LEI Ming
(Shenyang Ligong University,Shenyang 110159,China)
College Teaching Quality Evaluation Model and Implementation
LEI Ming
(Shenyang Ligong University,Shenyang 110159,China)
Abstract:Comprehensive Evaluation of the Teaching Quality is a multi-level evaluation.The evaluation involves a lot of content.Evaluation by the evaluator level of knowledge,understanding the direct impact of ability and personal preferences,are difficult to completely exclude the bias caused by human factors.Based on this idea,a new method of teaching quality evaluation is proposed.It is the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to be applied to teaching quality evaluation system.It is the evaluation rules drawn up by the network according to the Office of Academic Affairs to evaluate teachers,which systematize the evaluation of teaching quality management,standardization,automation,and improve management efficiency.
Key words:analytic hierarchy process;Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;B/S architecture
CLC number: TP391Document code: A
The teaching quality is the lifeline of the colleges and universities.Evaluation of teaching quality of teachers is not only to improve the quality of teaching leverage,but also the core of teaching management.
This paper presents a new method of teaching quality evaluation:Combining AHP(AHP-The Analytic Hierarchy Process)and fuzzy mathematics theory,we use fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to the comprehensive evaluation of teaching quality system studied.According to the actual situation of university,we will evaluate the quality of teaching needs to be divided into a number of systems based on indicators,the establishment of factor sets,the evaluation sets,membership function and weight set,to achieve the level of comprehensive evaluation of teaching quality.Teaching Quality Evaluation System is a multi-client system,therefore,the system uses the WEB platform architecture.
In real life,at work,we often encounter the problem of comprehensive evaluation,which is based on the evaluation index.However,due to various factors influence the evaluation of things tend to be numerous and complex,and if things are evaluated on a comprehensive evaluation from only a single indicator becomes unreasonable.Teaching quality evaluation system is more complex,involving many issues when evaluating,so it is usually necessary to reflect aggregator evaluated a number of indicators of things to get a comprehensive index,in order to reflect the overall situation of things being evaluated as a whole.
There are many methods on the multi-index comprehensive evaluation at home and abroad.According to the different methods of weight determination,these methods can be broadly divided into two categories[1]:
1)Objective weighting method is to determine the weights of the indicators based on the relationship between the degree of variability or the index value.This avoids the bias caused by human factors,such as factor analysis,principal component analysis method.
2)Subjective weighting method,such as AHP,Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method,the Delphi method,etc.,they are mostly integrated consulting score qualitative methods.Such methods can artificially control the weight of some indicators,increase or decrease the effect of certain indicators of the actual situation,to be more in line with the results of the evaluation purpose.Therefore,this paper uses AHP Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for evaluation.Meanwhile,in order to overcome the influence of human factors,so that the results can be evaluated fully reflect the true reality of the relationship between things,we should specify the evaluation under the guidance of experts in the field.
Evaluation method in this paper is a combination of AHP and Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the quality of teaching.Determined by AHP sub-goals and the index weight,with a multi-level Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for comprehensive evaluation of teaching quality,the method has the following advantages:
1)This paper uses a qualitative description of AHP to solve the weight of each evaluation index,just given the various evaluators evaluate the relative importance of the two elements of the two.Then by AHP,we can obtain more precise weight of each element of the evaluation.2)The evaluation method for multi-level Fuzzy comprehensive calculation,taking into account the influence of various factors on the research questions,a comprehensive evaluation of the views of a number of subjects,the evaluation process to effectively solve the problems that appear blurred,a scientific quantitative treatment,the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the calculation of organic combination.AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)and Fuzzy mathematical methods built up.It can give full play to the advantages of these two methods;you can consider various factors that affect teaching quality evaluation.The qualitative and quantitative analysis combined,can fully reflect the ambiguity of the evaluation factors and the evaluation process,but also to minimize the personal subjective evils.It is more in line with the objective reality than the usual competitions and scoring methods,therefore,the evaluation results are more credible and reliable.
During teaching evaluation process,we must first be clear that the purpose of teaching evaluation.At the same time,we need to be clear system construction principle.It is the teaching quality evaluation index system to be established first step.
