



      Let the Music Play!

      2015-05-15 22:40:30BySEBASTIENROUSSILLAT
      CHINA TODAY 2015年2期


      During a walk you chance upon a concert ticket. A ticket for 古典音樂(lè) (gǔ diǎn yīn yuè), classical music. Certainly, you like 音樂(lè) (yīn yuè), music, but you are not a true 愛好者 (ài hào zhě), aficionado.

      Nobody can deny that entering a 音樂(lè)廳 (yīn yuè tīng) concert hall, is like stepping into the 音樂(lè)的殿堂 (yīn yuè de diàn táng), palace of music. Sitting in the 高大上 (gāo dà shàng), grand and lofty setting, and 莊嚴(yán) (zhuāng yán), solemn atmosphere, before a band of passionate 歌唱家 (gē chàng ji?。?singers, 演奏家(yǎn zòu ji?。?instrumentalists, and other 音樂(lè)家 (yīn yuèji?。?, musicians, you cant help 洗耳恭聽 (xǐ ěr gōng tīng), literally “washing your ears and listening with respect,” at a long 獨(dú)奏音樂(lè)會(huì) (dú zòu yīn yuè huì), solo recital.

      But what you really hate is having to chat afterwards about the critical interpretation, the 演奏風(fēng)格 (yǎn zòu fēng gé), style of play, or even the soloists .燕尾服 (yàn wěi fú), tuxedo. You are irritated by the 譜子 (pǔ zi) scores, and 音符 (yīn fú), musical notes. When you were small, everyone said that you 五音不全 (wǔ yīn bù quán), do not have an ear for music, or “do not have the whole five notes” in Chinese, and that you had no 節(jié)奏感 (jié zòu gǎn), sense of rhythm.

      You love 搖滾樂(lè) (yáo gǔn yuè), rock and roll, no problem! 流行音樂(lè) (liú xíng yīn yuè), pop, is great too! You are a huge 粉絲 (fěn sī), fan, of some 歌手 (gē shǒu), singers. You often go to 演唱會(huì) (yǎn chàng huì), concerts. What?! You listen to 現(xiàn)代音樂(lè) (xiàn dài yīn yuè), modern music? How much do you understand?

      After all, you say, music is all about 聲調(diào) (shēng diào), tones,旋律 (xuán lǜ), melody, and 和諧 (hé xié), harmony. And this poses a question: does the human voice count as an instrument? Of course it does! There is 聲樂(lè) (shēng yuè), vocal music, and 歌曲 (gē qǔ), songs.

      Here comes a question, why do we play and appreciate music? The answer can be very simply: it is 悅耳(yuèěr), pleasant to the ear, and visceral, 蕩氣回腸 (dàng qì huí cháng), literally “resonating in the intestines,” a Chinese way of saying “music that plucks the heartstrings.” There is a Chinese expression 余音繞梁 (yú yīn rào liáng), “the echo lingers around the beams,” expressing that music leaves a deep impression on listeners. Music can also make 知音 (zhī yīn), bosom friends, or literally “those who understand your music,”since for the Chinese, music is not just a means of relaxation, but also of spiritual elevation. 音樂(lè)修養(yǎng) (yīn yuè xiūyǎng), musical accomplishment, is critical for 身心合一 (shēn xīn hé yī), union of the mind and body. This is evident in the English phrases “in concert” or “in harmony.”

      Is it true that 音樂(lè)無(wú)國(guó)界 (yīn yuè wú guó jiè), music knows no borders? I leave that up to you!endprint

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