數(shù)據(jù)來(lái)源:Web of Science 文獻(xiàn)出版時(shí)間:2015-01—2017-06 檢索時(shí)間:2017-07-03
Oceanography 海洋學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Measuring the atlantic meridional overturningMcCarthy, G. D.;48Progress in Oceanography circulationat26degreesNSmeed,D.A.;Johns, W. E.; et al.2015, 130: 91-11146Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and Lafferty, Kevin D.;Annual Review of Marineaquaculture economics Harvell, C. Drew;Science Conrad, Jon M.; et al.2015, 7: 471-496 43 Zooplankton fecal pellets, marine snow,phytodetritus and the ocean’s biological pump Turner, Jefferson T.Progress in Oceanography 2015, 130: 205-248B?cklund transformation and shock-wave-type 40solutions for a generalized (3+1)-dimensional Ocean Engineering variable-coefficient B-type Kadomtsev-Gao,XinyiPetviashvili equation in fluid mechanics 39 Mediterranean sea large-scale low-frequency ocean variability and water mass formation rates from 1987 to 2007: A retrospective analysis 2015, 96: 245-247Pinardi, Nadia;Zavatarelli, Marco;Adani, Mario; et al.Progress in Oceanography 2015, 132(SI): 318-33239Diet of worms emended: An update of polychaete Jumars, Peter A.;Annual Review of Marinefeeding guilds Dorgan, Kelly M.;Science 38 Tropical sea surface temperatures for the past four centuries reconstructed from coral archives Lindsay, Sara M.2015, 7: 497 Tierney, Jessica E.;Abram, Nerilie J.;Anchukaitis, Kevin J.;et al.Paleoceanography 2015, 30(3): 226-252Improved sea level record over the satellite Ablain, M.;38altimetry era (1993-2010) from the Climate Ocean ScienceCazenave, A.;Change Initiative project 38 Microbial responses to the deepwater horizon oil spill: From coastal wetlands to the deep sea Larnicol, G.; et al.2015, 11(1): 67-82King, G. M.;Kostka, J. E.;Hazen, T. C.; et al.Annual Review of Marine Science 2015, 7: 377-40137Satellite observations of mesoscale eddy-induced Gaube, Peter;Journal of Physicalekman pumping Chelton, Dudley B.;OceanographySamelson, Roger M.; et al.2015, 45(1): 104-132
Oncology 腫瘤學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Siegel, Rebecca L.;5097Cancer statistics, 2015Ca-A Cancer Journal for Miller, Kimberly D.;Clinicians Jemal, Ahmedin 2015, 65(1): 5-29Torre, Lindsey A.;4069Global cancer statistics, 2012Ca-A Cancer Journal for Bray, Freddie; Siegel,Clinicians Rebecca L.; et al.2015, 65(2): 87-108 2927 Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide:Sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012 Ferlay, Jacques;Soerjomataram, Isabelle;Dikshit, Rajesh; et al.International Journal of Cancer 2015, 136(5): E359-E386Siegel, Rebecca L.;2623Cancer statistics, 2016Ca-A Cancer Journal for Miller, Kimberly D.;Clinicians Jemal, Ahmedin 2016, 66(1): 7-30 820 Cancer statistics in China, 2015 Chen, Wanqing;Zheng, Rongshou;Baade, Peter D.; et al.Nivolumab versus chemotherapy in patients Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2016, 66(2): 115-132with advanced melanoma who progressed afterWeber, Jeffrey S.;482anti-CTLA-4 treatment (CheckMate 037): A Lancet OncologyD’Angelo, Sandra P.;randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 3Minor, David; et al.trial2015, 16(4): 375-384402 Immune checkpoint blockade: A common denominator approach to cancer therapyTopalian, Suzanne L.;Drake, Charles G.;Pardoll, Drew M.CancerCell 2015, 27(4): 450-461Pooled analysis of long-term survival data from Schadendorf, Dirk;354phase II and phase III trials of ipilimumab in Journal of Clinical OncologyHodi, F. Stephen;unresectable or metastatic melanoma Robert, Caroline; et al.350 Activity and safety of nivolumab, an anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor, for patients with advanced, refractory squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (CheckMate 063): A phase 2,single-arm trial2015, 33(17): 1889Rizvi, Naiyer A.;Mazieres, Julien;Planchard, David; et al.Lancet Oncology 2015, 16(3): 257-265Postow, Michael A.;327Immune checkpoint blockade in cancer therapy Journal of Clinical Oncology Callahan, Margaret K.;Wolchok, Jedd D.2015, 33(17): 1974
Ophthalmology 眼科
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Retinal vascular layers imaged by fluorescein Spaide, Richard F.;222angiography and optical coherence tomography angiography Jama Ophthalmology Klancnik, James M., Jr.;Cooney, Michael J.2015, 133(1): 45-50McCulloch, Daphne L.;ISCEV standard for full-field clinical Marmor, Michael F.;131electroretinography (2015 update)Documenta Ophthalmologica Brigell, Mitchell G.;106 Image artifacts in optical coherence tomography angiography Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography 2015, 130(1): 1-12 et al.Spaide, Richard F.;Fujimoto, James G.;Waheed, Nadia K.Retina-the Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 2015, 35(11): 2163-2180de Carlo, Talisa E.;90angiography of choroidal neovascularization Ophthalmology Bonini Filho, Marco A.;89 Optical coherence tomography angiography in diabetic retinopathy: A prospective pilot study Chin,AdamT.;etal.2015,122(6):1228-1238Ishibazawa, Akihiro;Nagaoka, Taiji;Takahashi, Atsushi; et al.American Journal of Ophthalmology 2015, 160(1): 35-44Intravitreal ranibizumab for diabetic macular Elman, Michael J.;79edema with prompt versus deferred laser treatment: 5-year randomized trial results Ophthalmology Ayala, Allison;74 Comparison of ranibizumab and bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration according to LUCAS treat-and-extend protocol Bressler,NeilM.;etal.2015,122(2):375-381Berg, Karina;Pedersen, Terje R.;Sandvik, Leiv; et al.Ophthalmology 2015, 122(1): 146-152Ophthalmological findings in infants with 73microcephaly and presumable intra-uterus Ventura, Camila V.;Arquivos Brasileiros de Maia, Mauricio;Oftalmologia Zika virus infectionVentura, Bruna V.; et al.2016,79(1):1-3 72 Optical coherence tomography angiography of the peripapillary retina in glaucoma Liu, Liang;Jia, Yali; Takusagawa,Hana L.; et al.Jama Ophthalmology 2015, 133(9): 1045-1052Ocular findings in infants with microcephaly Freitas, Bruno de Paula;de Oliveira Dias, Joao 71associated with presumed Zika virus congenital infection in Salvador, BrazilJama Ophthalmology Rafael; Prazeres, Juliana;2016, 134(5): 529-535 et al.
