




      2015-06-12 12:37:34郝明德
      植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報 2015年4期

      蔡 艷, 郝明德

      (1四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學資源環(huán)境學院,四川成都 611130; 2 西北農(nóng)林科技大學資源環(huán)境學院,陜西楊凌 712100;3 西北農(nóng)林科技大學水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100)


      蔡 艷1, 2, 郝明德2, 3*

      (1四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學資源環(huán)境學院,四川成都 611130; 2 西北農(nóng)林科技大學資源環(huán)境學院,陜西楊凌 712100;3 西北農(nóng)林科技大學水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100)

      輪作; 黃土高原; 小麥; 養(yǎng)分吸收; 礦質(zhì)營養(yǎng); 土壤肥力


      1 材料與方法

      1.1 試驗地概況

      1.2 試驗材料

      試驗土壤為粘化黑壚土,母質(zhì)是深厚的中壤質(zhì)馬蘭黃土,全剖面土質(zhì)均勻疏松,通透性好,肥力中等。試驗開始時耕層土壤有機質(zhì)10.5 g/kg,全氮0.800 g/kg,堿解氮37.0 mg/kg,全磷0.659 g/kg,有效磷3.00 mg/kg,速效鉀129 mg/kg,pH(H2O) 8.24。供試小麥品種為長武134,田間管理同大田。

      1.3 試驗設(shè)計

      長期定位試驗于1984年布置,設(shè)糧草長周期輪作、糧草短周期輪作和糧豆輪作3種輪作制度,以小麥連作處理(CK)作為對照,共8個處理。為保證同一年度取到不同茬口年限小麥及土壤樣品,糧草長周期輪作設(shè)以下3組種植方式:小麥→小麥→苜蓿→苜?!俎!俎!R鈴薯→小麥(WAT1); 小麥→苜?!俎!俎!俎!R鈴薯→小麥→小麥(WAT2); 苜?!俎!俎!俎!R鈴薯→ 小麥→小麥→小麥(WAT3)。糧草短周期輪作設(shè)以下2組種植方式:小麥+紅豆草→紅豆草→小麥(WST1); 紅豆草→小麥→小麥+紅豆草(WST2)。糧豆輪作設(shè)以下2組種植方式:小麥+糜子→豌豆→小麥(WPT1); 豌豆→小麥→小麥+糜子(WPT2)。

      小區(qū)長10.26 m、 寬6.5 m,面積66.69 m2。每個處理3次重復(fù),隨機區(qū)組排列。各處理年施肥量為N 120 kg/hm2,P2O560 kg/hm2,所施氮肥為尿素,磷肥為過磷酸鈣,皆于作物播前將肥料撒施地表后耕翻入土。

      1.4 樣品采集與分析


      1.5 數(shù)據(jù)處理方法

      數(shù)據(jù)采用軟件Excel和DPS 6.55進行處理和統(tǒng)計分析。方差分析采用單因素方差分析(ANOVA),最小差數(shù)法(LSD法)進行多重比較。

      養(yǎng)分收獲指數(shù)(%)= 籽粒養(yǎng)分吸收量 × 100/植株養(yǎng)分吸收總量

      2 結(jié)果與分析

      2.1 長期輪作對黃土高原旱地小麥產(chǎn)量的影響

      表1 長期輪作下黃土高原旱地的小麥產(chǎn)量Table 1 Wheat yield in the long-term rotation in Loess Plateau

      注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示處理間差異達到5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in the same column are significantly different at the 5% level.

      2.2 長期輪作對黃土高原旱地小麥養(yǎng)分吸收的影響

      2.2.1 長期輪作對小麥大量元素吸收的影響 輪作可促進旱地小麥對氮磷鉀養(yǎng)分的吸收,且對氮鉀吸收的影響程度高于磷。糧草長周期輪作小麥吸氮量最高,平均值為142.6 kg/hm2,比連作小麥高29.28%。糧豆輪作小麥吸鉀量最高,平均值為94.9 kg/hm2,比連作小麥高29.47%(表2)。

