




      2016-05-14 08:52成娟莫則堯徐小文安恒斌胡齊芽
      科技創(chuàng)新導報 2016年9期

      成娟 莫則堯 徐小文 安恒斌 胡齊芽

      摘 要:該年度該研究緊密圍繞JASMIN框架對實際應用復雜化和多樣化的功能發(fā)展和由數(shù)百上千處理器向數(shù)千至數(shù)萬處理器核的性能發(fā)展需求,在數(shù)據(jù)結構、非規(guī)則數(shù)據(jù)通信算法、負載平衡算法、并行自適應網(wǎng)格方法、并行多重網(wǎng)格算法、特征值快速求解方法、高效并行算法與先進計算方法等方面,開展系統(tǒng)深入的研究,突破核心算法與關鍵技術,研究成果集成于JASMIN框架。

      關鍵詞:JASMIN框架 并行算法 數(shù)據(jù)結構 負載平衡方法 快速算法 先進算法

      Abstract:This report illustrates the annual progress of the program “parallel adaptive structured mesh applications infrastructure” in 2011. Driven by the function demand from the complexity and diversity of real application and the performance demand of transition from hundreds to thousands cores to thousands to tens of thousands cores, within the framework of research on the JASMIN infrastructure, the program made deep investigations mainly on data structure, communication algorithm for irregular data, load balance algorithms, parallel adaptive grid method, parallel algebraic multi-grid algorithms, high performance parallel algorithms and advanced numerical methods, etc. Some breakthroughs have been made about critical algorithms and key technologies. The research achievements have been integrated into JASMIN infrastructure, based on which the performance of JASMIN and many application codes have been improved dramatically, and many application codes have got the ability to simulate on tens of thousands of cores. In general, the annual goals of the program have been fulfilled successfully.

      Key Words:JASMIN infrastructure;Parallel algorithm;Ddata structure;Load balance algorithm;Fast algorithm;Advanced numerical method


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