Optics 光學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目Single-junction polymer solar cells with high作者來(lái)源出版物He, Zhicai;656efficiency and photovoltage Nature Photonics Xiao, Biao;Liu,Feng;etal.2015, 9(3): 174-179Lin, Qianqian;397Electro-optics of perovskite solar cells Armin, Ardalan;Nature Photonics Nagiri, Ravi Chandra 323 Small-molecule solar cells with efficiency over 9%Efficient inverted polymer solar cells employing 2015, 9(2): 106-112 Raju; et al.Zhang, Qian;Kan, Bin;Liu, Feng; et al.Nature Photonics 2015, 9(1): 35-41Vohra, Varun;264favourable molecular orientation Nature Photonics Kawashima, Kazuaki;244 Lasing in direct-bandgap GeSn alloy grown on Si Kakara, Takeshi; et al.2015,9(6):403Wirths, S.; Geiger, R.;von den Driesch, N.;et al.Nature Photonics 2015, 9(2): 88-92Broadband nonlinear optical response inLu, S. B.;179multi-layer black phosphorus: An emerging infrared and mid-infrared optical material Optics Express Miao, L. L.;151 Efficient polymer solar cells employing a non-conjugated small-molecule electrolyte Guo,Z.N.;etal.2015, 23(9): 11183-11194Ouyang, Xinhua;Peng, Ruixiang;Ai, Ling; et al.Nature Photonics 2015, 9(8): 520Decker, Manuel;150High-efficiency dielectric huygens’ surfaces Staude, Isabelle;Advanced Optical Materials Falkner, Matthias;149 Cryogenic optical lattice clocks 2015, 3(6): 813-820 et al.Ushijima, Ichiro;Takamoto, Masao;Das, Manoj; et al.Nature Photonics 2015, 9(3): 185-189Mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus as aChen, Yu;145new saturable absorber for both Q-switching and mode-locking laser operation Optics Express Jiang, Guobao;Chen, Shuqing; et al.2015, 23(10): 12823-12833
Ornithology 鳥(niǎo)類學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物31Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the brazilian ornithological records committeePiacentini, Vitor de Q.;Aleixo, Alexandre;Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia Agne, Carlos Eduardo;2015, 23(2): 91-298et al.Full-annual-cycle population models forHostetler, Jeffrey A.;26The Auk migratorybirdsSillett,T.Scott;Marra, Peter P.2015, 132(2): 433-44922 Nest predation research: Recent findings and future perspectives Ibanez-Alamo, J. D.;Magrath, R. D.;Oteyza, J. C.; et al.Journal of Ornithology 2015, 156(1): S247-S262New insights into New World biogeography:An integrated view from the phylogeny ofBarker, F. Keith;22The Auk blackbirds,cardinals,sparrows,tanagers,Burns,KevinJ.;warblers, and allies 20 Regional and seasonal flight speeds of soaring migrants and the role of weather conditions at hourly and daily scales Klicka, John; et al.2015, 132(2): 333-348Vansteelant, W. M. G.;Bouten, W.; Klaassen,R. H. G.; et al.Journal of Avian Biology 2015, 46(1): 25-39Timing of migration and residence areas during Liechti, Felix;19the non-breeding period of barn swallows Journal of Avian BiologyScandolara, Chiara;Hirundo rustica in relation to sex and population 16 Light-level geolocators reveal migratory connectivity in European populations of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca Rubolini, Diego; et al.2015, 46(3): 254-265Ouwehand, J.;Ahola, M. P.;Ausems, A. N. M. A.;et al.Journal of Avian Biology 2016, 47(1): 69-83High juvenile mortality during migration in Oppel, Steffen;16a declining population of a long-distance Dobrev, Vladimir;Ibis migratoryraptorArkumarev,Volen;2015, 157(3): 545-557 et al.16 Responses of male greater prairie-chickens to wind energy development Winder, Virginia L.;Gregory, Andrew J.;McNew, Lance B.;et al.Condor 2015, 117(2): 284-296Key research issues concerning the conservationHua, Ning;16Bird Conservation International of migratory shorebirds in the Yellow Sea region Tan,Kun;Chen, Ying; et al.2015, 25(1): 38-52
Orthopedics 骨科
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物American Journal of Sports Parsons, Erin M.;79The biomechanical function of the Gee, Albert O.;anterolateral ligament of the kneeMedicine Spiekerman, Charles; et al.2015, 43(3): 669-674Outcome of a combined anterior cruciate American Journal of Sports Sonnery-Cottet, Bertrand;78ligament and anterolateral ligament Thaunat, Mathieu;reconstruction technique with a minimum 2-year follow-upMedicine Freychet, Benjamin; et al.2015, 43(7): 1598-160576 The anterolateral ligament: An anatomic,radiographic, and biomechanical analysisKennedy, Mitchell I.;Claes, Steven; Fuso,Fernando Augusto Freitas;et al.American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015, 43(7): 1606-1615A cadaveric study of the anterolateral Caterine, Scott;73ligament: Re-introducing the lateral capsularKnee Surgery Sports Litchfield, Robert;Traumatology Arthroscopy ligamentJohnson, Marjorie; et al.2015, 23(11): 3186-319559 Current evidence on risk factors for knee osteoarthritis in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Silverwood, V.;Blagojevic-Bucknall, M.;Jinks, C.; et al.Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2015, 23(4): 507-515Prevalence of femoroacetabular impingement Frank, Jonathan M.;47imaging findings in asymptomatic volunteers:Arthroscopy-the Journal of Harris, Joshua D.;Arthroscopic and Related Surgery A systematic reviewErickson, Brandon J.; et al.2015, 31(6): 1199-1204 43 Length change patterns in the lateral extraarticular structures of the knee and related reconstructions Kittl, Cristoph;Halewood, Camilla;Stephen, Joanna M.; et al.AmericanJournalofSports Medicine 2015, 43(2): 354-362Laser and electron-beam powder-bed additive Sing, Swee Leong;39manufacturing of metallic implants: A review Journal of Orthopaedic Research An, Jia;on processes, materials and designs Yeong, Wai Yee; et al.39 Y biomechanical analysis of simulated clinical testing and reconstruction of the anterolateral ligament of the knee2016, 34(3): 369-385Spencer, Luke;Burkhart, Timothy A.;Tran, Michael N.; et al.American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015, 43(9): 2189-2197The john insall award: Morbid obesity D’Apuzzo, Michele R.;39independently impacts complications,Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Novicoff, Wendy M.;Research mortality, and resource use after TKABrowne, James A.2015, 473(1): 57-63
Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Rosenfeld, Richard M.;110Clinical practice guideline (update): Adult Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Piccirillo, Jay F.;sinusitisSurgery Chandrasekhar, Sujana S.;etal.2015, 152(2): S1-S39Synaptopathy in the noise-exposed and aging Kujawa, Sharon G.;62cochlea: Primary neural degeneration in acquired sensorineural hearing lossHearing Research Liberman, M. Charles 2015, 330(SI): 191-19959 Clinical practice guideline: Allergic rhinitis Seidman, Michael D.;Gurgel, Richard K.;Lin, Sandra Y.; et al.Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2015, 152(1): S1-S43Journal of Vestibular Lopez-Escameza, Jose 49Diagnostic criteria for Meniere’s diseaseResearch-Equilibrium &A.; Carey, John;Orientation Chung, Won-Ho; et al.43 Cost of adult chronic rhinosinusitis: A systematic review 2015, 25(1): 1-7 Smith, Kristine A.;Orlandi, Richard R.;Rudmik, Luke Laryngoscope 2015, 125(7): 1547-1556Orlandi, Richard R.;39International consensus statement on allergy International Forum of Allergy and rhinology: RhinosinusitisKingdom, Todd T.;& Rhinology Hwang, Peter H.; et al.2016, 6(SI): S22-S20937 The influence of food texture and liquid consistency modification on swallowing physiology and function: A systematic review Steele,CatrionaM.;Alsanei, Woroud Abdulrahman;Ayanikalath, Sona; et al.Dysphagia 2015, 30(1): 2-2636Dynamics of cochlear synaptopathy after Jaro-Journal of the Association Liberman, Leslie D.;acoustic overexposurefor Research in Otolaryngology Liberman, M. Charles 31 Functional outcomes after TORS for oropharyngeal cancer: A systematic review 2015, 16(2): 205-219 Hutcheson, Katherine A.;Holsinger, F.Christopher; Kupferman,Michael E.; et al.European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2015, 272(2): 463-471Auditory function in normal-hearing,Stamper, Greta C.;30noise-exposed human earsEar and Hearing Johnson, Tiffany A.2015, 36(2): 172-184
