



      Innovative Methods of Teaching English Language

      2017-05-16 07:03:36Kangning
      博覽群書·教育 2017年2期


      Abstract: Teaching and learning are the two sides of a coin. Learning is a continuous process from the womb to the tomb. A method of teaching plays an important role in the learning process. The process will not be fulfilled until the learner gains knowledge from the subject. Because the purpose of teaching is not only to make the students to get marks, but also to enhance the skills and practical knowledge of the students. English is the second and official language in our country. It is the one and only language which rules the world. The so called global language doesnt give knowledge alone, but also name and fame in the society. Teaching the second language is a difficult task for the teachers. This paper deals with the various innovative methods of teaching English language.

      Keywords: Teaching English, Innovative methods, Language skills, Language Learning process


      Nowadays everything is computerized. People search the Internet to clarify the doubts in all the areas. Using multi-media in the teaching field will make the learners update their knowledge in the relevant subject. It is the combination of various digital media types such as text, images, audio and video into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to convey information to an audience. The teacher uses multimedia to modify the contents of the material. It will help the teacher to present things in a more meaningful way. Visualizing takes the uppermost place in this method. They believe what they see visually. Instead of explaining, the teachers can use this method to make the learners to understand by visualizing.

      Teaching Through Games and Humour

      Games which are task based and have a purpose beyond the production of speech serve as excellent communicative activities. The aim of all language games is for students to use the language. However, during game play, be clear to use the target language to play, persuade and negotiate their way to decide results. This process involves productive and receptive skills. After learning and practicing new vocabulary, students have the opportunity to use language in a non-stressful way.

      Being humorous is a challenge. Humour in teaching is an effective tool for teachers. Humour has the ability to relax people, reduce tension and thereby create an atmosphere conducive for teaching and learning. Numerous studies in the field of advertising have noted that humour is the most effective tool for enhancing recall of advertisement. It is also important to have humour to teach effectively.

      Computer and Internet in Learning

      The Internet plays a significant role in the lives of everyone. Learning Computer and Internet combines learning about them with them. Technology based learning helps the students to learn across the curriculum. Learning with the help of the Internet offers a wide range of benefits. Internet Education offers a world of information in one place and allows people to carry research on any topic without spending too much time on various books and course materials. It allows people with limited financial resources and the constraints to pursue higher studies without investing too much time, money and energy. It helps individuals in acquiring skills in handling technological communication and undertaking effective research in different types of subjects. This mode of learning eliminates all barriers and helps students to get access in education.


      E-learning is defined as an interactive learning in which the learning content isavailable online and provides automatic feedback to the students learning activities. Onlinecommunication with real people may or may not be included, but the focus of e-learning is usually more on the learning content than on communication between learners and tutors. E-learning could be viewed as an online descendent of computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction (CAI). It incorporates innovative and creative approaches to instruction and provides unprecedented access to resources and information. In this learning student can assume control of their learning experience and use it to suit their own specific needs. The use of a variety of multimedia in e- earning increases student involvement and reinforces the learning experience. It is a convenient way to receive education and training.

      ICT in Language Teaching

      English is the Universal and global language. It is also the dominant language of the Internet. Maximum percentage of online content is in English. The latest Technology available to the language teacher is the computer.


      Innovative ideas in teaching and learning process can make wonders in the Education field rather than following the traditional methods. The quality of Education must be improved to enhance the skills and practical knowledge of the students. Creativity of the teachers only helps the students to be active in the class room to make the teaching-learning process more effective.


      [1]Boud. D and Fleletti G. the Challenge of problem- based learning. Condon.1999.

      [2]Jonasson D.H., Peck. K. Land Wilson. B. G Learning with Technology: A Constructive perspective, New Jersey Merrill / Prentice hall 1999.

      [3]Hofstetter F.T Multimedia Literacy New York McGraw-Hill 1995.

      作者簡介:康寧 ,長江大學外國語學院教師,多年從事大學英語教學。

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