陳貴平 陳貴香 黃建麗
陳貴平 陳貴香 黃建麗
鼻咽癌(carcinoma of nasopharynx)是我國常見的惡性腫瘤[1],男性多于女性?;熓浅S玫闹委煼椒?,順鉑是治療惡性腫瘤的常用藥物,聯(lián)合多西他賽或吉西他濱是臨床上常用的治療方案。為探討多西他賽(DP)聯(lián)合順鉑與吉西他濱聯(lián)合順鉑同期治療鼻咽癌不良反應(yīng)的差異,指導(dǎo)臨床選擇合理的藥物,2014年3月-2015 年3月收治鼻咽癌患者60例,對不良反應(yīng)情況進(jìn)行回顧性分析,現(xiàn)報(bào)告如下。
方法:對多西他賽組給予順鉑60mg/m2溶于500mL氯化鈉溶液靜脈滴注,多西他賽75mg/m2溶于250mL氯化鈉溶液靜脈滴注,60min內(nèi)滴完,給藥前12 h、1 h及給藥后1 h、12 h、24 h、36 h口服7.5mg地塞米松,21 d 1個(gè)治療周期,應(yīng)用2~4個(gè)周期。吉西他濱組給予順鉑60mg/m2溶于500mL氯化鈉溶液靜脈滴注,吉西他濱1000mg/m2溶于250mL氯化鈉溶液靜脈滴注,30~60min內(nèi)滴完,21 d為1個(gè)治療周期,應(yīng)用2~4個(gè)周期。
Adverse reaction com parison of docetaxel combined with cisplatin and gem citabine combined with cisplatin in the concurrent treatmentof carcinoma of nasopharynx
Chen Guiping,Chen Guixiang,Huang Jianli
Departmentof OncologicalRadiotherapy,Zhangzhou HospitalAffiliated to Fujian MedicalUniversity 363000
Objective∶To investigate the adverse reaction difference between docetaxel combined with cisplatin and gemcitabine combined with cisplatin in the concurrent treatmentof carcinoma of nasopharynx.Methods∶60 cases of patients with carcinoma of nasopharynx were divided into the docetaxel group and the gemcitabine group random ly.The docetaxel group were treated with docetaxel combined with cisplatin and the gemcitabine group were given gemcitabine combined with cisplatin,the adverse reactions of the two groupswere compared.Results∶Therewere 26 cases ofadverse reactions in the docetaxel group and 28 cases of adverse reaction in the gemcitabine group,therewas no statistically significant difference of adverse reaction between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion∶There was no significant difference of adverse reaction between docetaxel combined with cisplatin and gemcitabine combined with cisplatin in the concurrent treatmentof carcinoma of nasopharynx,both ofwhich could be as the effective treatment for carcinomaofnasopharynx.
Docetaxel;Gemcitabine;Cisplatin;Carcinoma ofnasopharynx