Paleontology 古生物學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物38Tropical sea surface temperatures for the past fourTierney, Jessica E.;Abram, Nerilie J.;Paleoceanography centuries reconstructed from coral archives Anchukaitis, Kevin J.;2015, 30(3): 226-252et al.Dicranoptycha osten sacken, 1860 (Diptera,Kania, Iwona;32Limoniidae) from the earliest cenomanian Cretaceous ResearchWang, Bo;burmese amber 28 Strap: An R package for plotting phylogenies against stratigraphy and assessing their stratigraphic congruence Szwedo, Jacek 2015, 52: 522-530Bell, Mark A.;Lloyd, Graeme T.Palaeontology 2015, 58(2): 379-389Changes in marine productivity and redox PalaeogeographyZhou, Lian;23conditions during the Late Ordovician PalaeoclimatologyAlgeo, Thomas J.;Hirnantian glaciation Palaeoecology Shen, Jun; et al.23 Reconstructing climate change and ombrotrophic bog development during the last 4000 years in northern Poland using biotic proxies, stable isotopes and trait-based approach 2015, 420: 223-234 Lamentowicz, M.;Galka, M.;Lamentowicz, L.; et al.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2015, 418: 261-277Pollen and macroremains from Holocene 22archaeological sites: A dataset for the Mercuri, Anna Maria;Review of Palaeobotany andunderstanding of the bio-cultural diversity Allevato, Emilia;Palynology of the Italian landscape 21 Descent toward the Icehouse: Eocene sea surface cooling inferred from GDGT distributions Arobba, Daniele; et al.2015, 218(SI): 250-266Inglis, Gordon N.;Farnsworth, Alexander;Lunt, Daniel; et al.Paleoceanography 2015, 30(7): 1000-1020Carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian)Frijia, Gianluca;21shallow-water carbonates of southern Italy:Cretaceous ResearchParente, Mariano;Chronostratigraphic calibration of larger Di Lucia, Matteo; et al.2015, 53: 110-139foraminifera biostratigraphy 21 Early evolution of the eukaryota Butterfield, Nicholas J.Palaeontology 2015, 58(1): 5-17Constraints on the timescale of animalBenton, Michael J.;20Palaeontologia Electronica evolutionaryhistoryDonoghue,PhilipC.J.;Asher, Robert J.; et al.2015, 18(1): 1-116
Parasitology 寄生物學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物273Zanluca, Camila;Andrade de Melo,Memórias Do Instituto First report of autochthonous transmission of Zika virus in Brazil Vanessa Campos;Oswaldo CruzPamplona Mosimann,2015, 110(4): 569-572 Ana Luiza; et al.Dynamics and stabilization of the human gutBackhed, Fredrik;176Cell Host & Microbe microbiomeduringthefirstyearoflifeRoswall,Josefine;Peng, Yangqing; et al.2015, 17(5): 690-703141 Diet dominates host genotype in shaping the murine gut microbiota Carmody, Rachel N.;Gerber, Georg K.;Luevano, Jesus M., Jr.;et al.Cell Host & Microbe 2015, 17(1): 72-84The dynamics of the human infant gut microbiome Kostic, Aleksandar D.;137in development and in progression toward type 1Cell Host & MicrobeGevers, Dirk;diabetes 130 A mouse model of Zika virus pathogenesis Siljander, Heli; et al.2015, 17(2): 260-273Lazear, Helen M.;Govero, Jennifer;Smith, Amber M.; et al.Cell Host & Microbe 2016, 19(5): 720-730127Research in mosquito control: Current challenges for a brighter future Parasitology Research Benelli, Giovanni 2015, 114(8): 2801-2805122 Plant-mediated biosynthesis of nanoparticles as an emerging tool against mosquitoes of medical and veterinary importance: A review Benelli, Giovanni Parasitology Research 2016, 115(1): 23-34107Estimating the global burden of endemic canine Hampson, Katie;PLoS Neglected Tropical rabies Coudeville, Laurent;Diseases 98 Plant-borne ovicides in the fight against mosquito vectors of medical and veterinary importance: A systematic review Lembo, Tiziana; et al.2015, 9(4): e0003709Benelli, Giovanni Parasitology Research 2015, 114(9): 3201-3212Zika virus infection and stillbirths: A case 90Sarno, Manoel;PLoS Neglected Tropical of hydrops fetalis, hydranencephaly and Sacramento, Gielson A.;Diseases fetal demise Khouri, Ricardo; et al.2016, 10(2): e0004517
Pathology 病理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物The 2016 world health organization classification Louis, David N.; Perry,300of tumors of the central nervous system: A summary Acta Neuropathologica Arie; Reifenberger,The 2014 International Society of Urological Guido;etal.2016, 131(6): 803-820Pathology (ISUP) consensus conference on175gleason grading of prostatic carcinoma definition Epstein, Jonathan I.;American Journal of Surgical Egevad, Lars; Amin,Pathology of grading patterns and proposal for a new grading systemMahul B.; et al.2016, 40(2): 244-252149 Memorial sloan kettering-integrated mutation profiling of actionable cancer targets(MSK-IMPACT) a hybridization capture-based next-generation sequencing clinical assay for solid tumor molecular oncology How informative is the mouse for human gutCheng, Donavan T.;Mitchell, Talia N.;Zehir, Ahmet; et al.Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2015, 17(3): 251-264Thi Loan Anh Nguyen;108microbiota research?Vieira-Silva, Sara;Disease Models & Mechanisms89 ATRX and IDH1-R132H immunohistochemistry with subsequent copy number analysis and IDH sequencing as a basis for an “integrated”diagnostic approach for adult astrocytoma,oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma College of American pathologists’ laboratory Liston,Adrian;etal.2015,8(1):1-16Reuss, David E.;Sahm, Felix;Schrimpf, Daniel;et al.Acta Neuropathologica 2015, 129(1): 133-14670standards for next-generation sequencing Aziz, Nazneen;Archives of Pathology &Zhao, Qin;Laboratory Medicine clinical testsBry, Lynn; et al.2015, 139(4): 481-493 64 DNA replication stress as a hallmark of cancer Macheret, Morgane;Halazonetis, Thanos D.Tissue and cellular tropism, pathology and Annual Review of Pathology:Mechanisms of Disease 2015, 10: 425-448Martines, Roosecelis 61pathogenesis of Ebola and Marburg viruses Brasil; Ng, Dianna L.;Journal of Pathology58 The first NINDS/NIBIB consensus meeting to define neuropathological criteria for the diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy Greer,PatriciaW.;etal.2015,235(2):153-174McKee, Ann C.;Cairns, Nigel J.;Dickson, Dennis W.;et al.Acta Neuropathologica 2016, 131(1): 75-86MALDI Imaging mass spectrometry: Current Aichler, Michaela;58frontiers and perspectives in pathology research and practiceLaboratory Investigation Walch, Axel 2015, 95(4): 422-431
Pediatrics 兒科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Vascular anomalies classification:Wassef, Michel;92Recommendations from the international Pediatrics Blei, Francine;society for the study of vascular anomalies Adams, Denise; et al.2015,136(1):E203-E214Thomas, Danny George;Benefits of strict rest after acute concussion:Apps, Jennifer N.;88A randomized controlled trialPediatrics Hoffmann, Raymond G.;2015, 135(2): 213-223 et al.85 Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysisThomas, Rae;Sanders, Sharon;Doust, Jenny; et al.Pediatrics 2015, 135(4): E994-E1001Risk factors for exclusive E-Cigarette use and Wills, Thomas A.;85dual E-cigarette use and tobacco use in PediatricsKnight, Rebecca;adolescents Williams, Rebecca J.; et al.79 Progression to traditional cigarette smoking after electronic cigarette use among US adolescents and young adults2015, 135(1): E43-E51Primack, Brian A.;Soneji, Samir;Stoolmiller, Michael; et al.JAMAPediatrics 2015, 169(11): 1018-1023Journal of the AmericanLai, Meng-Chuan;Sex/gender differences and autism: Setting 71the scene for future researchAcademy of Child and Lombardo, Michael V.;Auyeung, Bonnie; et al.Adolescent Psychiatry66 Adolescent pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates across countries: Levels and recent trends2015, 54(1): 11-24 Sedgh, Gilda;Finer, Lawrence B.;Bankole, Akinrinola; et al.JournalofAdolescentHealth 2015, 56(2): 223-230Major depression in the national comorbidityJournal of the American Avenevoli, Shelli;65survey-adolescent supplement: Prevalence,Academy of Child and Swendsen, Joel;correlates, and treatment Adolescent Psychiatry He, Jian;ing; et al.63 Survival and morbidity of preterm children born at 22 through 34 weeks’ gestation in france in 2011 results of the EPIPAGE-2 cohort study2015, 54(1): 37-44 Ancel, Pierre-Yves;Goffinet, Francois JAMAPediatrics 2015, 169(3): 230-238Cesarean section and chronic immune Sevelsted, Astrid;Stokholm, Jakob;59disordersPediatrics Bonnelykke, Klaus; et al.2015, 135(1): E92-E98
