At the bluffs on the Yangzi: a reminiscence
This river has eer swept its way, eastward bound.
It leaves, in memory, men with victory crowned.
To the west of the old ramparts, people say,
Are the Yangzi Bluffs where Zhou Yu won the day.
High into the air, rocks, shapeless, jagged, soar.
Frightful turbulent waves crash the craggy shore—
With such impact on the rocks they themselves throw—
That foam appears as a thousand heaps of snow.
Picturesque rivers and mountains of our land!
How many heroes are involved and how grand!
When Zhou married Xiao Qiao, dashing he must have been.
Manly, spirited, of a heroic mien.
A feather fan in hand; a kerchief on crown.
With little effort, he brought the strongest foe down.
If mawkish oer past heroes I prove to be,
(1)把“大江”簡單譯成“This river”,似乎顯得功夫不足,不如“the mighty river”(楊譯)和“The Great River”(許譯、朱譯)顯得大氣。
(2)將“千古風流人物”譯成“men with victory crowned”(獲得了很多勝利的人),不能讓人感覺出原文的韻味。“風流”通常指對一個時代有很大影響的人物。所以,徐譯有待改進。
譯文:Tune:” Charm of a Maiden Singer”
Memories of the Past at Red Cliff
The Great River eastwards flows,
With its waves are gone all those
Gallant heroes of bygone years.
West of the ancient fortress appears
The Red Cliff. Here General Zhou won his early fame
When the Three Kingdoms were all in flame.
Jagged rocks tower in the air,
Swashing waves beat on the shore,
Rolling up a thousand heaps of snow.
To match the hills and the river so fair,
How many heroes brave of yore
Made a great show!
I fancy General Zhou at the height
Of his success, with a plume fan in hand,
In a silk hood, so brave and bright,
Laughing and jesting with his bride so fair,
While enemy ships were destroyed as planned
Like shadowy castles in the air.
Should their souls revisit this land,
Sentimental, his wife would laugh to say,
Younger than they, I have my hair all turned gray.
Life is but like a passing dream, …
(2)用直譯“Laughing and jesting with his bride so fair”來表達“談笑間”,又“同美麗的新娘在一起談笑”不夠準確。因為“談笑間”本意是毫不費力就取勝之意。當時的背景是曹操率20余萬大軍南下,大敵當前,若說此時的周瑜還有閑情逸致同美麗的新娘在一起談笑風生,難免讓人貽笑大方了。
[1] 戴玉霞, 楊躍飛. 鴻踏雪泥詩風慕禪意(二)——蘇軾《念奴嬌.赤壁懷古》評析[J]. 大家, 2010(04).
[2] 劉宓慶. 翻譯的風格論[J]. 外國語, 1990,(1):1-5.
[3] 劉宓慶. 文化翻譯論綱[M]. 北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司, 2007.
[4] 許淵沖. 宋詞三百首:漢英對照[M]. 北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司, 2008.
[5] 許淵沖(選擇). 最愛唐宋詞[M]. 北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司, 2006:9-97.