




      2015-06-15 19:19:11袁志友
      植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報 2015年3期

      李 婷, 鄧 強, 袁志友,3 , 焦 峰,3*

      (1西北農林科技大學資源環(huán)境學院,陜西楊凌 712100; 2 中國科學院水利部水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100;3 西北農林科技大學水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100)


      李 婷1, 鄧 強2, 袁志友1,3, 焦 峰1,3*

      (1西北農林科技大學資源環(huán)境學院,陜西楊凌 712100; 2 中國科學院水利部水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100;3 西北農林科技大學水土保持研究所,陜西楊凌 712100)

      黃土高原; 草本生物量; 緯度梯度; 葉片氮 、磷化學計量學



      1 材料與方法

      1.1 研究區(qū)自然概況和樣地分布

      圖1 研究區(qū)樣點分布Fig.1 Sample locations of the study region

      1.2 研究方法

      1.2.1 樣品采集和處理 植物調查和采樣時間為2012年8月中上旬植物生長旺盛期,在研究區(qū)內選取15個樣地。用全球定位系統(tǒng)(GPS)確定采樣點的經(jīng)緯度。在每個樣地設置6個1 m×1 m大小的樣方,收獲樣方內所有草本植物,用于測定草本生物量,調查植物群落結構,主要包括物種組成、蓋度、高度、株數(shù)等。同時采集樣地中的地帶性植物用于草本植物氮、磷化學計量學的測定。

      1.2.2 草本植物生物量的測定 將植物樣品于105℃下殺青約10分鐘,在70℃下烘48小時至恒重,用電子天平稱干重。將6個樣方的生物量求平均值作為每個樣地的草本植物生物量,并在此基礎上計算出不同植被帶的草本植物生物量平均值。

      1.2.3 草本植物葉片氮、磷含量的測定 將每個樣地分種類采集的植物樣品經(jīng)研磨后過100目篩(孔徑為0.15 mm),經(jīng)H2SO4-H2O2消煮后,用全自動凱氏定氮儀(ATN-300)測定草本植物全氮;用鉬藍比色法測定草本植物全磷。單位以植物單位質量的養(yǎng)分含量表示。草本植物葉片氮、磷含量的測定方法參照《土壤農化分析》[22]。

      1.3 數(shù)據(jù)處理

      采用SPSS 18.0 對不同緯度梯度下的草本植物生物量及其葉片氮、磷含量及氮/磷進行相關分析和回歸分析,并對不同植被帶的草本植物生物量及其葉片氮、磷含量及氮/磷進行單因素方差分析。在進行數(shù)據(jù)分析之前,對各類數(shù)據(jù)進行正態(tài)分布檢驗,正態(tài)分布檢驗采用單個樣本K-S檢驗。分析得出,黃土高原草本植物生物量及其葉片氮、磷含量及氮/磷均符合正態(tài)分布。

      2 結果與分析

      2.1 黃土高原草本植物生物量沿緯度梯度的變化

      圖2 草本植物生物量隨緯度的變化規(guī)律Fig.2 Variation of the herbaceous biomass along the latitudinal gradient

      表1 采樣點草本植物種類沿緯度梯度的分布狀況

      注(Note): 長芒草Stipabungeana, 茜草Rubiacordifolia, 蘆葦Phragmitesaustralis, 蒲公英Taraxacummongolicum,香青蘭Dracocephalummoldavica, 敗醬Patriniascabiosaefolia, 達烏里胡枝子Lespedezadavurica, 角蒿Incarvilleasinensis, 黃花草木樨Melilotusofficinalis, 鐵桿蒿Artemisiagmelinii, 風毛菊Saussureaamurensis, 草木樨狀黃芪Astragalusmelilotoides, 鬼針草Bidenspilosa, 阿爾泰狗娃花Heteropappusaltaicus, 茵陳蒿Artemisiacapillary, 沙蒿Artemisiadesertorum, 拐軸鴉蔥Scorzoneradivaricata, 遠志Polygalatenuifolia, 牻牛兒苗Erodiumstephanianum, 野豌豆Viciasepium, 黑沙蒿Artemisiaordosica, 狗尾草Setariaviridis, 豬毛蒿Artemisiascoparia, 沙打旺Astragalusadsurgens.

      表2 草本植物生物量、葉片氮、磷含量及其氮/磷

      表3 不同植被帶草本植物生物量、葉片氮、磷及其氮/磷的方差分析

      注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示不同植被帶間差異達5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among vegetation zones at the 5% level.