Peripheral Vascular Disease 外周血管疾病
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Heart disease and stroke statistics-2015 update aMozaffarian, Dariush;2199Circulation reportfromtheAmericanheartassociationBenjamin,EmeliaJ.;Go, Alan S.; et al.2015, 131(4): E29-E322Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update aMozaffarian, Dariush;758Circulation reportfromtheAmericanheartassociationBenjamin,EmeliaJ.;Go, Alan S.; et al.2016, 133(4): E38-E360229 2015 American heart association/American stroke association focused update of the 2013 guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke regarding endovascular treatment a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American heart association/American stroke association Powers, William J.;Derdeyn, Colin P.;Biller, Jose; et al.Stroke 2015, 46(10): 3020-3035Cardiovascular, bleeding, and mortality risks in Graham, David J.;226elderly medicare patients treated with dabigatran or CirculationReichman, Marsha E.;warfarin for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation 220 Executive summary: Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update a report from the American heart association Wernecke, Michael; et al.2015, 131(2): 157-164Mozaffarian, Dariush;Benjamin, Emelia J.;Go, Alan S.; et al.Circulation 2016, 133(4): 447-454Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage a guideline for healthcareHemphill, J. Claude, III;206Stroke professionalsfromtheAmericanheartGreenberg,StevenM.;association/American stroke association 151 Molecular basis of cardioprotection signal transduction in ischemic pre-, post-, and remote conditioning Anderson, Craig S.; et al.2015, 46(7): 2032-2060Heusch, Gerd Circulation Research 2015, 116(4): 674-699Infective endocarditis in adults: Diagnosis,antimicrobial therapy, and management ofBaddour, Larry M.;142Circulation complications a scientific statement for healthcare Wilson,WalterR.;professionals from the American heart association 126 Part 8: Post-cardiac arrest care 2015 American heart association guidelines update for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care Bayer, Arnold S.; et al.2015, 132(15): 1435-1486Callaway, Clifton W.;Donnino, Michael W.;Fink, Ericka L.; et al.Circulation 2015, 132(18): S465-S482Gut microbiota-dependent trimethylamine N-Oxide(TMAO) pathway contributes to both developmentTang, W. H. Wilson;118Circulation Research of renal insufficiency and mortality risk in chronic Wang,Zeneng;kidney disease Kennedy, David J.; et al.2015, 116(3): 448-455
Pharmacology & Pharmacy 藥理學(xué)和藥學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Alexander, Stephen P. H.;280The concise guide to pharmacology 2015/16:British Journal of EnzymesFabbro, Doriano;Pharmacology Kelly, Eamonn; et al.2015, 172(24): 6024-6109Harvey, Alan L.;263The re-emergence of natural products for drug Nature Reviews Drug discovery in the genomics eraEdrada-Ebel, RuAngelie;Discovery Quinn, Ronald J.2015, 14(2): 111-129253 Experimental design and analysis and their reporting: New guidance for publication in BJP Curtis,MichaelJ.;Bond, Richard A.;Spina, Domenico; et al.British Journal of Pharmacology 2015, 172(14): 3461-3471Alexander, Stephen P. H.;235The concise guide to pharmacology 2015/16: G British Journal of protein-coupled receptorsDavenport, Anthony P.;Pharmacology Kelly, Eamonn; et al.2015, 172(24): 5744-5869228 Natural products as sources of new drugs from 1981 to 2014Newman, David J.;Cragg, Gordon M.Journal of Natural Products 2016, 79(3): 629-661Implementing guidelines on reporting research 213using animals (ARRIVE etc.): NewBritish Journal of McGrath, John C.;requirements for publication in BJP Pharmacology Lilley, Elliot199 Peptide therapeutics: Current status and future directions 2015,172(13):3189-3193 Fosgerau, Keld;Hoffmann, Torsten Drug Discovery Today 2015, 20(1): 122-128 Wicki, Andreas;Nanomedicine in cancer therapy: Challenges,Witzigmann, Dominik;196opportunities, and clinical applicationsJournal of Controlled Release Balasubramanian,169 The history and future of targeting cyclindependent kinases in cancer therapy 2015, 200: 138-157 Vimalkumar; et al.Asghar, Uzma; Witkiewicz,Agnieszka K.; Turner,Nicholas C.; et al.Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2015, 14(2): 130-146Mahoney, Kathleen M.;148Combination cancer immunotherapy and new Nature Reviews Drug immunomodulatory targetsRennert, Paul D.;Discovery Freeman, Gordon J.2015, 14(8): 561-584
Physics, Applied 應(yīng)用物理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Green, Martin A.;827Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 45)Emery, Keith;Progress in Photovoltaics Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;Single-junction polymer solar cells with high 2015, 23(1): 1-9 et al.He, Zhicai;656efficiency and photovoltage Nature Photonics Xiao, Biao;538 Single-junction polymer solar cells exceeding 10% power conversion efficiency Liu,Feng;etal.2015, 9(3): 174-179Chen, Jingde;Cui, Chaohua; Li,Yanqing; et al.Advanced Materials 2015, 27(6): 1035-1041Science and technology roadmap for Ferrari, Andrea C.;Bonaccorso,486graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systemsNanoscale Francesco; Fal’ko,452 Polymeric photocatalysts based on graphitic carbon nitride 2015, 7(11): 4598-4810 Vladimir; et al.Cao, Shaowen;Low, Jingxiang;Yu, Jiaguo; et al.Advanced Materials 2015, 27(13): 2150-2176 Raccichini, Rinaldo;The role of graphene for electrochemical Varzi, Alberto;442energy storageNature Materials Passerini, Stefano;397 Electro-optics of perovskite solar cells Nanocrystals of cesium lead halide 2015, 14(3): 271-279 et al.Lin, Qianqian; Armin,Ardalan; Nagiri, Ravi Chandra Raju; et al.Nature Photonics 2015, 9(2): 106-112392perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I):Protesescu, Loredana;Yakunin, Sergii;Novel optoelectronic materials showing Nano Letters Bodnarchuk,bright emission with wide color gamut 390 Lead halide perovskite nanowire lasers with low lasing thresholds and high quality factors 2015, 15(6): 3692-3696 Maryna I.; et al.Zhu, Haiming;Fu, Yongping;Meng, Fei; et al.Nature Materials 2015, 14(6): 636Wegst, Ulrike G. K.;360Bioinspired structural materials Nature Materials Bai, Hao;Saiz, Eduardo; et al.2015, 14(1): 23-36
Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical 原子,分子和化學(xué)物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Advances in molecular quantum chemistryShao, Yihan; Gan,403Molecular Physics containedintheQ-Chem4programpackageZhengting;Epifanovsky,Evgeny; et al.2015, 113(2): 184-215191Maier,JamesA.;Journal of Chemical Theory ff14SB: Improving the accuracy of protein side Martinez, Carmenza;chain and backbone parameters from ff99SB and Computation Kasavajhala, Koushik;126 How important is the organic part of lead halide perovskite photovoltaic cells? Efficient CsPbBr3 cells et al.2015, 11(8): 3696-3713Kulbak, Michael;Cahen, David;Hodes, Gary Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(13): 2452-2456Emergence of hysteresis and transient 124Chen, Hsin-Wei;Journal of Physical Chemistry ferroelectric response in organo-lead halide Sakai, Nobuya;Letters perovskite solar cells Ikegami, Masashi; et al.2015, 6(1): 164-169 114 Modeling anomalous hysteresis in perovskite solar cells van Reenen, Stephan;Kemerink, Martijn;Snaith, Henry J.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(19): 3808-3814Temperature and component-dependent 104Misra, Ravi K.;Journal of Physical Chemistry degradation of perovskite photovoltaic Aharon, Sigalit;Letters materials under concentrated sunlight Li, Baili; et al.2015, 6(3): 326-330 102 Recent development in hydrogen evolution reaction catalysts and their practical implementation Vesborg, Peter C. K.;Seger, Brian;Chorkendorff, Ib Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(6): 951-957?Complex refractive index spectra of CH3NH3PbI3 100perovskite thin films determined by spectroscopicLoeper, Philipp;Journal of Physical Chemistry Stuckelberger, Michael;Letters ellipsometry and spectrophotometry Niesen, Bjoern; et al.2015, 6(1): 66-7196 The bright future of unconventional sigma/-hole interactions Bauza, Antonio;Mooibroek, Tiddo J.;Frontera, Antonio Chemphyschem 2015, 16(12): 2496-251796Phosphorene: Fabrication, properties, and Kou, Liangzhi;Journal of Physical Chemistry applications Chen, Changfeng;Letters Smith, Sean C.2015, 6(14): 2794-2805
