I am a landscape photographer, generally,but occasionally am called on to photograph the occasional human or two.
I pull out the big camera with the telephoto lens and wide scatter①scatter 英 ['sk?t?] 美 ['sk?t?] vi. 分散,散開;散射vt. 使散射;使散開,使分散;使散播,使撒播n. 分散;散播,撒播fl ash.
"No, can't you… like use the phone?That will bring out my fl aws②fl aw 英 [fl ??] 美 [fl ?] n. 瑕疵,缺點;一陣狂風;短暫的風暴;裂縫,裂紋v. 使生裂縫,使有裂紋;使無效;使有缺陷vi. 生裂縫;變得有缺陷." Actually the reverse is true.
We look distorted③distorted 英 [d?'st??t?d] 美 [d?s't?rt?d] adj. 歪曲的;受到曲解的v. 扭曲(distort的過去式和過去分詞)in the phone cameras, better in standard 35 or 50 mm and even better in 135mm, but the best images are in telephotos.
Because the wide angles distort our face. 85mm is considered the goto standard for portrait, 135mm a good plus, anything above is a bonus.
Anything below, like our cell phones, is not going to make us look our best, not going to look like us.
But there could actually be more to it. Beyond the photography lesson. I see a different image in the mirror.