李紅璉,尹 雪,賈俊棟,岳衛(wèi)東
李紅璉,尹 雪,賈俊棟,岳衛(wèi)東*
(哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學附屬第二醫(yī)院神經內科四病房,哈爾濱 150086)
皮質下缺血性血管病(subcortical ischemic vascular disease,SIVD)由顱內小血管病變所引起,是引起血管性認知功能障礙的主要原因。該病的晚期可發(fā)展為血管性癡呆,其影像學特點為廣泛的腦白質病變(white matter lesion,WML)和多發(fā)性腔隙性腦梗死(lacunar infarction,LI)[1]。根據其磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)表現(xiàn)分為WML型、LI型和WML與LI并存(WML+LI)型3種情況,其中并存型占95%[2]。近年來國、內外許多學者研究WML與認知功能的關系,然而對于WML與LI并存對老年患者認知功能影響的研究卻很少。本文將從不同程度的SIVD的影像學表現(xiàn)與老年人認知功能的關系進行闡述。
所有入選病例均為2014年9月至2015年1月哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學附屬第二醫(yī)院神經內科住院患者,合計99例。本研究經該院倫理委員會批準,患者和家屬同意并簽署知情同意書。納入標準:(1)年齡在60~75歲;(2)美國國立衛(wèi)生研究院腦卒中量表(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale,NIHSS)評分為0分;(3)所有患者經頭顱MRI檢查均符合SIVD的影像學診斷標準[3]。排除標準:(1)既往急性缺血性或者出血性卒中史;(2)腦積水或其他原因引起的WHL(如多發(fā)性硬化、結節(jié)病和放射性腦病等);(3)既往有癲癇或者精神障礙病史;(4)嚴重的系統(tǒng)性疾病;(5)既往有重要臟器功能不全及甲狀腺功能減退等疾病史。
由兩名神經影像科醫(yī)師對患者基底節(jié)和丘腦區(qū)的LI的發(fā)病進行計數(shù)[4],WML的評定采用Bocti[5]提出的膽堿能通路高信號評分量表(Cholinergic Pathway High Signal Rating Scale,CHIPS),建立在人腦膽堿能通路的免疫組化標記和MRI的重疊分析上。采用解剖標志在第三腦室和第四腦室層面的4個軸位像上,內側通路(扣帶回白質)和外側通路(外囊和半卵圓中心)被分成10個區(qū)域。每個區(qū)WML的程度分為3級,正常為0分,累及區(qū)域<1/2為1分,累及區(qū)域>1/2為2分;左右側分別評分。影像學檢查結果由兩名神經影像科醫(yī)師進行判斷和評分。若兩者結果不一致,經會議討論并最終確定。
神經心理學評估:(1)蒙特利爾認知評估量表(Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA;北京版)[6],包括視空間/執(zhí)行功能5分、命名3分、注意6分、語言3分、抽象2分、延遲回憶(記憶力)5分和定向力6分??偡?0分,≥26分為正常,<26分為認知功能障礙;為校正受教育程度的偏倚,受教育年限≤12年則加1分;在10min內完成測評。(2)阿爾茨海默病評定量表認知分量表(Alzheimer’s Diseases Assessment Scale-Cognitive,ADAS-Cog[7]),評分范圍0~75分,分數(shù)越高表示認知功能障礙越嚴重。ADAS-Cog總分15.5分為輕度認知功能障礙患者和正常人的劃定標準。因此,ADAS-Cog<15.5分為認知功能正常,ADAS-Cog≥15.5分認為是認知功能下降;評定的時間約為30~45min。由專門的精神心理科醫(yī)師盲法進行評價。
表1 LI三組患者基線資料的比較
LI: lacunar infarction
表2 WML三組患者基線資料的比較
WML: white matter lesion
表3 LI三組患者認知功能評分情況
LI: lacunar infarction; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer’s Diseases Assessment Scale-Cognitive; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Compared with mild LI group,*<0.05
表4 WML三組患者認知功能評分情況
WML: white matter lesion; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer’s Diseases Assessment Scale-Cognitive; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Compared with mild WML group,*<0.05
表5 WML與LI并存認知功能評分情況
WML: white matter lesion; LI: lacunar infarction; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer’s Diseases Assessment Scale-Cognitive; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment
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(編輯: 劉子琪)
Imaging features of subcortical ischemic vascular disease and their correlation with cognitive impairment in the elderly
LI Hong-Lian, YIN Xue, JIA Jun-Dong, YUE Wei-Dong*
(Ward No.4, Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, China)
To investigate the imaging features of subcortical ischemic vascular disease (SIVD) and their correlation with cognitive impairment in the elderly.Clinical data of 99 elderly patients (60 to 75 years old) with SIVD admitted in our department from September 2014 to January 2015 were collected. According to the results of head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the patients were divided based on the number of lacunar infarction (LI) lesions in the basal ganglia and thalamus area, and on the severity of white matter lesion (WML) by Cholinergic Pathway High Signal Rating Scale (CHIPS). Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA, Beijing version) and Alzheimer’s Diseases Assessment Scale-Cognitive (ADAS-Cog) were used as assessing tools to analyze the correlation of severity of LI or WML with cognitive function.MoCA and ADAS-Cog scale indicated that there was no difference in cognitive function between the moderate and mild LI or WML patients (>0.05), but significant difference was seen between the severe and mild patients (<0.05). For the patients with mild and moderate WML and severe LI (infarct lesions<7), no cognitive impairment was observed (>0.05). While the number of infarct lesions ≥7, the mild and moderate WML patients suffered from cognitive impairment (<0.05).Cognitive impairment is found in the elderly patients with severe WML or with multiple LI in the basal ganglia and thalamus area, and in those with mild and moderate WML and coexisting multiple LI.
aged;subcortical ischemic vascular disease; cognitive function; white matter lesions; lacunar infarction
R592; R743
岳衛(wèi)東, E-mail: yueweidong700422@ 163.com