Physics, Condensed Matter 凝聚態(tài)物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Single-junction polymer solar cells exceeding 10%Chen, Jingde;538Advanced Materials powerconversionefficiencyCui,Chaohua;Li, Yanqing; et al.2015, 27(6): 1035-1041Polymeric photocatalysts based on graphitic carbonCao, Shaowen;452Advanced Materials nitrideLow,Jingxiang;Yu, Jiaguo; et al.2015, 27(13): 2150-2176442 The role of graphene for electrochemical energy storage Raccichini, Rinaldo;Varzi, Alberto;Passerini, Stefano; et al.Nature Materials 2015, 14(3): 271-279Nanocrystals of cesium lead halide perovskites Protesescu, Loredana;392(CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I): Novel optoelectronic Yakunin, Sergii;Nano Letters materials showing bright emission with wide color Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.;gamut 390 Lead halide perovskite nanowire lasers with low lasing thresholds and high quality factors 2015, 15(6): 3692-3696 et al.Zhu, Haiming;Fu, Yongping;Meng, Fei; et al.Nature Materials 2015, 14(6): 636Wegst, Ulrike G. K.;360Bioinspired structural materials 358 Properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with new record efficiencies up to 21.7%Nature Materials Bai, Hao;Saiz, Eduardo; et al.2015, 14(1): 23-36Jackson, Philip;Hariskos, Dimitrios;Wuerz, Roland; et al.Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 2015, 9(1): 28-31328Giant switchable photovoltaic effect in organometalXiao, Zhengguo;Yuan, Yongbo;Nature Materials trihalide perovskite devices Shao, Yuchuan;2015, 14(2): 193-198et al.301 Perovskite solar cells: From materials to devices Jung, Hyun Suk;Park, Nam-Gyu Small 2015, 11(1): 10-25An electron acceptor challenging fullerenes forLin, Yuze;270Advanced Materials efficientpolymersolarcellsWang,Jiayu;Zhang, Zhiguo; et al.2015, 27(7): 1170-1174
Physics, Fluids & Plasmas 物理,流體與等離子體
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物106Lagrangian coherent structures Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Haller, George 2015, 47: 137-162Multivariate weighted complex networkGao, Zhongke;101analysis for characterizing nonlinearExperimental Thermal and Fluid Fang, Pengcheng;Ding, Meishuang;dynamic behavior in two-phase flowScience et al.87 Overview of the JET results2015, 60: 157-164Romanelli, F.;Abhangi, M.;Abreu, P.; et al.NuclearFusion 2015, 55(10): 104001Plasma Physics and Controlled Arber, T. D.;74Contemporary particle-in-cell approach to Bennett, K.;laser-plasma modellingFusion Brady, C. S.; et al.2015, 57(11): 11300163 Drop impact on a solid surface Josserand, C.;Thoroddsen, S. T.AnnualReviewofFluidMechanics 2016, 48: 365-391Direct numerical simulation of turbulent Lee, Myoungkyu;60channel flow up to Re-tau approximate to 5200Journal of Fluid Mechanics Moser, Robert D.2015, 774: 395-41553 Using general quadratic Lyapunov functions to prove Lyapunov uniform stability for fractional order systemsDuarte-Mermoud,Manuel A.; Aguila-Camacho, Norelys;Gallegos, Javier A.;et al.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2015, 22(1-3): 650-65952Dissipation in turbulent flows Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Vassilicos,J.Christos2015,47:95-114 50 Plasma for cancer treatment Keidar, Michael PlasmaSourcesScience&Technology 2015, 24(3): 033001An asymptotic perturbation solution for a 46linear oscillator of free damped vibrationsCommunications in Nonlinear Yang, Xiaojun;in fractal medium described by local Srivastava, H. M.fractional derivativesScience and Numerical Simulation2015, 29(1-3): 499-504
Physics, Mathematical 數(shù)學(xué)物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Sjostrand, Torbjorn;189An introduction to PYTHIA 8.2Computer Physics Ask, Stefan;Communications Christiansen, Jesper R.;etal.2015, 191: 159-177Retrieve the Bethe states of quantum integrableJournal of Statistical Zhang, Xin;169models solved via the off-diagonal BetheMechanics-Theory and Li, Yuan-Yuan;AnsatzExperiment Cao, Junpeng; et al.123 Minimal composite dynamics versus axion origin of the diphoton excess 2015, P05014 Molinaro, Emiliano;Sannino, Francesco;Vignaroli, Natascia Modern Physics Letters A 2016, 31(26): 1650155Chimera states: Coexistence of coherence and Panaggio, Mark J.;119incoherence in networks of coupled oscillatorsNonlinearity Abrams, Daniel M.2015, 28(3): R67-R87 99 micrOMEGAs4.1: Two dark matter candidates A method based on the Jacobi tau Belanger, G.;Boudjema, F.;Pukhov, A.; et al.Computer Physics Communications 2015, 192: 322-329approximation for solving multi-term Bhrawy, A. H.;87time-space fractional partial differential equationsJournal of Computational Physics Zaky, M. A.2015, 281: 876-89572 CheckMATE: Confronting your favourite new physics model with LHC dataOn many-body localization for quantum spinDrees, Manuel;Dreiner, Herbert K.;Kim, Jong Soo; et al.Computer Physics Communications 2015, 187: 227-26564chains 59 Strong scaling of general-purpose molecular dynamics simulations on GPUs Journal of Statistical Physics Imbrie, John Z.2016, 163(5): 998-1048 Glaser, Jens; Trung Dac Nguyen; Anderson,Joshua A.; et al.Computer Physics Communications 2015, 192: 97-107Duarte-Mermoud,Using general quadratic Lyapunov functions toCommunications in Nonlinear Manuel A.;53prove Lyapunov uniform stability for fractional Science and Numerical Aguila-Camacho,order systemsSimulation Norelys; Gallegos, Javier A.; et al.2015, 22(1-3): 650-659
Physics, Multidisciplinary 綜合物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Observation of gravitational waves from a binaryAbbott, B. P.;1059Physical Review Letters blackholemergerAbbott,R.;Abbott, T. D.; et al.2016, 116(6): 061102Lv, B. Q.;432Experimental discovery of weyl semimetal TaAs 378 Weyl semimetal phase in noncentrosymmetric transition-metal monophosphides Physical Review X Weng, H. M.;Fu, B. B.; et al.2015, 5(3): 031013Weng, Hongming;Fang, Chen;Fang, Zhong; et al.Physical Review X 2015, 5(1): 011029Joint analysis of BICEP2/Keck array and planckAde, P. A. R.;334Physical Review Letters dataAghanim,N.;Ahmed, Z.; et al.2015, 114(10): 101301273 Advanced virgo: A second-generation interferometric gravitational wave detector Acernese, F.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.; et al.Classical and Quantum Gravity 2015, 32(2): 024001GW151226: Observation of gravitational waves Abbott, B. P.;267from a 22-solar-mass binary black hole Physical Review LettersAbbott, R.;coalescence 251 Observation of the chiral-anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance in 3D weyl semimetal TaAs Abbott, T. D.; et al.2016, 116(24): 241103Huang, Xiaochun;Zhao, Lingxiao;Long, Yujia; et al.Physical Review X 2015, 5(3): 031023Aasi, J.;232Advanced LIGO 217 Direct measurement of the exciton binding energy and effective masses for charge carriers in organic-inorganic tri-halide perovskites Classical and Quantum Gravity Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.; et al.2015, 32(7): 074001Miyata, Atsuhiko;Mitioglu, Anatolie;Plochocka, Paulina;et al.Nature Physics 2015, 11(7): 582214Discovery of a Weyl fermion state with FermiXu, Suyang;Alidoust, Nasser;Nature Physics arcs in niobium arsenideBelopolski, Ilya;2015, 11(9): 748et al.
