1. Main value
To achieve the ultimate perfection of environmental values, we should first establish and foster a good sense of responsibility. People are more likely to realize their own subjective problems than those around them. Therefore, we must find ways to guide human beings to establish responsible environmental awareness, balanced values and environmental protection ability, and cultivate a sense of belonging to nature—this is the most important thing we face. In order to solve this problem, four actions are presented to help solve this problem.
How to let students know the importance of environmental protection?
People can conduct some practical activities, have some visitations to various places and carry out in-depth cultivation of values through learning knowledge or achieving their emotional awareness aroused during the process. In the process of planning the practice activities to the detail that everyone will do it and everyone will take charge of one item. Therefore, environmental awareness can materialize, the sense of responsibility can be fostered in the process of accumulating more knowledge. To cultivate the sense of ownership in our environment concerns in face of its serious deterioration. By showing the numerous pollution problems caused by human activities in past decades, people can become more aware of the destruction caused by our activities. For example, leading the students to visit polluted places caused by human activities, or viewing related documentaries and speeches so as to enhance their sense of guilt or role in contributing to environmental damage.
About the educational method
To implement guided education (club activity or conference between schools) Through educational guidance and knowledge, students can be made acutely aware of the dramatic increase in environmental pollution instead of a blind acceptance of what teachers told. Students can communicate with other students, critically consider the thoughts of others, and based on the analysis of other points of view, students can compare the similarities and differences in their views, even put forward a brand-new and well-developed observations and actions in terms of environmental protection. At the same time, it is beneficial to cultivate students sense of responsibility of environmental protection and strengthen the implementation, since they are the results of the groups discussion and solutions of the students personal experiences.endprint
Finding the balance between environmental protection and other values
People should cultivate their sense of belonging to the earth and have the ability to balance economic and social values with environmental protection. By helping people gradually realize that we are part of nature and humans should protect the environment by complying with the rules of the natural environment, people can help others know that we should come to realize there is equality between human beings and other type of animals on the earth and get rid of the condescending attitude that people are superior. Thinking with consideration and a sense of responsibility for nature protection can be effectively built into human values. Thus, people will conduct the environmental-friendly behavior at a much deeper and fundamental level. Perhaps, more people will put themselves in the positions of other species and ponder over the damage caused by those unrestricted human activities
Summarizing the methods to build the consciousness of environmental protection
Active consciousness will lead the way to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles. As middle school students who are on the front line of environmental protection, it is our responsibility to disseminate this positive energy to our parents and classmates and promote the spreading of this correct behavior. For example, the people with high awareness of environmental protection may set good examples for others, making other people come to pay more attention to the current affairs related to the environmental issues and develop positive behaviors in terms of environmental issues. Or it can encourage the government or capable enterprises to design non-profit advertisements to enhance public understanding of the lifestyle choices and actions which will benefit environment.
2. Reduce-do minus
In order to protect the environment, people should carry out the ‘3R principle. They are reducing, reusing, recycling and replacing. And it is obvious that ‘reduce is the most significant because reducing is the basic of all three ‘re- methods. Reducing helps preserve resources, while others are ‘remedies, Manipulating items is easy, but it is much difficult to cope with them after using and in accordance with the law of conservation of energy, recycling rubbish does not capture all of the energy that went into production of the goods, thereby energy is wasted. Further, it is impossible to recycle all material. Thus, if we take action from reducing, we can relieve the pressure of earth and ourselves most efficiently. For example, compared with using cleaner to purify the gas, extracting coals, which means producing coals to enable them to emit less toxic gas from source, is much more efficient.endprint
Study shows that if every Chinese family turn off all unnecessary appliances during a night, the electricity they conserved would power the needs of all families of the northeast part of China.
So for the sake of reaching our goal, initially, we ought to improve peoples awareness of reducing. Then, foster their habit to become routine. Moreover, we also need to develop the social effect to allow residents to interact and communicate better with each other.
What can we do to protect the environment by reducing our waste of materials and energy? From the perspective of education, we focus on cultivating peoples value and awareness of reducing.
How to reduce in our daily life? A lot of things that we can do. I would like to put forward some methods like:1. turn off lights when you live room 2. decrease the use of water when you are taking shower 3. use handkerchief instead of napkins 4. take buses or metro more and drive less. To let every citizen takes action, implement the responsibility of residents is important to be acted. Teachers instruction in school is of importance because students values are cultivated in school and teacher will help them.
Secondly, the government and celebrities ought to play a part in establish a positive social environment of reducing.
For example, in some developed countries, people have their conscious of conserving, thereby effecting others and children and it will lead to a positive cycle.
Thirdly, governments should provide satisficing facilities like decreasing the price of public transport. Last but not least, we cannot ignore the function of laws because it will punish people who overuse resources.
However, when we are trying to change peoples minds, conflicts generate. It is very difficult to let everyone use handkerchief instead of napkins because napkins are very convenient. The main reason why it is difficult is that sometimes the reducing will influence peoples need so they cannot choose to conserve. On the contrary, some citizens think closing factories will cope with haze. Thus, balancing is significant and everyone need to have their best balance point. That maybe involve many aspects and subjects but improving peoples awareness and responsibility of environment is the basic.
Another key is improving product efficiency, which means using less energy or resources to produce more. Raising awareness regarding the importance of increased efficiency is important as is increasing the actual use of such products.endprint
To conclude, the most effective method of protecting environment is reducing and instructing do make sense and it is also our duty to educate public to know how to conserve. What is more, educating is so significant that we need to take action immediately.
From small to big
Many people realize the necessity to protect the environment but they do not know how to take effective measures to protect the environment. They may just have very superficial ideas about how to protect the environment, but they could not think much deeper about the environmental problem. The reason for this phenomenon is the lack of the ability to think deeper or to have the knowledge to do so.
From this essay, we find that people should think globally and act locally, which means people have to pay attention to circumstance of surroundings that have problems in our lives instead of just talk big. Our steps taken locally can add to making a real difference on a global scale. Further, we can see the changes our local action made.
(1) People need to cultivate a habit of paying attention to their natural surroundings.
School and societies should organize projects and teach students to observe the surroundings at schools at regular intervals. Students can do some investigations and make statistics by themselves. Human beings are the paragons above all the organisms and is evolved from nature slowly. Thus, people are members of the nature. Only by realizing this can people act locally.
(2) Another method to deal with the problem that people are short of the ability to focus on details is deeper thinking, which can be inspired by proper teacher and guidance. If people think deeply, they can discover many details in our daily life so as to find the origin of the environment problem. In view of todays education system where all the knowledge students gain is given by teachers, this method is good for students developing their thoughts so that they can protect the environment initiatively in the future.
(3) In addition, organizing activities in the school is a good solution as well. At school, students can participate in activities like giving a lecture, sharing information, holding debate competitions and many other activities among various schools. Only by taking part in these activities, can students build up a thorough recognition system and their awareness of preventing environmental problems be aroused. This method can raise the publics awareness of focusing on this problem.
[1](from a public advertisement made by CCTV).
[2]some method in education may draw lessons from the TED speech about green house in Bali.endprint