1)Goal congruence principle.Evaluation system is specific,behavioral technology,operational objectives of the evaluation.Evaluation objectives are decomposed layers of the results obtained,which is evaluated target=evaluation index system.
2)Holistic principles.Should depart from the overall evaluation objectives to filter evaluation,and we need to seriously consider each destination in the whole of the status and role,appropriately determine the level and location of which it is located.
3)Independent of each other with the principle of level indicators.Refer to the same level indexes,they can not be a causal relationship;can not be guided by a further indicator of this indicator.Each one represents a separate aspect of each indicator.Otherwise,they will be confusion and duplication,which directly affect the objectivity of the evaluation result accuracy,fairness and rationality.
4)Principle of comparability.It requires every index in the index system of evaluation,must reflect the common attributes of objects.
The evaluation should adhere to the principle of the participation of many people.The subject of evaluation is diversified.Different subjects have different evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation.Detailed analysis of these advantages and disadvantages,is an important way to improve the quality and efficiency of the evaluation[2].In the present study,in order to facilitate operations,combined with the school's evaluation of the actual situation of the five subject,they are closely related with the quality of teaching:students,experts,teachers themselves,peer teachers and teaching management staff.Given the different evaluators in different location of the teaching process,the contact angle of different levels and things,their method of problem analysis and judgment is not the same,therefore,in the evaluation,the evaluation must be different objects at different levels,different angles,we need to conduct a comprehensive analysis.In order to ensure the accuracy of the evaluation results,the evaluation of the subject to be different for different each evaluation index system,evaluation should receive special attention in the evaluation of students.
1)Student evaluation index system
Table 1 Student table
2)Peer teachers and teacher evaluation index system
表2 Peers and teachers for personal use table
3)Expert teachers teaching evaluation system
表3 Expert teachers to use the table
4)Administrator evaluation
表4 Teaching Quality Evaluation System(administrator table)
Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)was proposed by the United States Saaty T.L.Satty in the 1970s.It was developed very fast in real applications.AHP is one of the most common and one of the most important methods in solving multi-objective decision-making problems.It is a qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis,systematic,hierarchical method of analysis.It is the people's thought processes hierarchical and quantitative,in the target complex structure and lack of necessary data case,it is particularly useful.AHP basic step is to create a hierarchical model,construct pair wise comparison matrix to calculate the weight vector and the consistency test[3].
In the evaluation system,the weight of each index design is reasonable or unreasonable,it will directly affect the teaching evaluation results;mean the weight,it refers to a whole when it is decomposed into a number of factors(indicators),and we used to indicate the number of each factor in the overall proportion of size.Weight set,is to describe the relationship between the degrees of importance of each indicator set.Weight of each factor represents the relative importance of this factor in the whole,and the weight set for each factor reflects the relationship between the other factors.Level indicators with weights equal to 1;similar target decomposition of various subsystems,each subsystem of the weight of each index is equal to 1.In addition,the weight also has a strong guiding function,in determining the index weights,I subordinated to carefully analyze each index in the target,the importance of rational allocation of weights,so that we can make comprehensive evaluation is objective and scientific.
1)Create a problem analytic hierarchy model
In-depth analysis of issues facing the teaching quality assessment and determine the evaluation factors and their mutual relations,we can establish the evaluation index system and evaluation of a hierarchy of objects,as shown below.The top layer of the hierarchy is the target layer,the bottom layer of the criterion level.Number of tiers of the entire hierarchy index system generally consists of several levels of decision.When a level includes many factors,it can be further divided into the number of sub-level hierarchy,as shown in Figure 1、Figure 2.
2)Structure affects the quality of teaching judgment matrix
Take over the n affecting the quality of teaching in the same layer index,based on their impact on the extent of a layer of index factors,we have to be compared with each other,thus constitutes judgment matrix.Among the elements of judgment matrix,which means that a layer of the same layer index indicators on the degree of the ratio of the relative importance of the assignment.These assignments based or source,can be provided directly by the teaching authority decision-makers,or obtained from the analysis through a variety of technical advice.In general,the judgment matrix should be familiar with the quality of teaching evaluation experts independently given.Table ⅴ to determine the assignment of elements in the matrix standard reference tables.