Physics, Nuclear 核物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Patrignani, C.;316Review of particle physics particle data group Chinese Physics C Agashe, K.;Aielli, G.; et al.2016, 40(10): 100001146The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter 125 Composite models for the 750 GeV diphoton excess Mambrini, Yann;Physics Letters B Arcadi, Giorgio;Djouadi, Abdelhak 2016, 755: 426-432 Harigaya, Keisuke;Nomura, Yasunori Physics Letters B 2016, 754: 151-156123Minimal composite dynamics versus axion origin Molinaro, Emiliano;Modern Physics Letters A ofthediphotonexcessSannino,Francesco;Vignaroli, Natascia 2016, 31(26): 1650155123 750 GeV diphoton resonance in a top and bottom seesaw model Kobakhidze, Archil;Wang, Fei;Wu, Lei; et al.Physics Letters B 2016, 757: 92-96116LHCb detector performance 111 Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson Aaij, R.;International Journal ofAdeva,B.;Modern Physics A Adinolfi, M.; et al.2015, 30(7): 1530022Khachatryan, V.;Sirunyan, A. M.;Tumasyan, A.; et al.Physics Letters B 2015, 749: 337-362Scenarii for interpretations of the LHC diphoton Angelescu, Andrei;96excess: Two Higgs doublets and vector-like Physics Letters B Djouadi, Abdelhak;quarks and leptons 94 Search for diphoton resonances in the mass range from 150 to 850 GeV in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV Moreau, Gregory 2016, 756: 126-132 Khachatryan, V.;Sirunyan, A. M.;Tumasyan, A.; et al.Physics Letters B 2015, 750: 494-519750 GeV diphoton resonance, 125 GeV Higgs Wang, Fei;90and muon g-2 anomaly in deflected anomaly Physics Letters B Wu, Lei;mediation SUSY breaking scenarios Yang, Jin Min; et al.2016, 756: 191-199
Physics, Particles & Fields 物理,粒子和場(chǎng)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Patrignani, C.;316Review of particle physics particle data group Chinese Physics C Agashe, K.;Advanced virgo: A second-generation Aielli, G.; et al.2016, 40(10): 100001 Acernese, F.;273interferometric gravitational wave detector Classical and Quantum Gravity Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.; et al.2015, 32(2): 024001 232 Advanced LIGO Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.; et al.Classical and Quantum Gravity 2015, 32(7): 074001Ball, Richard D.;206Parton distributions for the LHC run II Bertone, Valerio;Journal of High Energy Physics Carrazza, Stefano;196 Parton distributions in the LHC era: MMHT 2014 PDFs First interpretation of the 750 GeV diphoton 2015, 4: 040 et al.Harlandlang, L. A.;Martin, A. D.;Motylinski, P.; et al.European Physical Journal C 2015, 75(5): 204Di Chiara, Stefano;160resonance at the LHC Physical Review D Marzola, Luca;156 New parton distribution functions from a global analysis of quantum chromodynamics Raidal, Martti 2016, 93(9): 095018 Dulat, Sayipjamal;Hou, Tiejiun;Gao, Jun; et al.Physical Review D 2016, 93(3): 033006Mambrini, Yann;146The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter Physics Letters B Arcadi, Giorgio;138 What is the gamma gamma resonance at 750 GeV?Djouadi, Abdelhak 2016, 755: 033006 Franceschini, Roberto;Giudice, Gian F.;Kamenik, Jernej F.; et al.Journal of High Energy Physics 2016, 3: 144Calore, Francesca;137Background model systematics for the Fermi Journal of Cosmology and GeV excessCholis, Ilias;Astroparticle Physics Weniger, Christoph 2015, 3: 038
Physiology 生理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Manchester, Lucien C.;Melatonin: An ancient molecule that makes Coto-Montes, Ana;156oxygen metabolically tolerableJournal of Pineal Research Boga, Jose Antonio;Magnesium in man: Implications for health 2015, 59(4): 403-419 et al.de Baaij, Jeroen H. F.;99and disease Physiological Reviews Hoenderop, Joost G. J.;Bindels, Rene J. M.2015, 95(1): 1-4685 Store-operated calcium channels Prakriya, Murali;Lewis, Richard S.Physiological Reviews 2015, 95(4): 1383-143675Neuronal reward and decision signals: From theories to dataPhysiological Reviews Schultz, Wolfram 2015, 95(3): 853-951 73 The reward positivity: From basic research on reward to a biomarker for depression Proudfit, Greg Hajcak Psychophysiology 2015, 52(4): 449-459 Christakos, Sylvia;Vitamin D: Metabolism, molecular mechanism Dhawan, Puneet;71of action, and pleiotropic effectsPhysiological Reviews Verstuyf, Annemieke;68 The mitochondrial permeability transition pore: Channel formation by F-ATP synthase,integration in signal transduction, and role in pathophysiology 2016, 96(1): 365-408 et al.Bernardi, Paolo;Rasola, Andrea;Forte, Michael; et al.Physiological Reviews 2015, 95(4): 1111-1155Meng, Xiao-Ming;65TGF-beta/Smad signaling in renal fibrosis Frontiers in Physiology Tang, Patrick Ming-Kuen;Li, Jun; et al.2015, 6: 8264 Functions of melatonin in plants: A review Arnao, Marino B.;Hernandez-Ruiz, Josefa JournalofPinealResearch 2015, 59(2): 133-150Ravi, Maddaly;593D cell culture systems: Advantages and Journal of Cellular applicationsParamesh, V.;Physiology Kaviya, S. R.; et al.2015, 230(1): 16-26
Plant Sciences 植物科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物228Natural products as sources of new drugs from Newman, David J.;Journal of Natural Products 1981 to 2014Cragg, Gordon M.2016, 79(3): 629-661An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group 142 Byng, James W.;Botanical Journal of the Chase, Mark W.;classification for the orders and families of Linnean Society floweringplants:APGIVChristenhusz,Maarten J. M.; et al.2016, 181(1): 1-20136 Mycorrhizal ecology and evolution: The past, the present, and the future van der Heijden, Marcel G. A.; Martin, Francis M.; Selosse,Marc-Andre; et al.New Phytologist 2015, 205(4): 1406-1423101A metacalibrated time-tree documents the earlyMagallon, Susana;Gomez-Acevedo,New Phytologist rise of flowering plant phylogenetic diversity Sandra; Sanchez-Reyes,2015, 207(2): 437-45394 A robust CRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient,high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in monocot and dicot plants Luna L.; et al.Ma, Xingliang;Zhang, Qunyu;Zhu, Qinlong; et al.Molecular Plant 2015, 8(8): 1274-1284Chase, Mark W.;84An updated classification of Orchidaceae 80 Targeted mutagenesis, precise gene editing, and site-specific gene insertion in maize using Cas9 and guide RNA Botanical Journal of the Cameron, Kenneth M.;Linnean Society Freudenstein, John V.; et al.2015, 177(2): 151-174Svitashev, Sergei;Young, Joshua K.;Schwartz, Christine;et al.Plant Physiology 2015, 169(2): 931-94580Fungal effectors and plant susceptibility 77 A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae)Lo Presti, Libera;Annual Review of Plant Lanver, Daniel;Biology Schweizer, Gabriel; et al.2015, 66: 513-545 Soreng, Robert J.;Peterson, Paul M.;Romaschenko,Konstantin; et al.Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2015, 53(2): 117-13777Strigolactones, a novel carotenoid-derived plant Annual Review of Plant Al-Babili, Salim;hormone Biology Bouwmeester, Harro J.2015, 66: 161-186
