□ 文/本刊記者 唐綱
□ 文/本刊記者 唐綱
Chongqing may be integrated into the “economic circle of ten hours”.
The establishment of trade relations lies on road f rst. Known as an inland city in Southwestern China, whether or not Chongqing is brought closer to the first-tier cities is crucial to its development. With the high-speed train from Chongqing to Beijing run into operation, Chongqing has been brought closer to the capital of China ever since, maybe it will be involved in the “economic circle of ten hours”. In this sense, a prop backs Chongqing.
In addition, among top three tier-one cities running highspeed train to Beijing, Chongqing together with Shanghai and Guangzhou is able to accomplish the goal starting at dawn and arriving at dusk.
It’s reported, with the Shanghai-W uhan-Chengdu highspeed railway run into full service on July 1, 2014, the trip from Chongqing to Shanghai is shortened to around ten hours from previous twenty-f ve hours.
Meanwhile, with the opening of Chongqing - Lichuan high-speed railway, the trip from Chongqing to Guangzhou is shortened to about eight hours from previous twenty-two hours.
The high-speed railway makes Chongqing closer to the most developed cities belonging to the club of f rst-tier cities in China, therefore Chongqing has ever been integrated into the economic circles of capital, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. Going to Surrounding Big Cities is just like Stopping by the Relatives
At the beginning of the New Year, a good news was circulated about Chongqing i.e. an hour only from Chongqing to Chengdu, faster than going to Shapingba in the rush hour. It’s said the Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed railway (also known as “Chengdu-Chongqing passenger line”) is scheduled to open to the public on February 1, 2015, pushing Chengdu and Chongqing of ficially into the economic circle of an hour.
CNR Chongqing reported that the renovation project of the Chongqing-Guiyang railway (Chongqing section) broke ground on December 22, 2014. Upon renovation, the intercity passenger train in between will shorten travel time to two hours from ten hours and a half.
It will take three hours only from Chongqing to Kunming in the future. It’s expected the 700-km Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway will be built since 2016 and run into operation in 2020. Taking 250-300km per hour for current high-speed train as an example, it will take around three hours.
Chongqing, located at the juncture of the Silk Road Economic Belt, China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, and Yangtze River Economic Belt, will ef fectively create an “economic belt of one to three hour(s)”, going to surround big cities is just like stopping by relatives, and the return trip can be made on the same day.
It’s said the high-speed railways from Chongqing to Xi’an, Changsha, and Zhengzhou will be opened in the future. The trip from Chongqing to W uhan takes five hours now, instead of previous f fteen-f ve hours, reducing two thirds of time.
According to the railway authorities, the Guizhou-Guangzhou high-speed railway was run into service on December 26, 2014, travel time in between was reduced to four hours from twenty hours, which is a good news to the citizens of Chongqing as the railway not only connects to the Beijing-Kowloon railway, but it will link with the new Chongqing-Guiyang high-speed railway under construction, genuinely turning to be a gateway to have access to the seas. At present, the construction of the new railway is in full swing, and it’s expected to be completed in 2017. By then, it will take six hours only for the citizens from Chongqing to Hong Kong.
It’s hard to imagine going to Hong Kong by train as it’s far away and passengers usually take airplane now. In the future, the journey would be highly likely as it will make travel and shopping possible within half a day only, and therefore Chongqing is brought closer to Hong Kong.
Europe, on the other side of the planet, is far away from Chongqing. The trip from Chongqing to Europe would ride on the Yangtze River, arrive in Shanghai, and cross the vast ocean, more than thirty days. It takes twelve-fourteen days only simply because the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe train is run into operation.
With forty train wagons loaded with 2,800 tons of cargo departed smoothly from Chongqing West Railway Station on October 18, 2010, the domestic section of the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe int’l railway was officially run into service. The maiden train arrived in Duisburg of Germany on March 19, 2011, symbolizing its off cial opening and taking sixteen days via six countries.