      苜蓿茬后種植小麥,促進了小麥對土壤氮鉀的吸收,且第三年小麥 > 第二年 >第一年(表2),但苜蓿茬后第一年小麥吸磷量低于連作小麥,生產(chǎn)上應(yīng)注意合理施用磷肥。紅豆草茬后小麥對氮鉀的吸收量均高于連作小麥,WST1小麥吸氮量稍高于WST2,WST2小麥吸磷量和吸鉀量稍高于WST1,但處理之間差異均不顯著。豌豆茬后小麥各部位對氮磷鉀的吸收量均表現(xiàn)為WPT2 > WPT1,且種植豌豆后第二年小麥籽粒和植株吸氮量,及秸稈和植株吸鉀量均顯著高于連作小麥。

      表2 長期輪作對黃土高原旱地小麥大量元素吸收的影響Table 2 Effect of the long-term rotation on wheat uptakes of macronutrients in dryland fields in the Loess Plateau

      注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示處理間差異達到5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in the same column are significantly different at the 5% level.

      2.2.2 長期輪作對小麥微量元素吸收的影響 輪作系統(tǒng)和茬口年限對旱地小麥籽粒吸鐵量無顯著影響,對小麥秸稈吸鐵量和植株吸鐵量有顯著影響(圖1A)。糧草長周期輪作中,小麥各部位吸鐵量表現(xiàn)為WAT3 > WAT2 > WAT1,且WAT3顯著高于CK和WAT1。糧草短周期輪作中,小麥各部位吸鐵量表現(xiàn)為WST1 > WST2,WST1小麥秸稈和植物吸鐵量分別比CK高54.74%和50.82%,差異顯著。糧豆輪作中,WPT2小麥秸稈吸鐵量顯著高于WPT1和CK。




      圖1 長期輪作對黃土高原旱地小麥微量元素吸收的影響Fig.1 Effect of the long-term rotation on wheat uptake of micronutrients in dryland fields in the Loess Plateau[注(Note): 同一部位柱狀圖上不同字母表示處理間差異達到5%顯著水平 Different letters above the bar in the same parts mean significant difference at the 5% level.]

      表3 長期輪作對黃土高原旱地小麥養(yǎng)分收獲指數(shù)的影響(%)Table 3 Effect of the long-term rotation on wheat harvest indexes of nutrients in dryland fields in the Loess Plateau

      注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示處理間差異達到5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in the same column are significantly different at the 5% level.


      2.3 長期輪作對黃土高原小麥地耕層土壤肥力性質(zhì)的影響

      表4 長期輪作黃土高原旱地區(qū)小麥地耕層土壤肥力性質(zhì)Table 4 Effect of the long-term rotation on soil fertility of wheat topsoil in dryland fields in the Loess Plateau

      3 討論

      3.1 輪作對土壤肥力和小麥產(chǎn)量的影響

      3.2 輪作對小麥養(yǎng)分吸收的影響



      許多醫(yī)學專家認為當今人類疾病90%以上與微量元素有關(guān),而糧食作物籽粒中微量元素,特別是鋅、鐵含量較低,生物有效性差是全世界普遍存在的問題[30]。黃土高原旱地小麥籽粒鐵、錳、銅、鋅含量比全國平均水平分別低7.7%、9.2%、42.9%和6.3%[14],通過一定措施提高小麥籽粒對微量元素的吸收顯得尤為迫切。本研究表明,輪作使旱地小麥對微量元素的吸收量增加或差異不顯著,各種植系統(tǒng)及小麥茬口年限對4種微量元素影響不一,這與豆科植物對土壤微量元素形態(tài)和有效性的影響不盡相同有很大關(guān)系[6,31]??偟膩碚f,黃土高原旱地區(qū)實行糧草長周期輪作有利于促進小麥籽粒對鐵、銅、鋅的吸收,且苜蓿茬后3年小麥 > 2年小麥 > 1年小麥。糧豆輪作可促進小麥籽粒對錳的吸收,且豌豆茬后2年小麥 > 1年小麥。糧草短周期輪作對小麥籽粒微量元素累積作用不明顯。因此,在黃土高原旱地促進小麥對微量元素吸收的較優(yōu)種植制度為糧草長周期輪作或糧豆輪作。