Polymer Science 高分子科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Recent progress in shape memory polymer:Zhao, Qian;134New behavior, enabling materials, and mechanistic understanding Progress in Polymer Science Qi, H. Jerry;Biomedical applications of hydrogels: A Xie,Tao2015, 49-50: 79-120Calo, Enrica;113review of patents and commercial products European Polymer Journal Khutoryanskiy,102 Polymer-matrix nanocomposite membranes for water treatment Vitaliy V.2015, 65(SI): 252-267Yin, Jun;Deng, Baolin Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 479: 256-275 Hager, Martin D.;Shape memory polymers: Past, present and Bode, Stefan;97future developmentsProgress in Polymer Science Weber, Christine;97 Recent advances in membrane distillation processes: Membrane development,configuration design and application exploring Photoinduced metal-free atom transfer radical 2015, 49-50: 3-33 et al.Wang, Peng;Chung, Taishung Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 474: 39-56Pan, Xiangcheng;92polymerization of acrylonitrile Acs Macro Letters Lamson, Melissa;91 Fouling and its control in membrane distillation: A review Yan, Jiajun; et al.2015, 4(2): 192-196Tijing, Leonard D.;Woo, Yun Chul;Choi, June-Seok;et al.Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 475: 215-244Lignocellulosic biomass: A sustainable Isikgor, Furkan H.;89platform for the production of bio-based chemicals and polymersPolymer Chemistry Becer,C.Remzi2015, 6(25): 4497-455987“Click” inspired chemistry in macromolecular science: Matching recent progress and user expectations Espeel, Pieter;Du Prez, Filip E.Macromolecules 2015, 48(1): 2-14Visible light sensitive photoinitiating systems:Xiao, Pu;81Recent progress in cationic and radical photo-polymerization reactions under soft conditions Progress in Polymer Science Zhang, Jing;Dumur, Frederic; et al.2015, 41: 32-66
Primary Health Care 初級(jí)衛(wèi)生保健
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物General practitioners recognizing alcohol Rehm, Juergen;Allamani, Allaman;33dependence: A large cross-sectional study in 6 European countriesAnnals of Family Medicine Della Vedova, Roberto;Geographic and specialty distribution of US 2015, 13(1): 28-32 et al.Rosenblatt, Roger A.;30physicians trained to treat opioid use disorder Annals of Family Medicine Andrilla, C. Holly A.;26 Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: Systematic review and network metaanalysis Catlin,Mary;etal.2015,13(1):23-26Linde, Klaus;Kriston, Levente;Ruecker, Gerta; et al.Annals of Family Medicine 2015, 13(1): 69-7924Obesity statistics Smith, Kristy Breuhl;Primary Care Smith, Michael Seth 2016, 43(1): 12122 More comprehensive care among family physicians is associated with lower costs and fewer hospitalizations Bazemore,Andrew;Petterson, Stephen;Peterson, Lars E.; et al.Annals of Family Medicine 2015, 13(3): 206-213Estimating the residency expansion required Petterson, Stephen M.;21to avoid projected primary care physician shortages by 2035 Annals of Family Medicine Liaw, Winston R.;20 Does mindfulness improve outcomes in patients with chronic pain? Systematic review and meta-analysis Tran,Carol;etal.2015, 13(2): 107-114Bawa, Fathima L. Marikar;Mercer, Stewart W.;Atherton, Rachel J.; et al.British Journal of General Practice 2015, 65(635): E387-E40020BEACH program update Britt, Helena;Australian Family Physician Miller, Graeme 2015, 44(6): 411-41420 A systematic review of parent and clinician views and perceptions that influence prescribing decisions in relation to acute childhood infections in primary care Lucas,PatriciaJ.;Cabral, Christie;Hay, Alastair D.; et al.Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2015, 33(1): 11-20Clinical relevance of fixed ratio vs lower limit van Dijk, Wouter;20of normal of FEV1/FVC in COPD: Patient-reported outcomes from the CanCOLD cohort Annals of Family Medicine Tan, Wan;Li, Pei; et al.2015, 13(1): 41-48
Psychiatry 精神病學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Epidemiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorderGrant, Bridget F.;183results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions III Jama Psychiatry Goldstein, Rise B.;Saha, Tulshi D.; et al.2015, 72(8): 757-766Mortality in mental disorders and globalWalker, Elizabeth 168disease burden implications a systematic review and meta-analysis Jama Psychiatry Reisinger; McGee, Robin 138 Annual research review: A meta-analysis of the worldwide prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents E.; Druss, Benjamin G.2015, 72(4): 334-341Polanczyk, Guilherme V.; Salum, Giovanni A.;Sugaya, Luisa S.; et al.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2015, 56(3): 345-365What is the impact of mental health-relatedClement, S.;130stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies Psychological Medicine Schauman, O.;122 Alzheimer’s disease risk genes and mechanisms of disease pathogenesis Graham, T.; et al.2015, 45(1): 11-27Karch, Celeste M.;Goate, Alison M.Biological Psychiatry 2015, 77(1): 43-51Sub-chronic psychotomimetic phencyclidine induces deficits in reversal learning andAbdul-Monim, Z.;117alterations in parvalbumin-immunoreactive Journal of Psychopharmacology Neill, J. C.;expression in the rat Reynolds, G. P.2016, 30(11): 198-205116 Large-scale network dysfunction in major depressive disorder a meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity Kaiser, Roselinde H.;Andrews-Hanna, Jessica R.; Wager, Tor D.; et al.Jama Psychiatry 2015, 72(6): 603-611 Goodkind, Madeleine;Identification of a common neurobiological Eickhoff, Simon B.;114substrate for mental illnessJama Psychiatry Oathes, Desmond J.;106 Oxytocin enhances processing of positive versus negative emotional information in healthy male volunteers 2015, 72(4): 305-315 et al.Di Simplicio, M.;Massey-Chase, R.;Cowen, P. J.; et al.Journal of Psychopharmacology 2016, 30(11): 241-248The economic burden of adults with majorGreenberg, Paul E.;103depressive disorder in the united states (2005and 2010)Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Fournier, Andree-Anne;Sisitsky, Tammy; et al.2015, 76(2): 155
