【Abstract】There are many factors that affect English acquisition in the second language acquisition, such as: age, environment, mother tongue interference, culture, cognition, teaching methods/models, affective factors and and so on. The affective factor has the same important status as cognition factor, and it plays an important role in TEYL. This study aims to carry out questionnaire and experiment to identify how the affective filter hypothesis influences the pedagogy and what Krashens affective filter hypothesis can enlighten in teaching English to young learners. Through exploring theoretical foundation, the result of the author's experiment shows that affective filter hypothesis theory is an efficient way for the young learners to know how to learn and for the teachers to know how to teach English. In addition, by comparative analysis, the results are obtained from the experiment and questionnaires. The conclusion can be seen that to a large extent, the degree of learners motivation, self-confidence and anxiety have influence on the learners. Finally, on the basis of previous studies and the author's own ideas, the majority of suggestions are proposed in the article.
【Key words】Krashens Affective Filter Hypothesis; young learner; English
1. Introduction
There are many factors that affect English acquisition in the second language acquisition,age, environment, mother tongue interference, culture, cognition,affective factors and so on. The affective factor is an important part of linguistics, and it has the same important status as cognition factor. It affects the second language acquisition directly and indirectly. Therefore, Affective factors play an important role in TEYL. Whereas, a large amount of young learner English teachers who with particular emphasis on teaching materials, teaching methods and cognitive development of students in teaching reform, ignoring the affective factors of young learners. At the same time, the cognitive factors of language learning and acquiring are more welcomed by researchers in the academic market. On the contrary, the study of affective factors is relatively weak and poor.
According to “Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard” pointed out: Teaching English to Young Learners must follow the orders for physical and psychological development of the young learner. The young learner must be to stimulate interest and cultivate a positive attitude to learning and acquiring, so that they formed initially the confidence in learning and English acquisition (Ministry of Education of the PRC,2011,Pp.1-27). Whereas, so many parents have high expectation to their children, majority of parents expected that she/he cannot fail at the beginning line. There are numerous training institutions in the market, the main purpose of the training institutions to a large extent in order to obtain profits . Furthermore, teaching facilities are limited. The great majority of them dont understand young learner's English instruction theory.The purpose of this paper mainly put forward what the young learner teacher should put the affect and cognition on the same important position in TEYL. Try our best to spend less time to learn more English. This paper will answer the following three questions:
A. How does the affective filter hypothesis influence the pedagogy?
B. What are the enlightenments of Krashens affective filter hypothesis in teaching English to young learner?
2. Literature Review
The concept of the second language acquisition ,namely, relate to the systematic study of how one learner acquire a second language successfully to catch up with his /her first language proficiency level.
In the process of the second language acquisition of the degree of cognition that efficiency is restricted to a large extent by the affective factors. Since the 1960s, with the emergence of humanistic psychology, a lot number of domestic and foreign scholars began to pay attention to the role of the affective factor in linguistics.
2.1 The definition of affect
The concept of affective filter is defined as “an internal processing system” to prevent learners from acquiring the language(Dulay&Burt,1977.cited in Gass&Slinker,2008).Stern pointed out that the impact on the affective filter is as large as that of cognitive factors of language learning, even more serious effects on SLA (Stern,1983,pp.355-365). The researchers have confirmed that the affective factors development should go to the first place in SLA, affective and cognitive factors should be complemented each other in the second language acquisition process, which become an integral part of the organic. When learners are in a negative state of emotion, the cognitive activities will receive a serious strike in teaching and learning. On the contrary, when learner is in a positive state of affective, cognitive activities have been a great positive impact.
2.2 The definition of motivation
Motivation is an inner driving force of human being heart, which is a kind of affective factor, a desire to urge the learner to take the certain actions to get her/his success and SLA(Brown,1987).After 12 years of research, Lambert&Gardner have proved that the rational use motivation can help to learn L2 successfully.the motivation is divided into “integrative motivation and instrumental motivation”, integrative motivation is that the learner has a strong interest in the target language community and culture, and expect to participate or join the community where she/he lives in. Instrumental motivation is the learner who takes a conscious purpose to learn the target language. Such as: the entrance exam, looking for work, further study(Lambert & Gardner,1987).According to numerous literature sources, motivation can be generally divided as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation is free of any ulterior purpose while extrinsic motivation that an explicit purpose is involved. For instance, intrinsic motivation motivates people who will want to learn L2 for her/his own sake, rather than for the “extrinsic” reason that they with integrate into community or classroom which speaks that L2,or wish to benefit of substance (Johnsona, Gardnerb&Sweetserc.2016 pp.805-812).Motivation was defined by linguist which is the internal driving force that encourages a person to achieve an action. If we want to achieve a goal that is very attractive, and we try our best to achieve it (Harmer,2000). Harmer's theory had a certain flaw, he claimed that the motivation is a typical tool-based motivation, his thought was not comprehensive.
2.3 The definition of anxiety
Linguists separated anxiety into two parts: Facilitative anxiety and debilitating anxiety. Facilitative anxiety learners are always kept vigilant in SLA where she/he can motivate or challenge new learning tasks. In contrast, debilitating anxiety has a strong negative impact on learners (Kader,2016, pp40-46).
