



      Disney Stories: Does it really effect on real life?

      2016-11-23 03:01:32HuanYu
      校園英語(yǔ)·下旬 2016年10期

      Huan Yu

      The aim of this research paper is to explore the underlying meaningful of Disney Story. In order to achieve this aim, this paper conducts critical evaluations of theories offered in past literature. It is hoped that the reader of this paper will gain a better understanding of the reason why many people addicted to the Disney Story and what is the Disney Storys contribution of the real world.

      1. Introduction

      Disney enterprise is a storytelling organization performing excellence. As an example of media convergence or have cultural imperialism has become somewhat of burgeoning (Wasko and Crimes, 2004). Disney is an artful and managed happy construction of the storytelling enterprise to reveal influence on peoples lifestyle (Boje, 1995). They are attracting thousands of people who care passionately about it (Sarah, 2004). Thus,there are many fans of Disney Story in the word, they are addicted to stories line and characters, such as: Snow White, Cinderella, Mickey Mouse, etc. The author therefore suggests it is interesting to understand the stories how to impact on modern life. The author believe that those people will have some special reason why like Disney stories, and will explore the depth reason.

      2. Literature review

      These literature review will conclude with a brief critical evaluation and discussion of the three theories highlighted. So it is necessary to explore the inner thought of Disney Story fans via the theory study and find the phenomenon that the story how to effect on real life.

      2.1 Narrative Transportation Theory

      Transportation into a narrative world refers to the feeling of being lost in the world of a narrative, of being completely immersed in a story and leaving the real world behind (Melanie, 2008). Define narrative transportation as the extent to which an individual empathizes with the story characters or the story plot activates their imagination, these is the main reason of people to experience suspended reality during story reception (Tom, et.al, 2014). People will ‘lost in a story and light-hearted atmosphere, and will be attracted by its humorous and witty plot of Disney Stories (Green & Brock, 2000). This absorption refer to the personal character, and the self-experience of life, in other words, transportation is an engrossing temporary experience. It has been demonstrated that people are fond of Disney story frequently think about own actual or potential behaviors, creating behavioral scenarios, similar to stories, or escape from reality (Escalas, 2004).

      2.2 Performativity Theory

      Judith Butlers stated concept of performativity is designed to expose hegemonic conceptions of identity as fictions (1999). According to the strategy of the marginal subversion of the reigning cultural norms, it thereby seeks to contribute to a leftwing cultural politics (Geoff, 2006). She described that it is one thing to say that gender is performed and that is a little different form saying gender is performative (Judith, 1990). The reason why say the gender is performative is a little different because for something to be performative means that it produces a series of effects. People act and walk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman. Combine with this theory; it is easy to explain why people favor in Disney Story. Mainly it is because they want to escape the role-play in real life. In fictional story, people will throw them off and the only way to free them it to realize that freedom is a state of mind.

      2.3 Self-identity Theory

      In recent years, the identity theorists have researched the relationship between identity and roles. It is argued that individual roles can be seen as positions in society that have expectations on behavior and obligations to others (Merton, 2000). It is suggested that as well as social environments, Disney fans can self-identify through other variables such as personality traits, family background, accredited education and individual experience (Bowen & Hisrich, 1986). Based on each of the Disney stories follows a different set of characters, all of them is incredible reds and the colorful story has provided endless extension of space (Davis, 2008). So it create space for readers image, and they can associate with the different formation of the social, economic, political and cultural worlds in which they socialize and live. As far as so, personal identity is a set of attributes, beliefs, desires, or principles of action that a person thinks distinguish her in socially relevant ways (Justin, 2012). The Disney character is to the collector as the belief to guide their lives. It is the evident that Disney Story plays the essential role and effect on the real life.

      3. Conclusion

      Disney has created cartoon characters known the world over; Disney theme parks have higher attendance than their competitors, and Walt Disney remains a hero of the American dream. A review of Disney storytelling, too many people are attracted into this plot, however, this story have different meaning for diversity people. Because of each Disney stories follows a various set of characters, the story is incredible and the wonderful story has provided endless extension of space (Davis, 2008). This is the strong evident to show that the Disney Story can play the important role the effect on the real life. Besides, the commercial using is an important way to influence the life, such as the products can make more profit for the company, and the theme park can create more job opportunity. The author also agrees that read the Disney Story is a good behavior to forget about the worries, because of the happy and relaxing story line.

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