Psychology 心理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Annualresearchreview:Ameta-analysisofPolanczyk,GuilhermeV.;138the worldwide prevalence of mental disordersJournal of Child Psychology and Salum, Giovanni A.;Sugaya, Luisa S.;in children and adolescentsPsychiatry et al.What is the impact of mental health-related2015, 56(3): 345-365Clement, S.;130stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review Psychological Medicine Schauman, O.;of quantitative and qualitative studies Graham, T.; et al.112 The cognitive neuroscience of working memory2015, 45(1): 11-27 D’Esposito, Mark;Postle, Bradley R.AnnualReviewofPsychology 2015, 66: 115-142The science of mind wandering: Empirically Smallwood, Jonathan;98navigating the stream of consciousnessAnnual Review of Psychology Schooler, Jonathan W.2015, 66: 487-51882 Knowing your own heart: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awareness Garfinkel, Sarah N.;Seth, Anil K.;Barrett, Adam B.;et al.BiologicalPsychology 2015, 104: 65-74Therewardpositivity:FrombasicresearchProudfit,GregHajcak73on reward to a biomarker for depression70 The validity of the multi-informant approach to assessing child and adolescent mental healthPsychophysiology 2015, 52(4): 449-459 De Los Reyes, Andres;Augenstein, Tara M.;Wang, Mo; et al.PsychologicalBulletin 2015, 141(4): 858-900Thenucleusaccumbens:AninterfaceFloresco,StanB.70between cognition, emotion, and actionAnnual Review of Psychology 2015, 66: 25-52 67 Beyond simple models of self-control to circuit-based accounts of adolescent behavior Casey, B. J.AnnualReviewofPsychology 2015, 66: 295-319Motivation and cognitive control: From Botvinick, Matthew;63behavior to neural mechanismAnnual Review of Psychology Braver, Todd2015, 66: 83-113
Psychology, Applied 應(yīng)用心理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Recovery from job stress: The 50stressor-detachment model as an integrativeJournal of Organizational Sonnentag, Sabine;framework Behavior Fritz, Charlotte 2015, 36(SI): S72-S103An inconvenient truth: Arbitrary distinctionsIndustrial and Organizational 44between organizational, mechanical turk, and Landers,RichardN.;Psychology-Perspectives on other convenience samplesBehrend, Tara S.Science and Practice40 Bayesian estimation and inference: A user’s guide 2015, 8(2): 142-164 Zyphur, Michael J.;Oswald, Frederick L.Journal of Management 2015, 41(2): 390-420Trust in automation: Integrating empirical Hoff, Kevin Anthony;39evidence on factors that influence trustHuman Factors Bashir, Masooda 2015, 57(3): 407-43437 Virtual teams research: 10 years, 10 themes,and 10 opportunities Gilson,LucyL.;Maynard, M. Travis;Young, Nicole C. Jones;et al.Journal of Management 2015, 41(5): 1313-1337Creative strategies in social media marketing:Ashley, Christy;35An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagementPsychology & Marketing Tuten,Tracy2015, 32(1): 15-2734 State of science: Mental workload in ergonomics Young, Mark S.;Brookhuis, Karel A.;Wickens, Christopher D.;et al.Ergonomics 2015, 58(1): 1-17Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physicalHaerens, Leen;33education students’ motivational experiencesPsychology of Sport and Aelterman, Nathalie;through unique pathways? Distinguishing Exercise Vansteenkiste, Maarten;between the bright and dark side of motivation et al.2015, 16: 26-3632 Correlational effect size benchmarks Bosco, Frank A.;Aguinis, Herman;Singh, Kulraj; et al.Journal of Applied Psychology 2015, 100(2): 431-449How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-Anseel, Frederik;30analytic review of the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior Journal of Management Beatty, Adam S.;Shen, Winny; et al.2015, 41(1): 318-348
Psychology, Biological 生物心理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Knowing your own heart: Distinguishing Garfinkel, Sarah N.;82interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive Biological Psychology Seth, Anil K.;awareness Barrett, Adam B.; et al.2015, 104: 65-74Therewardpositivity:FrombasicresearchProudfit,GregHajcak73on reward to a biomarker for depression58 The NIMH research domain criteria initiative:Background, issues, and pragmaticsPsychophysiology 2015, 52(4): 449-459 Kozak, Michael J.;Cuthbert, Bruce N.Psychophysiology 2016, 53(3): 286-297Cognition does not affect perception:Firestone, Chaz;50Evaluating the evidence for “top-down”effectsBehavioral and Brain Sciences Scholl,BrianJ.2016,39:e22935 Gastrointestinal microbiota in children with autism in SlovakiaTomova, Aleksandra;Husarova, Veronika;Lakatosova, Silvia;et al.Physiology&Behavior 2015, 138: 179-18733Heart rate variability as a transdiagnosticInternational Journal of Beauchaine, Theodore P.;biomarker of psychopathology Psychophysiology Thayer, Julian F.29 The cultural evolution of prosocial religions2015, 98(2): 338-350 Norenzayan, Ara;Shariff, Azim F.;Gervais, Will M.; et al.BehavioralandBrainSciences 2016, 39: e1Adolescent alcohol exposure: Are there 28separable vulnerable periods withinPhysiology & Behavior Spear, Linda Patia adolescence?27 It’s not too late: The onset of the fronto-central P3 indexes successful response inhibition in the stop-signal paradigm2015, 148(SI): 122-130Wessel, Jan R.;Aron, Adam R.Psychophysiology 2015, 52(4): 472-480Opportunity costs of reward delays and the Johnson, Patrick S.;27discounting of hypothetical money andJournal of the Experimental Herrmann, Evan S.;Analysis of Behavior cigarettesJohnson, Matthew W.2015, 103(1): 87-107
Psychology, Clinical 臨床心理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物What is the impact of mental health-related Clement, S.;130stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review Psychological Medicine Schauman, O.;of quantitative and qualitative studies Graham, T.; et al.2015,45(1):11-27The economic burden of adults with major Greenberg, Paul E.;103depressive disorder in the united states Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Fournier, Andree-Anne;(2005 and 2010)Sisitsky, Tammy; et al.89 How do mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction improve mental health and wellbeing? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies2015, 76: 155Gu, Jenny;Strauss, Clara;Bond, Rod; et al.ClinicalPsychologyReview 2015, 37: 1-12The epidemiology and global burden of Baxter, A. J.;Brugha, T. S.;54autism spectrum disordersPsychological Medicine Erskine, H. E.; et al.53 A systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions in schizophrenia patients2015, 45(3): 601-613Firth, J.; Cotter, J.;Elliott, R.; et al.PsychologicalMedicine 2015, 45(7): 1343-1361Updated meta-analysis of classical fear Duits, Puck;Cath, Danielle C.;52conditioning in the anxiety disordersDepression and Anxiety Lissek, Shmuel; et al.49 Brief alcohol interventions for adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis2015, 32(4): 239-253Tanner-Smith, Emily E.;Lipsey, Mark W.JournalofSubstanceAbuse Treatment 2015, 51: 1-18The body appreciation scale-2: Item Tylka, Tracy L.;Wood-Barcalow,47refinement and psychometric evaluationBody Image Nichole L.46 A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of ketamine in the rapid treatment of major depressive episodes2015, 12: 53-67McGirr, A.;Berlim, M. T.;Bond, D. J.; et al.PsychologicalMedicine 2015, 45(4): 693-704The posttraumatic stress disorder checklist Blevins, Christy A.;45for DSM-5 (PCL-5): Development and initial Journal of Traumatic Stress Weathers, Frank W.;psychometric evaluation Davis, Margaret T.; et al.2015, 28(6): 489-498