      2.2 黃土高原草本植物葉片氮(N)、磷(P)化學計量學特征沿緯度梯度的變化

      黃土高原不同緯度梯度下草本植物葉片氮、磷含量以及氮/磷存在很大的變異性。草本植物葉片氮含量從森林帶的20.45 mg/g到草原-荒漠帶的31.96 mg/g,變異系數(shù)為17.1%;葉片磷含量從森林帶的1.22 mg/g到草原-荒漠帶的1.62 mg/g,變異系數(shù)為13.9%;氮/磷的變化范圍則是從森林帶的16.90到森林-草原帶的19.94,變異系數(shù)為9.94%;三者的平均值分別為氮含量25.79 mg/g、磷含量1.37 mg/g、 氮/磷 18.71。圖3表明, 草本植物葉片氮、 磷含量與緯度之間存在顯著的相關關系,且隨著緯度的升高,葉片氮、磷含量也隨之升高(R2=0.850、P<0.001,R2=0.845、P<0.001)。草本植物葉片氮/磷與緯度的關系并不顯著(R2=0.085、P=0.723)。

      2.3 黃土高原草本植物葉片氮(N)、磷(P)化學計量學特征

      本文將黃土高原草本植物葉片氮、磷的化學計量學特征與其他研究結果進行了比較(表4),發(fā)現(xiàn)黃土高原草本植物葉片氮含量顯著高于Reich等[17]在全球尺度上和Han等[20]在中國尺度上的平均水平,同時也高于鄭淑霞等[23]在黃土高原上的研究結果(算術平均數(shù)為24.1 mg/g);而黃土高原草本植物葉片磷含量明顯低于Reich等[17]在全球尺度上的研究結果,與Han等[20]在中國尺度上的研究結果差異不顯著;黃土高原草本植物葉片氮/磷與Reich等[17]在全球尺度和Han等[20]在中國尺度上的研究結果均存在顯著差異。

      圖3 草本植物葉片氮、磷含量及其氮/磷隨緯度的變化規(guī)律Fig.3 Variations of the leaf N and P contents of herbaceous along the latitudinal gradient

      3 討論

      3.1 黃土高原緯度梯度草本植物生物量變化規(guī)律


      表4 不同研究區(qū)域草本植物葉片氮、磷及其氮/磷的比較

      注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示不同研究區(qū)域間差異達5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among different study areas at the 5% level.

      3.2 黃土高原草本植物葉片氮(N)、磷(P)化學計量學特征




      3.3 緯度梯度下草本植物葉片氮(N)、磷(P)和氮/磷的變化規(guī)律

      4 結論


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      Latitude gradient changes on herbaceous biomass and leaf N and P stoichiometry characteristics in Loess Plateau

      LI Ting1, DENG Qiang2, YUAN Zhi-you1,3, JIAO Feng1,3*


      【Objectives】 Plant biomass can give an index to the trends of plant growth conditions and the change of natural environment, stoichiometry can reflect the plant nutrient content and using strategy. Our objective was to examine changes of herbaceous biomass and leaf N and P stoichiometry characteristics along latitudinal gradient in Loess Plateau, and to provide references for the prediction of plant growth and development prospect in Loess Plateau, soil nutrient status of the ecosystem and constraints of plant nutrition elements. 【Methods】 We investigated the herbaceous biomass and leaf N and P contents, and compared the herbaceous biomass amounts of different vegetation zones along the latitudinal gradient in Loess Plateau in Shanxi Province, including Fu County, Ganquan County, Ansai County, Jingbian County and Hengshan County and Yuyang District. One-way analysis and regression analysis were conducted to find main constraints of plant nutrition elements and to examine overall patterns of response of the herbaceous biomass, leaf N and P stoichiometry to latitude. 【Results】 Across the 35.95°-38.36°N latitude gradient, the range of herbaceous biomass amounts of different vegetation zones in Loess Plateau is from 9.10 to 27.59 g/m2, and the arithmetic mean is 19.45 g/m2and the coefficient of variation is 30.3%. The herbaceous biomass amounts in the four different vegetation zones are in order of grass zone >forest-grass zone >forest zone >grass-desert zone, and with the increase of latitude, the herbaceous biomass amounts are first increased and then decreased. The leaf N and P stoichiometry characteristics are primarily from 18.08 to 33.17 mg/g for N, from 1.07 to 1.7 mg/g for P and from 15.4-21.6 for the N/P ratio, the arithmetic means are 25.79 mg/g, 1.37 mg/g and 18.71, separately, and the variation coefficients are 17.1%, 13.9% and 9.94% in which the leaf N content is the greatest and the N/P ratio is the lowest. The leaf N and P are closely correlated, and leaf N and P significantly increases with latitude increasing, but the N/P ratios is not. The leaf N content in Loess Plateau is higher than the global average level and the leaf P content in Loess Plateau is lower than the global average level, consequently leading to a higher N/P ratio in Loess Plateau. 【Conclusions】 There is a certain correlation between the herbaceous biomass and latitude, however, that is not a simple linear correlation, and the change of herbaceous biomass is also related with species composition of the vegetation zones. There are obvious correlations between leaf N and P and latitude, while the relationship between the N/P ratio and latitude is not significant. These results demonstrate that the plants are under P limitation in Loess Plateau.

      Loess Plateau;herbaceous biomass;latitude gradient;leaf N and P stoichiometry characteristics

      2014-07-22 接受日期: 2014-10-30 網(wǎng)絡出版日期: 2015-02-12


      李婷(1988—), 女,山東煙臺人,碩士研究生,主要從事植物生態(tài)學研究。E-mail: lovelyday0320@163.com * 通信作者 E-mail: Jiaof@ms.iswc.ac.cn




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