



      Along the way to China Dream

      2016-05-14 08:31劉貝赟
      未來英才 2016年5期


      Abstract:”Along the way” strategy is a Chinese dream whose aim is to achieve economic growth exPands new sPace, to create a good international environment and oPtimize the Pattern of Chinas oPening uP, build more robust national security barrier. This strategy has four characteristics. They are harmony, transcendence, inclusiveness, reality. In order to advance the “along the way” strategy, we must Play an active role in taking care to resPect the national interests of the ParticiPating countries, strengthen interoPerability transPortation and infrastructure. We should also sPare no efforts to work with other countries to strengthen Coordination and communication and to Promote non-governmental exchanges with countries.

      Key Words:Chinese Dream; along the way; strategy

      “Along the way” isnt only a dream of the Chinese PeoPle, but also the dedication to the world of dreams, which dreams of PeoPle throughout the world a better communication, Peace, develoPment, cooPeration and win-win dream. “Along the way” is a good strategy to guide the domestic and international situations. And its PurPose is to dream with the neighboring countries of the Chinese PeoPle to live a better life and dock with the develoPment ProsPects of the region, so that the fate of a sense of community roots in neighboring countries .

      “Along the way” strategy for the realization of Chinas economic develoPment to exPand the new sPace dream

      At this stage, Chinas economy is in a “three suPerimPosed” Phase, ie the shift of the growth rate, restructuring and Pre-stimulus Period Pains digestion Period. China is facing this Period of economic slowdown, lack of economic develoPment momentum and economic restructuring and uPgrading. China is also faced with many Problems to be solved, such as to resolve excess caPacity, energy security issues and the challenges from geoPolitical threats. In this case, relying solely on EuroPe and other develoPed markets is not enough. Instead, we must think globally to exPand the market as the strategic basis for the neighboring countries, and actively exPlore new economic develoPment. As an emerging economy, the economic develoPment Pan-Central Asian region is highly comPlementary with Chinas economic structure esPecially under the background of the weak global economic growth. In order to Promote comPrehensive economic recovery, these emerging economies need to take the exPress train of Chinas economic develoPment. “Along the way” strategy is raised in this large domestic and international background. The strategic objective of “Along the way” is to create a cover from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, from Central Asia to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, through the Eurasian continent, and Pakistan economic corridor, the India-Bangladesh economic corridor connecting Myanmar economy. And this will strengthen the economic and trade exchanges and economic cooPeration with neighboring countries, exPanding economic develoPment for the realization of Chinas new sPace dream.

      2”Along the way” strategy for the realization of Chinas dream to create a friendly international environment

      With the rise of Chinas comPrehensive national strength and international influence continuing to increase, our questions from the international community, Particularly Western develoPed countries are becoming more and more. These countries try their best to render the “China threat theory” and with a variety of means to suPPress, obstruct Chinas Peaceful develoPment. In the trend of economic globalization, Chinas develoPment is inseParable from the world and the revival and ProsPerity of Chinas economy need a friendly international environment. “Along the way” strategy uPholds the sPirit of the ancient Silk Road, carries out the PrinciPle of mutual benefit and exPands exchanges sharing. It strives to build “community of interests” and “community of destiny.” Chinese President Xi JinPing said that “along the way” strategy neither seeks regional affairs initiative, nor oPerate sPhere of influence. This shows that the new generation of Chinese leaders not only adoPted the sPirit of the “along the way” Strategy but also gives new meaning to it. That is, using Peace and friendshiP, it strives to achieve mutual benefit and common develoPment of the construction of new Silk Road. As a mutually beneficial strategic vision, “along the way” construction can not only Provide strong technical and intellectual suPPort for economic develoPment in China and the countries along the way, but also can strengthen cultural exchanges between different countries, nationalities, religions. Besides, “along the way” Strategy is of great benefit to mutual understanding, eliminating mutual estrangement and misunderstanding, enhancing mutual trust and resPect and creating human civilization ProsPerity.

      3”Along the way” for the realization of Chinas strategy to oPtimize the Pattern of oPening uP the dream

      Due to differences in resource endowments, economic base and other conditions, economic and social develoPment in the eastern and western regions of China has been in an unbalanced state. Eastern region is not only the forefront of reform and oPening uP, but also the national economic strategy heights, while the western region develoPment falls far behind. In order to achieve the “two century-old dream” of Chinese PeoPle, eastern and western regions urgently require coordinated economic and social develoPment, so that PeoPle can share the fruits of develoPment of the reform and oPening uP of eastern and western regions. For the first time “Along the way” strategy is made from a more grand strategic vision and long-term considerations for the Chinese nation. Thus it is bound to be able to achieve “the two century-old dream” and oPtimize the Pattern of oPening uP. This strategy will oPen uP a new round of “Two Wings”, on the one hand, imProving the level of oPening in the east, on the other hand, accelerating the Pace of oPening uP in the west, boosting oPening uP from border areas towards the front. Under the benefit of this strategy, infrastructure, transPortation, education, medical and other conditions in the western region will be better imProved. While the western region can undertake industrial transfer to the eastern region, which is not only beneficial to the develoPment of the western region into a Powerful region, but also Provides a more attractive environment for the western region to attract more talents


      With mankind entering the 21st century, China, India and other emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region raPidly rise. It has become increasingly evident that the global economic center has shifted to the Asia-Pacific region. Faced with this irresistible trend of the world, in order to adaPt to the rise of Asia, the United States had launched the Asian Pacific rebalancing strategy. The United States also develoPed a Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic PartnershiP Agreement. This agreement is one of the strategies that the United States adoPt to do with Asia rebalancing, and China was excluded. From this Point of view, “along the way” strategy is the strategic choice of China of Peaceful rise to uPhold the concePt of develoPment while trying to byPass the “TPP”, and seek Peaceful develoPment of new sPace.


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