陳姍姍1?, 羅啟慧1?, 曾文2, 程安春1,3, 劉文濤1, 史良琴1, 陳正禮1,2*
( 1.四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學動物醫(yī)學院,動物疾病與人類健康中心四川省重點實驗室,四川 雅安625014;2.四川普萊美生物科技有限公司/
國家實驗獼猴種源基地,四川 雅安625014;3.四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學預防獸醫(yī)研究所,成都611130)
摘要檢測Ⅱ型糖尿病獼猴部分靶器官中Ⅰ型輔助T細胞(Th1)因子IL-2和IFN-γ以及Ⅱ型輔助T細胞(Th2)因子IL-4、IL-10的表達及分布變化情況,研究Th1/Th2型細胞因子在Ⅱ型糖尿病發(fā)病中的變化。?、蛐吞悄虿〖敖】但J猴胰腺、肝、腎和心臟,通過石蠟切片、常規(guī)染色觀察病理變化,同時采用免疫組織化學SABC法檢測各靶器官IL-2、IFN-γ、IL-4和IL-10的表達及分布情況。病理結果顯示:糖尿病獼猴肝血竇增寬伴中性粒細胞浸潤,腎、心臟和胰腺細胞呈不同程度腫脹、萎縮及壞死。免疫組織化學結果顯示:在腎中Th1型細胞因子IFN-γ表達水平高于健康組(P<0.01)并分布于近曲小管、遠曲小管及集合管。胰腺中IFN-γ表達水平與健康組相比差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05),陽性產(chǎn)物分布于胰島部及外分泌部。胰腺及腎中Th1型細胞因子IL-2表達水平與健康組相比差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05)。胰腺及腎中Th2型細胞因子IL-4表達水平顯著低于健康組(P<0.01),陽性產(chǎn)物分布于遠曲小管、胰腺胰島及外分泌部。在胰腺、腎、肝及心臟中,Th2型細胞因子IL-10表達水平顯著高于健康組(P<0.01),陽性產(chǎn)物分布于近曲小管、遠曲小管、胰腺胰島、胰腺外分泌部、心肌細胞及肝細胞的胞質中。Th1/Th2型細胞因子在Ⅱ型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)的發(fā)病過程中發(fā)生了顯著變化。
關鍵詞Th1/Th2; 細胞因子; Ⅱ型糖尿病; 獼猴
中圖分類號R 363.21; S 852.35文獻標志碼A
Expression of Th1/Th2 cytokines in partial target organs of type 2 diabetes mellitus rhesus monkey. Journal of ZhejiangUniversity(Agric. & LifeSci.), 2015,41(3):302-308
Chen Shanshan1?, Luo Qihui1?, Zeng Wen2, Cheng Anchun1,3, Liu Wentao1, Shi Liangqin1, Chen Zhengli1,2*(1.KeyLaboratoryofAnimalDiseaseandHumanHealthofSichuanProvince,CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine,SichuanAgriculturalUniversity,Ya’an625014,Sichuan,China; 2.SichuanPrimedBiologicalTechnologyCo.,Ltd/NationalExperimentalMacaqueReproduceLaboratory,Ya’an625014,Sichuan,China; 3.InstituteofPreventiveVeterinaryMedicine,SichuanAgriculturalUniversity,Chengdu611130,China)
SummaryType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disease caused by carbohydrate metabolism disturbance, insulin resistance and reduction of insulin. Many studies confirmed that the disequilibrium of Th1/Th2 cells concerned with T2DM. IL-2 and IFN-γ mediate the growth of Th1 cells which induce cellular immunity. IL-4 and IL-10 are key mediators of Th2 cells which play an important role in humoral immunity. The principal goal of the present research is to detect the changes of Th1/Th2 cytokines in the pathogenesis of T2DM.
Five male healthy rhesus monkeys and five male T2DM rhesus monkeys induced by high-fat diets were used in the study. All rhesus monkeys had been checked without any infections such as bacteria and parasite before trials. After induced for 24 months, the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) mean value of all T2DM rhesus monkeys was higher than 7.0 mmol/L, and that of the control rhesus monkeys was below 6.11 mmol/L. Typical symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus were also observed in T2DM rhesus monkeys. The FPG met the WHO and ADA standards for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Animals were scarified after ketamine anesthesia. Target organs (liver, kidney, heart and pancreas) were fixed in paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin and sliced. The pathological changes were studied by hematoxylin-eosin staining, and the expressions of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 were observed by immunohistochemistry. Mean density was measured by IPP 6.0 (Image-pro plus 6.0) to evaluate their variation.
