盧富德, 高德
Finite element analysis for anti-impact behavior of biogradable plant fibre bowls with foam cushioning packaging
LUFu-de,GAODe(Ningbo Institute of Technology,Zhejiang University,Ningbo 315100,China)
Abstract:In order to investigate the impact responses of biogradable bowls made of plant fibre and evaluate the damage mode of this type of products, a finite element model of a bowl with foam cushioning packaging subjected to drop impact was established with ABAQUS/Explicit. Failure criterion and mesh deleting were introduced to study the fracture law of the plant fibre bowl under free fall loadings. Then, the influences of drop velocity and the foam cushion on the dynamic responses of the bowl were analyzed, and the impact responses of the bowl were compared with those of the bowl without foam packaging. Finally, the impact response of several bowls stacked together was investigated. The results showed that the effect of the foam cushioning on the bowls’ impacted results is significant, it can be used to effectively avoid the damage of the bowls.
Key words:plant fibre; bowl; packaging; drop impact; failure
植物纖維餐具碗厚度遠小于其高度、直徑等尺寸,具有一般薄殼的幾何屬性。受壓縮時碗殼單元為拉伸與彎曲的組合變形,因此需植物纖維材料的拉伸性能用于求解結(jié)構(gòu)有限元響應(yīng)[12]。對植物纖維材料拉伸試驗,所得應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變關(guān)系見圖1。由圖1曲線看出,OP段為線彈性階段,PQ段為塑性階段,而QR段則為應(yīng)力強化階段。R點對應(yīng)材料的失效萌生點,RS為失效的演化階段,演化應(yīng)變較小。植物纖維材料的力學(xué)性能參數(shù)見表1。由表1看出,該材料性能較符合ABAQUS/Explicit中Ductile damage失效本構(gòu)模型;損傷演化階段不明顯,即斷裂能較小,材料表現(xiàn)出一定脆性。
圖1 植物纖維材料應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變關(guān)系Fig.1Thesress-strainrelationshipofplantfibre圖2 Ductiles失效應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變關(guān)系Fig.2stress-strainforductiledamage
表1 植物纖維材料基本參數(shù)
利用緩沖材料發(fā)泡聚苯乙烯EPS,密度為28 kg/m3,彈性模量4 MPa,泊松比為0。將塑性屈服階段力學(xué)行為應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變曲線[13]用于ABAQUS中,即可進行有限元模擬。
泡沫EPS有限元模型用Crushable foam模型,采用橢圓屈服面(坐標為偏應(yīng)力、靜水壓力),單軸初始屈服應(yīng)力與靜水壓初始屈服應(yīng)力比為1.1,靜水拉應(yīng)力與靜水壓應(yīng)力比為0.1[15]。
圖3 餐具碗有限元模型 Fig.3 Finite element model of plant fibre bowl
以2個碗疊合為例,對餐具碗向下施5 m/s加速度進行有限元分析,不同位置的應(yīng)力隨時間變化響應(yīng)見圖4。由圖4看出,兩個碗的破壞形式大致相同,均為底部出現(xiàn)裂紋,遠離底部處為彈性變形;裂紋尖端,即位置1處的應(yīng)力在0.000 5 s處突然從最大值19.8 MPa降到0,預(yù)示碗發(fā)生破壞,由于植物纖維斷裂演化應(yīng)變較小,應(yīng)力值迅速下降,表現(xiàn)出一定的脆性破壞形式。圖5顯示下層碗底部出現(xiàn)裂紋,兩層碗出現(xiàn)相同的破壞規(guī)律。圖6為運輸包裝餐具碗,跌落速度增加到8 m/s,但2層碗未出現(xiàn)破壞,此因碗下面有5 mm的EPS作為緩沖。
圖4 碗不同位置應(yīng)力-時間響應(yīng) Fig.4 Stress-time history
圖5 下層餐具碗應(yīng)力云圖(0.000 74 s) Fig.5 Stress nephogram of bottom layer bowl at the time of 0.000 74 s
圖6 速度8 m/s時緩沖系統(tǒng)應(yīng)力云圖(t=0.001 6 s) Fig.6 Stress history of bowl with foam packaging when velocity is 8 m/s(t=0.001 6 s)
圖7 運輸包裝餐具碗不同位置應(yīng)力-時間響應(yīng) Fig.7 Stress-time history with foam packaging
圖8 六層碗疊合有限元模型 Fig.8 Finite element model of 6-layered bowl
圖9 六層碗應(yīng)力云圖 Fig.9 Stress distribution of 6-layered bowl
圖10 位置P處2、6層碗底面應(yīng)力-時間對比 Fig.10 Comparison of stress-time curves of the bottom of the bowl between 2-layer and 6-layer bowl with foam packaging
對碗疊合2層、6層,見圖8。沖擊速度為5 m/s時,即使層數(shù)增加到6層,仍未見破壞現(xiàn)象,見圖9。增加最下層碗的應(yīng)力響應(yīng),見圖10。由于碗的厚度較小,在該沖擊速度下,每層碗具有的動能僅0.54 J,能量較小,層的影響相對較小。
(1)本文引入失效準則及單元刪除,在試驗基礎(chǔ)上,利用ABAQUS/Explicit模擬餐具碗在運輸包裝環(huán)境下的破損規(guī)律,克服試驗手段難以測試動態(tài)裂紋弊端。結(jié)果表明,由于餐具碗跌落動態(tài)源于自身重力勢能,碗薄能量較小,用5 mm的EPS泡沫即可改善整體結(jié)構(gòu)的防撞性能。
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