




      2016-09-22 01:56:06
      意林(繪英語) 2016年4期




      In order to make up for errors in his work, Deity Siming secretly brought the soul of a modern man called Zhang Peng from Hades to possess the body of the crown princess of Nan Xia called Zhang Pengpeng, who has just "fallen into water and died from drowning."

      Disliked by her husband and detested①detest 英 [d?'test] 美 [d?'t?st] vt. 厭惡;憎恨by her mother-in-law,how would Zhang Pengpeng with a male's mind in a female's body get promoted from 'Crown Princess' all the way to the 'Empress Dowager'?

      This is a story of struggle of a 'woman' in the harem②harem英 ['hɑ?ri?m ] 美 ['h?r?m] n. 為一個雄性動物所控制的許多雌性動物;閨房里的妻妾群;閨房(伊斯蘭教教徒的)… this is also the story of suffering of a 'man' in the harem...


      I haven't read the novel, but recently I watched the drama,with the initial intention merely to find out what is the fuss over it among the Chinese netizens. It turns out to be way more enjoyable than expected because it's just simply light-hearted and entertaining. That is despite all the cheap ass③ass英 [?s] 美 [?s] n. 屁股;驢子;蠢人looking props/ settings/costumes. The general sentiment is that, the quality of the cast and an interesting story really compensated④compensate英 ['k?mpense?t] 美 ['kɑmp?nset] vi. 補償,賠償;抵消vt. 補償,賠償;付報酬for that. The characters are also extremely lovable. Honestly I'm still not very sure how to treat the romance in this, like is it BG or BL? I'm not a BL fan but I'm still watching it anyway.


      I admit there were times I've forgotten that the crown princess is actually a man and I've discovered he seems to be rather accepting of his new body and perhaps even the love interests of two men. The romantic scenes are wonderfully played out and unexpectedly unique and not too cliché⑤cliché ['kli:?ei] n. 陳詞濫調(diào);[印刷] 鉛版;陳腐思想adj. 陳腐. I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming episodes…


      Really like the drama so I begin to read the novel. The leading actress is very pretty. It is also easier in the drama to believe that she is a woman and we see in the last episodes that they are putting less of her man voice like they want us to forget her gender.











      Go Princess Go:Foreigners Are Really Enjoying the Drama

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