Horwitz pointed out: Anxiety is the trouble of human inner heart world. It can cause a sense of tension. He divided anxiety into three types: communicative apprehension, the negative social evaluation, test anxiety. Communicative apprehension means that cannot be expressed fluently or accurately when communicate with each other in the target language. Negative social evaluation means that learner worry about losing face during using language. Test anxiety means that learner presented the state of concern in the examination process.(Horwitz,1986,pp125-132)
2.4 The definition of self-confidence
Self-confidence is a sense of the self-efficacy, it means that a person can successfully or effectively complete the tasks with his/her beliefs. A lot number of anxieties that to some extent is too concerned about their own learning performance the evaluation of others, worried about their failure, cannot overcome obstacles to get self-confidence ,self-esteem and self-image .(Ellis.1999.p42)
2.5 The main content of Krashens Affective Filter Hypothesis
Since the 1980s, Krashen claimed that in the second language acquisition process was influenced by many factors,so he proposed five hypotheses: acquisition-learning hypothesis ,the natural order hypothesis ,the monitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis ,the affective filter hypothesis.The affective filter hypothesis and the input hypothesis are the most important hypotheses than any other his theories. This section mainly introduces the affective filter hypothesis. Krashen stressed that affective factors play filter role towards input of the language. Motivation, anxiety, self-confidence needs to go through the affective filter.Krashen regarded affective filter as a door, when the motivation of the learner is weak or poor, no confidence, more anxieties, the valve will be closed more, many languages will be filtered out, language input is very difficult to enter the language acquisition device. Ability and effect of learners' acquisition of language will be reduced. In a word, the more obstacles, the worse the language will be acquired . On the contrary, if learner has high motivation, adequate self-confidence and less anxiety, the valve will be opened more, there will be a small amount of filter or nothing to be filtered out. Therefore, learner can learn more language. It can be seen that if teachers only provide learners with a large amount of comprehensible input but regardless of the affective factors of the learners, it is very difficult for them to promote them to learn foreign languages. Krashen argues that the young learner can acquire language better than adolescents and adults because their affective filter is weaker than the adults and adolescents. They think that adults and adolescents often have high self-consciousness, emotional fragility and low self-image. At the same time, young learners are on the opposite.(Krashen,1983,pp31-141)
3. The current situation in TEYL
3.1 Factor of area and teacher
Due to the unbalanced development of the economy in my country lead to existing differences between teaching English proficiency level. The majority of areas lack of the teachers. Expand teaching scale by reducing the quantity of the class. Teachers cannot timely access to advanced information from outside. In addition, some children have learned English at a private training institution since at their early ages. Some of them havent accepted any English training.Different English levels bring a big dilemma for teacher who designs teaching plans.
3.2 The traditional English approaches
At present, the majority of English learners exist a situation of “time-consuming, low efficiency”. Teaching method is one of the important factors relates to the success or failure of learning English, the majority of teachers still use the traditional teaching methods to teach Grammar-translation Language Teaching, Task-basted Language Teaching, to some extent, traditional teaching method just require learner memorize words or grammar structures,repeat the sentences,most of the time through mechanical drill. This boring repetition does not bring the language into a real world. The feature of the young learner is for fun, curiosity, active, no reason for learning.
3.3 Lack of language practice environment
Foreign language learning situation is rarely created by teacher, even though sometimes part of the teachers have designed rarely language context, such as: singing songs, dancing to music, performing drama, telling stories, doing TPR and so on. In terms of teachers excessively emphasize the forms of classroom teaching, while ignores the use of the target language. In addition, English course is distributed only one class (40 min) per week, approximately 50 hours in a year. Its a difficult problem for the young learner to spend so limited time in learning a new language.
3.4 No interest in English
As the saying goes, “Interests and good habits are double the results with only half of the effort.” However, learners interests are diversified. Part of them learn English just in order to finish their tasks avoid suffering condemn/scold from parents. Plenty of students are compelled to learn English in private English training center in their spare time under the parents high pressure. Regardless of their kids own will.
3.4.1 Boring teaching materials
Its known that one of the greatest enemies of successful teaching is learners boredom. From my own teaching experience what I can see the teacher provided numerous difficult and dull exercises or testing to the young learner. Such as: fill-in, Multiple Choice, translate sentences and writing. These situations are too focused on language grammar whilst look down upon the language as a tool of communication.
3.4.2 Teachers literacy
The teacher's literacy plays a subtle role. Teachers' professional knowledge is not solid enough, pronunciation, intonation to some extent there are many shortcomings, and even more serious issues as some teachers come from the non-English major.
Teachers themselves are not confident enough. On the one hand, so worry about work what they have done is unsuccessful that suffered to be criticized by the leaders or looked down upon by colleagues. On the other hand, the teachers enthusiasm is not high. Among teaching English the mostly are female , women/girls have to engage various roles in life, perhaps these trivial /annoying works have exhausted their energy or time. These adverse factors affect the state of their classes. If the teacher with the high motivation/sufficient confidence /less anxiety to teach, young learners are more likely to be motivated to learn .Finally, teacher emotions affect the learners emotion, so probably the students will be treated with irresponsible/chillily.