      4 結(jié)論



      3)糧草長周期輪作可促進旱地小麥對鐵、銅、鋅的吸收,且苜蓿茬后3年小麥 > 2年小麥 > 1年小麥。糧草短周期輪作可促進小麥對鐵的吸收,且紅豆草茬后1年小麥 > 2年小麥。糧豆輪作可促進小麥對鐵、錳的吸收,且豌豆茬后2年小麥 > 1年小麥。糧草輪作鐵收獲指數(shù)低于連作小麥,糧豆輪作則有利銅向籽粒轉(zhuǎn)移。


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      Effects of rotation model and period on wheat yield,nutrient uptake and soil fertility in the Loess Plateau

      CAI Yan1, 2, HAO Ming-de2, 3*


      【Objectives】Rotations of wheat-alfalfa, wheat-sainfoin and wheat-pea are common cropping systems in the Loess Plateau, northwest China. In this paper, the impacts of different cropping systems on the wheat yields, nutrient uptake and soil fertility were studied using a long-term experiment, in order to compare and recommend the optimum cropping system in this area.【Methods】 The long-term experiment was established in 1984. Eight treatments with triplicates were designed: continuous cropping of wheat(CK), three long-period rotations of wheat-alfalfa treatments: wheat→wheat→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→ alfalfa→potato→wheat (WAT1), wheat→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→potato→wheat→wheat (WAT2), and alfalfa→ alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→potato→wheat→wheat→wheat (WAT3); two short-period rotations of wheat-sainfoin: wheat and sainfoin→sainfoin→wheat (WST1), sainfoin→wheat→wheat and sainfoin (WST2); two wheat-pea rotations: wheat and millet →pea→wheat (WPT1), pea→wheat→wheat and millet (WPT2). Plant and soil samples were collected after wheat harvest in June, 2004. Wheat yields, grain and straw nutrient contents and soil fertility were determined. 【Results】 The wheat grain yields in the rotation were 1.47% to 29.66% higher than the control, and the straw biomass were 2.17% to 29.77% higher. The increases were more obvious in wheat-alfalfa rotation and wheat-sainfoin rotation systems. The second year wheat cropping yields after alfalfa or sainfoin were higher than those in the first year, the rotation advantage became weaken in the third year. The long-period rotation of wheat-alfalfa favored absorption of N, K, Fe, Cu and Zn in wheat, and the order was WAT3 > WAT2 > WAT1. The short-period rotation of wheat-sainfoin favored absorption of N, K and Fe in wheat, and WST1 was slightly higher than WST2. The wheat-pea rotation favored absorption of N, K, Fe and Mn in wheat, and WPT2 > WPT1. The rotation model and year after rotated crops affected more on the harvest indexes of microelements than on those of macro-nutrients. The wheat-pea rotation was conducive to the transfer of N, P and Cu to wheat grain. The wheat K harvest indexes of the three rotation systems were lower than those of the continuous cropping of wheat, and the Fe harvest indexes of the wheat-alfalfa rotation and wheat-sainfoin rotation were lower than those of the continuous cropping of wheat. Through rotation, soil total N was increased by 11.54%-20.51%, alkali-hydrolysable N increased by 9.66%-21.56%. The wheat-sainfoin rotation had obvious positive effect on soil organic matter, total N and available K, but negative on soil available P (decreased by 23.97%). The wheat-pea rotation showed obvious positive effect on soil P accumulation with a increase of 45.52% compared to control.【Conclusions】 The rotation mode of 2 to 4 years successive sainfoin→two years continuing wheat is proven to be the optimum rotation mode in the Loess Plateau, in case of attention be paid on increasing phosphate fertilizer application.

      crop rotation; Loess Plateau; wheat; nutrient uptake; mineral nutrition; soil fertility

      2014-03-17 接受日期: 2014-12-03 網(wǎng)絡(luò)出版日期: 2015-05-08


      蔡艷(1976—),女,四川達縣人,博士研究生,主要從事土壤與植物營養(yǎng)的研究。E-mail: caiyya@126.com * 通信作者 E-mail:mdhao@ms.iswc.ac.cn




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