Neutrophil cell infiltration which means chronic inflammation was observed in hepatic sinusoid of T2DM rhesus monkeys, and hepatic sinusoid of T2DM was wider than healthy rhesus monkeys. Different degrees of cellular swell and atrophy as well as necrosis were found in kidney, heart and pancreas. All the tested organs in the study were damaged in the process of T2DM.
IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-γ were only expressed in kidney and pancreas, and IL-10 was expressed in all the four organs. IL-2 was only expressed in langerhans islet and kidney tubules, but IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 were expressed in endocrine and exocrine pancreas, kidney tubules. IL-10 was also expressed in hepatic and myocardial cell. The expression of IFN-γ and IL-10 were significantly increased (P<0.01), but IL-4 was decreased oppositely (P<0.01). The expression of IL-2 in pancreas and kidney had no difference between T2DM and health rhesus monkeys (P>0.05).
In conclusion, IL-2, Th1 cytokines, has no significant change, but IFN-γ of Th1 cell is expressed higher in T2DM. Simultaneously, IL-4 and IL-10, Th2 cytokines, change oppositely. Inflammation exists in the process of T2DM. Difference distribution and level of Th1/Th2 cytokines between T2DM and health rhesus monkeys show that Th1/Th2 cell disequilibrium is key mediators in T2DM. According to the complex changes of cytokines of Th1/Th2 cells, it needs further researches to define the relationship of Th1/Th2 balance with T2DM.
Key wordsTh1/Th2; cytokines; type 2 diabetes mellitus; rhesus monkey
Ⅱ型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)是一種由環(huán)境、遺傳等多因素引起的,以胰島素分泌缺陷和胰島素抵抗為特征的代謝性綜合征。免疫功能紊亂是Ⅱ型糖尿病發(fā)病的重要原因,Marques-Vidal等[1]研究發(fā)現(xiàn),T2DM病人外周血液中部分細胞因子水平較高。大量研究[2-4]證實,T2DM動物及人外周血液中細胞因子水平發(fā)生了不同的變化。其中大部分細胞因子由Th1或Th2細胞分泌,而Th1/Th2平衡失調(diào)與許多疾病的發(fā)生密切相關.Ⅰ型糖尿病和糖尿病視網(wǎng)膜病均存在Th1/Th2向Th1亞群轉化的現(xiàn)象[5-7],提示Th1/Th2平衡失調(diào)可能是導致T2DM發(fā)生的重要因素。不少關于糖尿病及相關并發(fā)癥治療的報道,均觀察到Th1/Th2平衡失調(diào)有所緩解[6,8-11]。Th1細胞以分泌IL-2、IFN-γ為主,介導細胞免疫反應;Th2細胞以分泌IL-4、IL-10為主,介導體液免疫反應。未見細胞免疫及體液免疫在T2DM發(fā)病進程中的關系及T2DM發(fā)病過程中是否存在Th1/Th2平衡漂移的報道,因此T2DM是否存在Th1/Th2平衡漂移具有非常重要的研究價值。
T2DM川西亞種獼猴模型符合美國糖尿病學會(ADA)和世界衛(wèi)生組織(WHO)2006年糖尿病診斷標準:典型糖尿病癥狀(多尿、多飲和體質量下降),空腹血糖(fasting plasma glucose,FPG)≥7.0 mmol/L或餐后2 h血糖(2hPG)≥11.1 mmol/L,為糖尿病;7.77 mmol/L <2hPG<11.1 mmol/L時為糖耐量損傷(impaired glucose tolerance,IGT),6.11 mmol/L≤FPG<6.99 mmol/L時為空腹血糖損傷(impaired fasting glucose,IFG),FPG<6.11 mmol/L且2hPG<7.77 mmol/L,為正常,具體指標及空腹血糖變化情況(表1)參見本課題組已有文獻[12-13]報道。實驗中對動物的處置符合中華人民共和國科學技術部《關于善待實驗動物的指導性意見》的規(guī)定。