Figure 1 Teaching quality evaluation hierarchy chart
Figure 2 Student evaluation hierarchy chart
Table 5 Assignment of judgment matrix elements in standard reference tables
3)Compute the weight vector
UseUiandUjto denote different levels of any two indicators aij and aij represent the comparison judgment valueUiandUj,UjandUi,and provides.Indicators on the same layer pair wise comparison judgment,judgment can be obtainedn-order matrix A.
4)Find weighting factor
Based on the above evaluation factors judgment matrix,hierarchically sorted,and then determine the evaluation factors and the evaluation factor weights.Level of each factor weight value by solving the Eigen value problem can be,that is,AW=λmax·W calculated normalized eigenvectors obtained.Formula A is the judgment matrix,λmaxis the largest Eigen value A,W is the corresponding normalized eigenvectors ofλmax.Componentwiin W is the corresponding element hierarchy among the sort of single weights.
Can also determine some properties of the matrix,given W=(w1,w2,…,wn) some of the approximate calculation.Here use an approximate calculation method,which is the summation method.First,determine the matrix elements of each column are normalized treatment to obtain a normalized matrix,and then OK seek Mean(press OK summation renormalization),get the weight coefficient.
That is,for a given judgment matrix A=(aij)n×nallows
5)Consistency test
Generally,if each element in the matrix determines the relationships that existaij=aikakjexplains judgment with full consistency.When it is judged as having a complete consistency,it is the largest Eigen value eigenvector corresponding to that is,W=(w1,w2,…,wn)It will be able to reflect the relative importance of each indicator However,due to the complexity of the objective things and people of their differences in judgment,to determine exactly the same matrix is not possible,as long as the deviation in a certain range is acceptable.After calculation,if the consistency ratio is CR<0.1.Believe that the results meet consistency standards judgment.
Table 6 Teaching Quality Evaluation Index Table
Table 7 Quality Assessment Index table(Objective)
Table 8 Teaching quality evaluation index table
The mathematical model of Fuzzy comprehensive Mathematical model of Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is as follows:
Formula:“°” Said Fuzzy operator[4].The definition of this operator is not the same,and it corresponds to a different set of Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model.The use of special symbols,the formula given in the generalized Fuzzy operator element of the formula is:
According to different definitions of the operator“°”,summed up the four different types of Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model:M(∧,∨)、M(·,∨)、M(·,⊕)、M(∧,⊕)[5].Through research to determine the four models and analyze to determine the best model for the third.
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is as follows:
Input:To evaluate the data.Teaching quality assessment in each evaluation of projects
Output:the Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to quantify results.Steps:
1:construct the following collections
Indicators of the evaluation factors set U={u1,u2,…,un};Reviews set V={v1,v2,…,vn};Reviews set the corresponding set of values N=(n1,n2,…,nm);Weight set A=(a1,a2,…,an);
2:Construct attached to a subset of R.
Hererijsaid thei-th element on thejreviews the degree of membership,namely;
4:Judge the value of B on the B normalized,until it obtained all the indicators of the level of the evaluation factors set.
5:If there is an evaluation of the indicators,an evaluation value obtained with the next constitutes a new evaluation matrix R,until the highest level,you can get fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the results of B.
Can get the Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the quantitative results[6].
His study established a teaching quality evaluation system based on browser/server architecture.It can make full use of existing school data,teacher data and student enrollment data and other data resources educational administration.We can rely on college campus network,effectively organize personnel involved in the evaluation,obtain evaluation online.
Figure 3 Student evaluation interface
Figure 4 Evaluation results query page
Using Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for network teaching,can overcome the existing methods in the evaluation process simplification subjective shortcomings in qualitative and quantitative connection between the theories of Fuzzy mathematics.And this paper to determine the factors AHP weights,which greatly reduces the traditional process of determining the weight of subjective and arbitrary,so that the evaluation results become more comprehensive and scientific.Another clear idea of this evaluation model is easy to achieve on a computer,the model is comprehensive,efficient and feasible.
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