3.4.3 Unrealistic Expectation and worry about making mistakes
As I have observed that parents/teachers also have high/strong unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved by the young learner in learning English context. The majority of them expect YLs to become a bilingual /multilingual genius an overnight. To some extent, this unrealistic expectation frustrated the YLs self-esteem and self-confidence.In my own English class what I also observed, most of young learners are too shy to speak any English words ,whenever the teacher asks questions ,they are very nervous, Some students grabbed their clothes and shrugged their shoulders with surprised expression on their faces to show their anxieties.
4. Methodology
The author mainly analyze the influence of the affective filter hypothesis to pedagogy by contrastive teaching. Have a full study on the affective filter hypothesis of the SLA. The author designed a two-week experiment in primary school which the author works (Tongren, China). The experimental group has been conducted modern teaching methods and control group were carried out traditional methods.The two sets of test-paper before the experiment and the two sets of test-paper after the experiment were compared and analyzed. The results are summarized by the author. The purpose of the experiment is to answer the following questions:A. What are the learners motivation towards the English learning? B. Do the learners have confidence in learning English well? C. What are the learners anxieties in learning English?
One week later.The achievement of the experimental group is higher than the control groups. The comparative data can obviously see that between the data before or after of the control group and the data before of the experimental group without obvious transformation. After experimental group via effective/careful English teaching, 70 percent of learners have high/strong motivation and 86 percent of them have enough confidence to acquire L2.The questionnaire and the experiment have offered enough effective data to prove the affective factors have more or less influence in English teaching and learning.
5. The enlightenment of Krashens affective filter hypothesis in TEYL.
5.1 Promoting the Motivation of Children's Learning English
First of all, carefully organize classroom teaching, take a variety of teaching methods, paying attention to static and dynamic alternation, such as: Scenario simulation, role-play, games and TPR and so on in order to inspire young learners motivation.The affective filter is posited by Dulay and Burt (1977) act to prevent input from being used for language acquisition, a more detailed explanation has already been made before the literature review. Therefore, English classrooms that encourage low filters are those that promote low anxiety, sufficient self-confidence and strong motivation among young learners that keep them “off”the defensive.(Stevick,1976. Cited in Krashen,1983 p 32).
5.2 Improve children's confidence in English learning
Self -confidence performers with self-confidence and a good self-image tend to do better, in SLA(Krashen1983,p31)On the one hand ,Actively improve appreciation Education in order to enhance his/her confidence, give them more positive assessment, Shakespeare said “praise is the sunlight that shines on the soul. Without sunlight, we cannot grow.”Therefore, the teacher should not correct too much, but the learner should be given more encouraging, but it also needs to change from error to correct.
5.3 Reduce the anxiety of children learning English
Anxiety is not always a negative factor in English learning, we can assume that if a person doesnt care at all anything what he/she does, there is little reason to try to do well. On the other hand, if a person given too much concern about failure which can get in the way of success.(Gass&Selinker,2008, p401) the design of the classroom is meant to produce a warm, a pleasant, a comfortable, a beautiful, a roomy and bright environment.
5.4 To develop high quality English teachers for young children
As a young learner English, our teaching status should be appropriate, teachers status including their attitude towards young learner.As a teacher, dont seriously, don't need to be too formal. Try your best to develop your own teaching style and strong linguistic competence.Wedell(2016,handbook) claims language more than is a series of fomulas/one right answer/ one way of “saying things”, need to be able to illustrate use of grammar in a real life contexts if we want to teach it effectively. Teacher should possess knowledgeable professional English proficiency level, learn more about the knowledge of the culture and fluency in English, of course including nice classroom communication skills. The teacher should concern about learning strategies and teaching strategies, update the old-fashion textbook or exercise materials over time. Teacher should know knowledge of young learners overall development.
6. Conclusion
This study is about the enlightenment of Krashens affective filter in teaching English to young learner, through exploring theoretical foundation and the result of my own experiment show that affective filter hypothesis theory is an efficient way to teach young learner how to learn English and to myself how to teach English, in addition, from the experiment and questionnaires, we can see that the degree of learners motivation, self-confidence, anxiety to a large extent have influence to learner. The author expound through literature which relates to the current situation in TEYL in my own context and my own experience. Obtain detailed reality via questionnaires to the data before the experiment and the data after the experiment. After then, get results by comparative analysis. Finally, on the basis of previous studies and the author own idea, the majority of suggestions are proposed in the article. Although many of the recommendations for some of the teachers who have been insignificant, but for myself, After analyzing Krashens theory in detail, it will be helpful for my future English teaching, at least in the English teaching module of primary school, after all, its the author must grasp general knowledge to teacher how to teach or to learner how to learn /acquire in the second language acquisition.
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【基金項(xiàng)目】系貴州省教育廳高校人文社會(huì)科學(xué)研究 青年課題“小學(xué)英語(yǔ)游戲教學(xué)法研究”(課題標(biāo)號(hào):2016ZC137)階段性論文成果。