1.1.3主要試劑IL-2、IL-10兔抗人多克隆抗體,即用型SABC試劑盒(組成:5% BSA、生物素標志的山羊抗兔IgG和SABC),DAB顯色試劑盒,多聚賴氨酸均購自武漢博士德生物工程有限公司;IL-4、IFN-γ兔抗人多克隆抗體購自北京博奧森生物技術有限公司;0.01 mol/L pH 6.0檸檬酸緩沖液;0.02 mol/L pH 7.2磷酸鹽緩沖液(phosphate buffered saline,PBS)。
1.2.1實驗動物處理于高脂飼料誘導前和誘導后第2、3、5、7、10、11、12、15、16、18、19、20、22和24月,禁食16 h,從后肢股靜脈采血,分析空腹血糖(FPG)濃度。
高脂飲食誘導24個月后,用氯胺酮麻醉動物,經(jīng)頸動脈放血將動物處死并解剖。取出肝、胰腺、腎、心臟固定于4%多聚甲醛中24~48 h。
1.2.2石蠟切片制作及常規(guī)染色取材沖水24 h后用于常規(guī)石蠟組織包埋,玻片經(jīng)多聚賴氨酸處理后,連續(xù)切片,厚為5 μm,每個樣品切21張備用,并進行常規(guī)蘇木精-伊紅法(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色。
1.2.3免疫組織化學SABC法切片脫蠟至水后,用檸檬酸緩沖液微波抗原修復,4次,間隔6 min,PBS洗3次;3% H2O2室溫孵育50 min,蒸餾水洗3次,PBS洗1次;5% BSA,37 ℃孵育50 min;IL-2、IL-4、IL-10和IFN-γ兔多克隆抗體稀釋液(1∶200),4 ℃孵育過夜,室溫復溫30 min后,PBS洗4次;生物素化山羊抗兔IgG,37 ℃孵育40 min,PBS洗3次;SABC,37 ℃孵育20 min,PBS洗3次,蒸餾水洗1次;DAB藍色顯色液顯色,脫水、透明、封片。
10只獼猴空腹血糖濃度變化詳見表1,可見經(jīng)過24個月高脂飲食誘導后,T2DM組獼猴空腹血糖平均水平已超過7.0 mmol/L,符合WHO和ADA公布的糖尿病判斷標準。
表1 高脂膳食誘導對川西亞種獼猴空腹血糖的影響
圖1 糖尿病獼猴肝、腎、心和胰腺病理變化 Fig.1 Pathological changes of liver, kidney, heart and pancreas in T2DM rhesus monkey
**表示在0.01水平差異有高度統(tǒng)計學意義。 Double asterisk (**) indicate statistically highly significant difference at the 0.01 probability level。 圖2 IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4和IL-10在Ⅱ型糖尿病獼猴靶器官陽性產(chǎn)物中的平均吸光度 Fig.2 Mean density of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 positive staining in target organ of T2DM rhesus monkey
圖3 IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4和IL-10在胰腺的表達分布 Fig.3 Expression and distribution of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in pancreas of T2DM rhesus monkey
圖4 IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4和IL-10在腎的表達分布 Fig.4 Expression and distribution of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in kidney of T2DM rhesus monkey
圖5 IL-10在肝和心的表達分布 Fig.5 Expression and distribution of IL-10 in liver and heart of T2DM rhesus monkey
眾所周知,Th1細胞以分泌IL-2、IFN-γ為主,Th2細胞以分泌IL-4、IL-10為主。從分泌變化的角度來看,Th1細胞分泌的IFN-γ增多,而IL-2不變,可表現(xiàn)為Th1細胞增多或功能增強。同樣,Th2細胞分泌的IL-10增多,而IL-4減少,與Th1 2個細胞因子變化相比較,可知Th1細胞亞群增殖強于Th2細胞。另外,IFN-γ與IL-4存在相互拮抗的關系,兩者平衡可影響Th1/Th2細胞亞群分化[21]。已知IFN-γ可促進Th1細胞增殖,也可抑制IL-4對B細胞分化的促進作用。同時,IL-4可抑制Th1細胞增殖來拮抗IFN-γ。本研究結果中T2DM組Th1細胞因子IFN-γ表達較健康組高,說明Th1細胞增殖作用加強;同時Th2細胞因子IL-4表達減弱,說明其促B細胞分化抑制Th1細胞增殖的作用減弱,從而可推斷出Th1細胞亞群的增殖強于Th2細胞。
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