



      Gun Control Stagnates in the U.S.

      2017-10-21 08:09
      財經(jīng) 2017年24期

      Gun control in the United States has long been criticized. The shooting in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, which killed 59 people and injured 489, exposed various loopholes in the U.S. gun control system. Over the past few decades, mass shootings have become increasingly frequent, but the U.S. gun control system has not improved, and even slipped back in some respects.

      Why did the gun control policy, which worked well in other developed countries, fail to make any progress in the United States? Why did reform on gun control stall and become one of the main battlefieldsin the culture wars? 揟he Second Amendment protects gun rights?is just the superficial reason. To truly understand the obstacles preventing gun control in the United States, one must get to know the evolution of the more socio-political background.endprint

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