jarnagin WR, et al. Predictors and patterns of recurrence after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2003, 197: 753-758.

      [9] Fukuda S, Okuda K, Imamura M, et al. Surgical resection combined with chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombus: Report of 19 cases[J]. Surgery,2002, 131: 300-310.

      [10] Kumada K,Ozawa K,Okamoto R,et al.Hepatic resection for advance hepatocellular carrcinoma with removal of portal vein tumor thrombi[J]. Surgery,1990,108:821-827.

      [11] Ikeda M, Okusaka T, Furuse J, et al. A multi-institutional phase II trial of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy with cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,2013,72(2): 463-470.

      [12] Akiyama M, Miyaaki H, Miuma S, et al. Significance of trans-hepatic arterial chemotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Oncol Rep, 2008,20(2):353-357.

      [13] Ishikawa T, Imai M, Kamimura H, et al. Improved survival for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis treated by intra-arterial chemotherapy combining etoposide, carboplatin, epirubicin and pharmacokinetic modulating chemotherapy by 5-FU and enteric-coated tegafur/uracil: a pilot study[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2007,13(41):5465-5470.

      [14] 郭榮平,陳敏山,林小軍,等. 取栓術(shù)和栓塞化療在提高合并門靜脈癌栓肝癌手術(shù)療效的意義[J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志,2000(6):374-376.

      [15] Fan J, Zhou J, Wu ZQ, et al. Efficacy of different treatment strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2005, 11(8):1215-1219.

      [16] Peng B, Liang L, He Q, et al. Surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2006, 53(69):415-419.

      [17] Hu WJ, Liang LJ, Zhou Q, et al. Efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal vein tumor thrombus[J]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi, 2007, 45(19):1325-1327.

      [18] 李忱瑞,郭彥君,田光輝,等.肝癌的肝外動脈供血及其介入治療[J].中華腫瘤雜志,2002(24):163-166.

      [19] 黎洪浩,陳積圣,李海剛,等. 肝切除聯(lián)合經(jīng)導(dǎo)管化學(xué)藥物治療伴有門靜脈癌栓的肝癌40例報告[J]. 中華普通外科雜志,2001,16(8):457-459.


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