Its regular train schedule since April 2014 made it the most reliable, regular, and eff cient path among all railways from China to Europe.
It’s reported it takes thirteen days to Duisburg from Chongqing, and will further reduce to twelve days after the Lanzhou-Chongqing railway will be run into operation in 2016. Presently, a new port at Huo’erguosi of Xinjiang is open to the public, through which passenger trains will drive in the future as it is fitted with modern facilities and suitable climate. By then, the citizens of Chongqing can t ravel to Europe by“Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe”
The essentiality of “One Belt and One Road” national strategy refers to opening-up westward with a focus on road first and trade second. Mayor Huang Qifan stated, connecting to the rest of the world could be achieved either by aviation, train, waterway, and road, or through telecommunication, communication, and network, all of which must be guaranteed smooth. In recent years, Chongqing urged to put weight on three tasks: a) the construction of great gateways, b) the construction of big ports, and c) the construction of big platforms, with the great gateway as its core. As a result, Chongqing set a goal i.e. to become “the central hub in Western China” by 2020. In order to attain the goal, Chongqing will complete the construction of an immense infrastructure program including twelve main railways and f fteen highways in f ve years, and turn out to be a pivotal transit stop of trade and commerce between China and East Europe.
Having been restricted by factors e.g. infrastructure, a ripple effect of Chongqing over surrounding provinces and cities wasn’t very evident. An economic scholar who spoke on the condition of anonymity pointed out, since Chongqing was directly managed by the State Council, it proactively put investment into building the highway network featuring “two rings and eight radial highways”, a total mileage of 2,000km, however most of the eight radial highways aren’t connected to the network of cities and provinces nearby. Even though Chongqing attempted to enhance its capacity over the past years, it can only inf uence itself in many respects.
With the construction of “great gateway” in each direction in the future, Chongqing will be successfully brought closer to the f rst-tier cities e.g. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou etc., which will be ushered into “an era of great connection” and is easy to reach out to Hong Kong and Europe.
The construction of “great gateways” alters not only trip time but also the spectrum and profundity the people of Chongqing think about issues. With convenience being created with Chongqing integrated into the tier-one cities in transport, Chongqing can be smoothly integrated into the economic circles of capital, the Yangtze River, and the Pearl River Delta, moreover the Yangtze River Economic Belt,“One Belt and One Road”, and European market. Relying on the “great gateways” linking with the rest of the world, Chongqing will broaden its vision and have ambitions of“inf uencing the rest of the country” and “even the rest of the world”. In this sense, Chongqing, no longer set aside, is able to look on the world.
For instance, establishing trade relations between Chongqing and Europe was like climbing to heaven in the past. Products in Chongqing can be swiftly delivered to Europe and vice versa since the opening of the “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe” int’l railway. Not only can Chongqing and countries along the railway ship cargo, but also they can transport passengers and develop tourism. The European Commodities Town and Bonded Commodities Exhibition & Transaction Centre Chongqing develops are by all means a testimony.
Chongqing had an objective of producing 100 million sets of laptops, printers, and all kinds of devices in recent years, among which 95% are sold to the rest of the world, including 40% to be marketed to Europe. If products of Chongqing were transported to the coast, then shipped to Europe, not only would it take more than a month but it would cause high costs, resulting in unfavourable commodities in the targeted markets. It’s hard to imagine how Chongqing builds itself the largest base of laptops worldwide. The opening of the “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe”int’l railway addressed every issue; furthermore, European products that are shipped back to Chongqing can be sold to the entire inland through wholesaling, as there are 200 million populations within a 500-km radius of Chongqing and 500 million populations within a 1,000-km radius of Chongqing. In this case, Chongqing’s vision is broadened as a result of the “great gateway” effect.
The construction of “great gateways” was completed one after another is of far-reaching significance for Chongqing, not only about trip time but spectrum and profundity of thinking about issues.
Great Gateway Broadens Vision
Written by Tang Gang